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Events & Research Seminars

At Nova SBE we believe in knowledge dissemination. We invite researchers to present their work and latest results in four key areas Economics, Finance, Management and Africa & Development. Our seminars are public, if you wish to attend and receive information on our next seminars please register below. To view a list of this semester and past speakers, please check our archive page.

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Seminar speakers

To view a list of this semester and past speakers, please check our archive page.

Research seminar with André F. Silva - <p>André F. Silva (Cass Business School) will present his paper, <em>Strategic Liquidity Mismatch and Financial Sector Stability</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Antonino Emanuele Rizzo - <p>Antonino Emanuele Rizzo (Tilburg University) will present his paper, <em>Afraid to Take a Chance? The Threat of Lawsuits and its Impact on Shareholder Wealth</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Lorenzo Bretscher - <p>Lorenzo Bretscher (London School of Economics) will present his paper, <em>From Local to Global: Offshoring and Asset Prices</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro - <p>Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro (London School of Economics)&nbsp;will present her paper on&nbsp;Beyond Reciprocity: A Conservation of Resources View on the Effects of Psychological Contract Violation on...</p>
Research seminar with Alexander Ziegenbein - <p>Alexander Ziegenbein (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>Can Tax Cuts Restore Economic Growth in Bad Times?</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Markus Ibert - <p>Markus Ibert (Stockholm School of Economics) will present his paper, <em>What Do Mutual Fund Managers&#39; Private Portfolios Tell Us About Their Skills?</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Fabian Schuetze - <p>Fabian Schuetze (European University Institute) will present his paper, <em>Disagreement, Changing Beliefs, and Stock Market Volatility</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Julio Galvez - <p>Julio Galvez (CEMFI) will present his paper, <em>What Do Mutual Fund Managers&#39; Private Portfolios Tell Us About Their Skills?Household portfolio choices and nonlinear income risk</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Roberto Pinto - <p>Roberto Pinto (Vienna University of Economics and Business) will present his paper, <em>Levered Employees</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Christian Fons-Rosen - <p>Christian Fons-Rosen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Dmitry Khametshin - <p>Dmitry Khametshin (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>Central Bank Liquidity Provision and Segmentation of Collateral Markets</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Argyro Panaretou - <p>Argyro Panaretou (Lancaster University) will present his paper, <em>Are debt valuation adjustments reflecting changes in credit spreads?</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with François Cocquemas - <p>François Cocquemas (Vanderbilt University) will present his paper, <em>The Term Structure of Securities Lending Fees</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Luis Diez-Catalan - <p>Luis Diez-Catalan (University of Minnesota) will present his paper, <em>The Labor Share in the Service Economy</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jesus Bueren - <p>Jesus Bueren (CEMFI) will present his paper, <em>Long-Term Care Needs: Implication for Savings, Welfare and Public Policy</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Donghai Zhang - <p>Donghai Zhang (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>Term Structure, Forecast Revision and the Information Channel of Monetary Policy</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Abhijeet Singh - <p>Abhijeet Singh (Stockholm School of Economics) will present his study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/disrupting-education-experimental-evidence-on-technology-aided-instruction-in-india_2018.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-152806-903"><em>Disrupting Education? Experimental Evidence on Technology-Aided Instruction in India</em></a>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Shanker Satyanath - <p>Shanker Satyanath (New York University) will present his study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/cronyism-in-state-violence_2018.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-154348-687"><em>Cronyism in State Violence: Evidence from Labor Repression During Argentina&rsquo;s Last Dictatorship</em></a>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Kent D. Miller - <p>Kent D. Miller (Michigan State University) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Strategic Issue Diagnosis by Top Management Teams: A Multiple-Agent Model</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jeremy Kees - <p>Jeremy Kees (Villanova School of Business) will present his paper on&nbsp;An Analysis of Data Quality of Internet Subject Pools: Professional Panels, Student Subject Pools, and Amazon&rsquo;s...</p>
Research seminar with Alfredo de Massis - <p>Alfredo de Massis (Free University Bozen-Bolzano and Lancaster University) will present his paper on&nbsp;Managing Innovation in family firms: What&rsquo;s different?</p>
Research Seminar with Marie-Pierre Dargnies - <p>Marie-Pierre Dargnies (University Paris Dauphine) will present her study&nbsp;<em>Self-confidence and unraveling in matching markets</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Denis Gromb - <p>Denis Gromb (HEC Paris) will present his paper, <em>Financial Restructuring and Resolution of Banks</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Ester Faia - <p>Ester Faia (Goethe University Frankfurt) will present her paper, <em>Ambiguous Leverage Cycles</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Ralph Luetticke - <p>Ralph Luetticke (University College London) will present his paper, <em>Transmission of Monetary Policy with Heterogeneity in Household Portfolios</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Pietro Versari - <p>Pietro Versari (Católica Lisbon School of Business &amp; Economics) will present his paper on Structural Adaptation and Multilevel Hybridization Processes. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Pietro Versari - <p>Professor Pietro Versari, from Católica Lisbon School of Business &amp; Economics,&nbsp;will present the paper <em>Structural Adaptation and Multilevel Hybridization Processes</em>. Participe.</p>
Research seminar with Natalia Fabra - <p>Natalia Fabra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) will present her paper, <em>Product Choice and Price Discrimination in Markets with Search Frictions</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jeroen de Jong - <p>Jeroen de Jong (Utrecht University School of Economics) will present his paper.</p>
Research seminar with Bige Kahraman - <p>Bige Kahraman (Saïd Business School) will present his paper, <em>Show Us Your Shorts!</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jules Van Binsbergen - <p>Jules Van Binsbergen (The Wharton School) will present his paper, <em>Regulation of Charlatans in High-Skill Professions</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Maria José Sanchéz-Bueno - <p>Maria José Sanchéz-Bueno (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) will present her paper on&nbsp;Do Environmental Strategies Really Pay Off? Empirical Evidence from European Family Firms.</p>
Research seminar with Matteo Bobba - <p>Matteo Bobba (Tolouse School of Economics) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Learning About Oneself: The Effects of Performance Feedback on School Choice</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Chiara Fumagalli - <p>Chiara Fumagalli (Bocconi University) will present her paper, <em>Insurance Between Firms: The Role of Internal Labor Markets</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Antoinette Schoar - <p>Antoinette Schoar (MIT Sloan School of Management) will present her paper, <em>Trading and Arbitrage in Crypto-Currency Markets</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Linda Nøstbakken - <p>Linda Nøstbakken (Norwegian School of Economics) will present her paper, <em>How much does anticipation matter? Evidence from anticipated regulation and land prices</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Carlos Sousa - <p>Carlos Sousa (Durham University Business School)&nbsp;will present his paper on The Bright and Dark Sides of Domestic and International Collaborations: The Effect of Exploitative and Explorative...</p>
Lore Vandewalle (Graduate Institute Geneva) - <p>Lore Vandewalle (Graduate Institute Geneva) will present her study&nbsp;<em>Access to Formal Banking and Household Finances: Experimental Evidence from India</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Shimon Kogan - <p>Shimon Kogan (Arison School of Business) will present his paper, <em>Fake News in Financial Markets</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Davide Debortoli - <p>Davide Debortoli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents: Insights from TANK models</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Giorgia Romagnoli - <p>Giorgia Romagnoli (University of Amsterdam) will present her study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/Romagnoli_Seminars_NOVAFRICA_Price_information-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-162157-430"><em>Price Information, Inter-village Networks and &lsquo;Bargaining Spillovers&rsquo;: Experimental evidence from Ghana</em></a>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Anne-Laure - <p>Anne-Laure will present her study. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Randall Ellis - <p>Randall Ellis (Boston University) will present his paper, <em>Provider agency, health care innovation, pricing, and regulations</em>. Join in.</p>
European Forum on Leadership: Paradox & Plurality - <p><strong>The Leadership Chair of Funda</strong><strong>ção Am</strong><strong>élia de Mello and Nova School of Business &amp; Economics</strong>&nbsp;would like to invite you to attend this exclusive and ground-breaking event with the participation of...</p>
Research seminar with Gustavo Manso - <p>Gustavo Manso (Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley) will present his paper, <em>Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Innovation</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Luís Cabral - <p>Luís Cabral (NYU Stern School of Business) will present his paper, <em>Price Matching Guarantees and Collusion: Theory and Evidence from Germany</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Eduardo Schwartz - <p>Eduardo Schwartz (UCLA) will present his paper, <em>The Carbon Abatement Game</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Gianmarco León - <p>Gianmarco León (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/Leon_et_al_Seminars_NOVAFRICA_Accountability.compressed.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-162931-660"><em>Accountability, Political Capture and Selection into Politics</em></a>. Join in.</p>
2018 Lisbon Accounting Conference CATÓLICA | NOVA - <p>A presente conferência reúne investigadores de renome num ambiente informal no qual serão discutidos inúmeros trabalhos científicos&nbsp;de grande qualidade na área de finanças.</p>
Research Seminar with Frederico Finan - <p>Frederico Finan (University of California, Berkeley) will present his study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/Finan_et_al_Research_Seminar_2018_Money-and-Politics-The-effects.compressed.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-163208-367"><em>Money and Politics: The Effects of Campaign Spending Limits on Political Entry and Competition</em></a>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Diana Orghian - <p>Diana Orghian (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) will present her paper on&nbsp;How your power affects my impression of you.</p>
Research seminar with Ervin Black - <p>Ervin Black (University of Oklahoma) will present his paper, <em>Non-GAAP accounting research</em>. Join in.</p>
Reserach Seminar with Frederic Docquier - <p>Frederic Docquier (Université Catholique de Louvain) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Climate change, Inequality and Migration</em>. join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Michel Beine - <p>Michel Beine (University of Luxemburg) will present his study<em>&nbsp;Migration Desires and the Role of Integration Policies</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Stephen J. Mezias - <p>Stephen J. Mezias (INSEAD) will present his paper&nbsp; In the Beginning: Proto-Networks, Audiences, and Producers During New Industry Emergence. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Julia Seither - <p>Julia Seither (Nova School of Business and Economics) will present her study&nbsp;Keeping Up with the <em>Joneses: Relative Performance Feedback and Business Performance</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Tobias Hahn (ESADE) - <p>Tobias Hahn (ESADE) will present his paper on The Folding of Organizational Paradoxes. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Kurt Mitman - <p>Kurt Mitman from Stockolm University will present his paper,&nbsp;<em>The Fiscal Multiplier</em>. Join us.</p>
Research Seminar with Richard Akresh - <p>Richard Akresh (University of Illinois at Urbana) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Sandra Maximiano - <p>Sandra Maximiano (ISEG) will present her paper,&nbsp;<em>The effects of responsibility and Intentional trust on Performance: An experimental study</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Andrea Calabrò - <p>Andrea Calabrò (IPAG Business School) will present his paper on&nbsp;<a href="https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/smj.2760">The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms</a>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Eoin McGuirk - <p>Eoin McGuirk (Tuffts University) will present his study&nbsp;<em>No Kin In The Game: Moral Hazard and War in the U.S. Congress</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Michelle Sovinsky - <p>Michelle Sovinsky (University of Mannheim), will present her paper&nbsp;<em>Internet (Power) to the People: The Impact of Demand-side Subsidies in Colombia. </em>Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Hanno Roberts - <p>Hanno Roberts (BI Norwegian Business School) will present his paper on <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ov179hSrdh1Ftqrg21Y8ZxgXeYlRW0jF">Interventionist research - doing it, writing it, liking it. </a>Join in.</p>
Banco Invest Masterclass - Mission Impossible? The Creation of New Entrepreneurial Hubs - <p>Governments are increasingly seeking to promote entrepreneurial and innovative activity. There are certainly strong reasons for a public sector role here. However, the effectiveness of these efforts...</p>
Research seminar with Jane Lê - <p>Jane Lê (WHU &ndash; Otto Beisheim School of Management) will present her paper on The Origins of &lsquo;Organizational&rsquo; Wrongdoing: Complicity-in-Practice.&nbsp;</p>
Research seminar with Jacob Mcdonald - <p>Jacob Mcdonald (Nova SBE) will present his paper, <em>The money doesn&rsquo;t fall far from the trees: Valuing public urban trees and their ecological spillover benefits</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Erwin Bulte - <p>Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Toward an Understanding of the Welfare Effects of Nudges: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jan Kraemer - <p>Jan Kraemer (University of Passau) will present his paper,&nbsp;<em>Search Neutrality and Content Quality: The Impact of App Stores&rsquo; Ranking Policies on App Quality</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with António Cruz - <p>António Cruz (UNU-WIDER) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Industries without smokestacks: Mozambique case study</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Clemens Otto - <p>Clemens Otto (Singapore Management University) will present his paper, <em>The Downstream Impact of Upstream Tariffs: Evidence from Investment Decisions in Supply Chains</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Adam Sanjurjo - <p>Adam Sanjurjo (Universidad de Alicante) will present his paper, <em>A Bridge from Monty Hall to the Hot Hand: Restricted Choice, Selection Bias, and Empirical Practice</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Elena Plaksenkova - <p>Elena Plaksenkova (HEC) will present her paper on Competition in markets with complements: How within-component firm heterogeneity shapes ecosystem strategies.&nbsp;</p>
Research seminar with Andrea Contigiani - <p>Andrea Contigiani (Wharton School) will present his paper on Experimentation, learning and appropriability in early-stage ventures. Join in</p>
Research Seminar with Ragnar Torvik - <p>Ragnar Torvik (NTNU) will present his study&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Research/documents/RSNOVAFRICA_Ragnar%20Torvik_State_Centralization_compressed.pdf?ver=2019-04-12-140043-520"><em>A political economy theory of state centralization</em></a>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Stefan Zeume - <p>Stefan Zeume (University of Michigan&rsquo;s Ross School of Business) will present his paper, <em>Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Ana Rute Cardoso - <p>Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE-CSIC) will present her paper, <em>Can economic pressure overcome social norms? The case of female labor force participation</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Francesco Di Lorenzo - <p>Francesco Di Lorenzo (Copenhagen Business School) will present his paper on The Role of Corporative Venture Capital Investments in Patent Sales of High-Tech Ventures. Join in.</p>
ICBS 2018 - The 7th International Conference on Business Servitization | 22-23 Nov 2018 - <p>We are pleased to invite you for the&nbsp;<strong>7<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;International Conference on Business Servitization&nbsp;</strong>(<strong>ICBS 2018</strong>), under the theme &ldquo;Make, buy or partner: Paradoxes in product service...</p>
Research seminar with José-Luis Peydró Alcalde - <p>José-Luis Peydró Alcalde (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will present his paper, <em>From Finance to Fascism:The Real Effects of Germany&rsquo;s 1931 Banking Crisis</em>. Join in.</p>
Nova SBE-BPI Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance & Innovation - <p>The Nova SBE-BPI Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance &amp; Innovation will take place on November 26, at Nova SBE (Ming C. Hsu Executive Hall, Floor 0, Amphitheatre E002).</p> <p>The keynote speaker will...</p>
Research Seminar with Alexandra Scacco - <p>Alexandra Scacco (WZB Berlin Social Science Center) will present her study&nbsp;<em>The Myth of the Misinformed Irregular Migrant? Insights from Nigeria</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Annet de Lange - <p>Annet de Lange (HAN University of Applied Sciences) will present her paper on Successful aging at work in healthcare? Examining the influence of individual difference variables and person-environment...</p>
Research seminar with Hugo Reis - <p>Hugo Reis (Banco de Portugal) will present his paper, <em>The Returns to Schooling Unveiled</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Rui Silva - <p>Rui Silva (London Business School) will present his paper, <em>Teams and Bankruptcy</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Pedro M. Gardete - <p>Pedro M. Gardete (Stanford Graduate School of Business) will present his paper on Guiding Consumers through Lemons and Peaches: A Dynamic Model of Search over Multiple Characteristics. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Joana Silva - <p>Joana Silva (World Bank) will present her paper, <em>The Effects of Welfare Programs on Formal Labor Markets: Evidence from Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Paulo Bastos - <p>Paulo Bastos (World Bank) will present his paper, <em>Robots, Tasks, and Trade</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Peter Brok - <p>Peter Brok (Tilburg University) will present his paper, <em>As Uncertain as Taxes</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Andreas Uthemann - <p>Andreas Uthemann (London School of Economics) will present his paper, <em>High-order Uncertainty in Financial Markets: Evidence From a Consensus Pricing Service</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Petra Andrlikova - <p>Petra Andrlikova (University of Sidney) will present her paper, <em>Heterogeneous Cash- flow Risk, Preference Shocks and Asymmetric Return Dependence</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Rasmus Lönn - <p>Rasmus Lönn (Maastricht University) will present his paper, <em>High-dimensional Portfolios: Common Risk and Sparse Hedging</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Simon Franklin - <p>Simon Franklin (London School of Economics) will present his study, <em>The demand for government housing: Evidence from lotteries for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Rex Wang Renjie - <p>Rex Wang Renjie (Erasmus School of Economics) will present his paper, <em>Noise from Other Industries: Overgeneralization and Analyst Beliefs</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Alex Armand - <p>Alex Armand (University of Navarra) will present his paper, <em>The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Gharad Bryan - <p>Gharad Bryan (LSE) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Land Trade and Development: A Market Design Approach</em>. Join in</p>
Research Seminar with Emma Riley - <p>Emma Riley (University of Oxford) will present her study&nbsp;<em>Hiding loans using mobile money: Experimental evidence on microenterprise investment in Uganda</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Mariassunta Giannetti - <p>Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics) will present her paper, <em>Public Attention to Gender Equality and the Demand for Female Directors</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Laura Schechter - <p>Laura Schechter (University of Wisconsin) will present her study&nbsp;<em>Spillovers without Social Interactions in Urban Sanitation</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Allaudeen Hameed - <p>Allaudeen Hameed (National University of Singapore, NUS) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jennifer Argo - <p>Jennifer Argo (Alberta School of Business)&nbsp;will present her paper on Standards of Beauty: The Impact of Mannequins in the Retail Context.</p>
Research Seminar with Isabel Ruiz - <p>Isabel Ruiz (University of Oxford) will present her study&nbsp;<em>The Consequences of Refugee Repatriation for Stayees: Implications for Sustainable Development</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Robert D. Cairns - <p>Robert D. Cairns (McGill University)&nbsp;will present his paper, <em>Valuing Joint Environmental Amenities with an Irreversible Investment</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Sam Asher - <p>Sam Asher (World Bank) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Long Run Intergenerational Mobility in India: New Estimates from Administrative Data</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Ana Garcia-Hernandez - <p>Ana Garcia-Hernandez (Nova SBE) will present her study&nbsp;<em>Wheels of Change: Impact of Bicycles on Female Education and Empowerment in Zambia</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Paolo Pasquariello - <p>Paolo Pasquariello (Ross School of Business, University of Michigan) will present his paper, <em>Speculation with Information Disclosure</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Stefano Puntoni - <p>Stefano Puntoni (Rotterdam School of Management)&nbsp;<br /> will present his paper on The Age of Smart Machines. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Michael Weber - <p>Michael Weber (Chicago Booth) will present his paper, <em>The Information Content of Dividends: Safer Profits, Not Higher Profits</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Ettore Panetti - <p>Ettore Panetti (Banco de Portugal) will present his paper, <em>Banks&rsquo; Liquidity Management and Financial Fragility</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Josh Blumenstock - <p>Josh Blumenstock (U.C. Berkeley School of Information) will present his study&nbsp;<em>Migration and the Value of Social Networks</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Lucian Taylor - <p>Lucian Taylor (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) will present his paper, <em>Dissecting Bankruptcy Frictions</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Maciej Workiewicz - <p>Maciej Workiewicz (ESSEC Business School)&nbsp;will present his paper on&nbsp;A Model of Project Selection and Resource Allocation in Bossless Organizations. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Morellec Erwan - <p>Morellec Erwan (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL) will present his paper <em>Debt, Innovation, and Growth</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Tommy Gabrielsen - <p>Tommy Gabrielsen will present his paper, <em>When Should Retailers Accept Slotting Allowances?</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Kai Li - <p>Kai Li (UBC Sauder School of Business) will present her paper <em>Rent extraction by super-priority lender</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Sebastian Raisch - <p style="background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(74, 74, 74); font-family: opensans--regular; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 22px; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 0px; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;">Sebastian Raisch (Geneva School of Economics and Management) will present his paper on&nbsp;The Augmentation Paradox: Artificial Intelligence and Management. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Francesco Franzoni - <p>Francesco Franzoni (USI Lugano) will present his paper <em>Strategic Trading as a Response to Short Sellers</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Amit Goyal - <p>Amit Goyal (HEC Lausanne) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Pontus Rendahl - <p>Pontus Rendahl (University of Cambridge) will present his study <em>Income Risk, Asset Prices, and Labor Market Cyclicality</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Jan Bena - <p>Jan Bena&nbsp;(UBC Sauder School of Business) will present his paper <em>The International Transmission of Negative Shocks Through Multinational Companies: The Real Economy Channel</em>. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Nuno Palma - <p>Nuno Palma (The University of Manchester) will present his paper <em>Trading health for jobs: biological consequences of rural-to-urban migration</em>. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Fernanda Brollo - <p>Fernanda Brollo (University of Warwick) will present her study. Join in</p>
Research seminar with Dong Lou - <p>Dong Lou (London School of Economics) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Tommy Gabrielsen - <p>Professor Tommy Gabrielsen (University of Bergen)&nbsp;will present his paper <i>When Should Retailers Accept Slotting Allowances? </i>Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Ron Kaniel - <p>Ron Kaniel (Simon School of Business, University of Rochester) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Bea Gonzalez Lopez - <p>Bea Gonzalez Lopez (Universidad Carlos III) will present her paper. Join in.</p>
Research Seminar with Vittorio Bassi - <p>Vittorio Bassi (University of Southern California) will present his study. Join in.</p>
Research seminar with Professor Paulo Santos - <p>Professor Paulo Santos (Monash University) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Finance seminar with Andrada Bilan - <p>Andrada Bilan from University of Zurich will present his paper. Join us.</p>
Management seminar with Bart Bronnenber - <p>Bart Bronnenber, from Tilburg School of Economics and Management, will present hispaper. Join us.</p>
Seminar with Mathias Thoenig - <p>Mathias Thoenig, from&nbsp;University of Lausanne, will present his paper&nbsp;The Refugee&rsquo;s Dilemma - Jewish Outmigration from Nazi Germany.&nbsp;In this paper are estimated the push and pull...</p>
Finance Seminar with Nathan Foley-Fisher - <p>Nathan Foley-Fisher, from the Federal Reserve Board fo Governors, will present his paper &quot;Who Limits Arbitrage?&quot; Joi</p>
Seminar with Christa Brunnschweiler - <p style="margin-bottom:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-align: justify">Christa Brunnschweiler, from&nbsp;University of East Anglia, will present her paper&nbsp;&ldquo;Follow the leader: Using videos to make information on resource revenue management more relevant&rdquo;....</p>
Research Seminar with Su Wang - <p>&nbsp;Su Wang will present her paper. Please join us.</p>
Finance Seminar with Huseyin Gulen - <p>Huseyin Gulen, from University Krannert School of Management, will present his paper. Join us.</p>
Finance seminar with Tobias Berg - <p>Tobias Berg, from Frankfurt School of Finance &amp; Management, will present his paper <em>Handling Spillover Effects in Empirical Research: An Application using Credit Supply Shocks</em>. Join us.</p>
Research seminar with Aureo de Paula - <p>Aureo de Paula (UCL) will present his paper. Join in.</p>
Seminar with Antonella Bancalari - <div style="clear:both;">Professor Antonella Bancalari, from the London School of Economics &amp; Institute For Fiscal Studies, will present the paper <em>Unintended Consequences of Infrastructure Development: Sewerage Diffusion...</em></div>
Seminar with Marcel Zeelenberg - <p>Marcel Zeelenberg, from Tilburg University (Netherlands), will share some results of his recent paper. join us</p>
Seminar with Leopoldo Fergusson - <p>Leopoldo Fergusson, from&nbsp;Universidad de los Andes, will present his paper. Join us.</p>
Seminar with Maleke Fourati - <p>This seminar will be attended by Maleke Fourati, from the Geneva&nbsp;University, to present the article &ldquo;Are Muslim immigrants really different? Experimental Evidence from Lebanon and...</p>
Seminar with Stefano Rossi - <p>Stefano Rossi, from&nbsp;Bocconi University, will present his paper. Join us.</p>
Research Seminar with Judit Vall Castelló - <p>Judit Vall Castelló, from School of Economics of the Universitat&nbsp;de Barcelona, and a&nbsp;PhD in Social Protection Policy (2010, Maastricht University) &nbsp;will present her paper. Join us</p>
Research Seminar with Peter Schwardmann - <p>Peter Schwardmann, from LMU Munich, will present &nbsp;&ldquo;Self-Persuasion: Evidence from Field Experiments at Two International Debating Competitions&rdquo;.</p>
Seminar with Tijan L. Bah - <p>This seminar will be attended by Tijan L. Bah, from Nova SBE, who will present the article: &ldquo;Why do People Migrate Irregularly? Evidence from a Lab in the Field Experiment in West Africa....</p>
Seminar with Ana Garcia-Hernandez - <p>Ana Garcia-Hernandez&nbsp; will present &ldquo;Political Voice and Pro-sociality: evidence from a lab-in-the-field&nbsp; experiment in Uganda&rdquo;.</p>
Seminar with Daniel Fernandes - <p>Daniel Fernandes, from Católica University, will present his paper &ldquo;Mortgage Illusion&rdquo;. Join us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Research Seminar with Roxana Turturea - <p>Roxana Turturea, from Aalto University School of Science,<b>&nbsp;</b>Finland<b>,&nbsp;</b>will present a paper about &quot;Confirmation and Disconfirmation in the Decision-Making Process of Crowd...</p>
Seminar with Cezar Santos - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Cezar Santos,&nbsp;from FGV EPGE&mdash;Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças,&nbsp;for the next Research Seminar/Job Talks, entitled&nbsp;&ldquo;Dispersion in...</p>
Research seminar with João Albino Pimentel - <p>João Albino Pimentel, from University of South California, will join us on a Research Seminar/Job Talk to present&nbsp;&ldquo;The influence of home-country ties on alliance formation: Evidence from...</p>
Seminar with Peter Feldhütter - <p>Peter Feldhütter, from&nbsp;Copenhagen Business School, will present will present &ldquo;Debt dynamics and credit risk&quot;.&nbsp;Join us.</p>
Seminar with Tobias Kretschmer - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Tobias Kretschmer, from LMU Munich<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>for the next Research Seminar to&nbsp;present &ldquo;Market Competition and Effectiveness of Performance Pay: Evidence from...</p>
Seminar with Michele Piazzai - <p>Michele Piazzai,&nbsp;from Amsterdam Business School, will present, on the next research seminar/job talk, the paper&nbsp;&ldquo;Competition in a Space of Meaning:&nbsp; The Community Ecology of&nbsp;...</p>
Seminar with Tyler Muir - <p>Tyler Muir, from&nbsp;UCLA Anderson School of Management, will present his paper. Join us.</p>
Research Seminar with Ricardo Reis - <p>Ricardo Reis (PhD&nbsp;Economics, Harvard University), from the Department of Economics of London School of Economics will present&nbsp;&nbsp;&ldquo;Monetary policy to&nbsp; jump-start an...</p>
Rute Martins Caeiro Seminar - <p>Rute Martins Caeiro, from&nbsp;Nova School of Business and Economics, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;From Learning to Doing: Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations in Guinea-Bissau&rdquo;.</p>
Seminar with Ioannis Evangelidis - <p>Ioannis&nbsp;Evangelidis, from ESADE, will be at Nova SBE to present&nbsp;&ldquo;Revisiting the Dynamics of Deferred Decisions&rdquo;. Join us.</p>
Benoit Decreton Seminar - <p>Benoit Decreton, from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Together they thrive: The involvement of senior managers in non-routine problem solving&rdquo;. Join us.</p>
Seminar with Inês Vilela - <p>Inês Vilela, from Nova School of Business and Economics,&nbsp;will present &ldquo;Diffusion of Rival&nbsp; Information in the Field&rdquo;</p>
Felix Meissner Job Talks - <p>Felix Meissner, from&nbsp;University of Zurich, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Wait Before You Learn &mdash;&nbsp;Delayed Feedback and&nbsp;Experiential Learning&rdquo;.</p>
Maitreesh Ghatak Seminar - <p>Maitreesh Ghatak, from London School of Economics, will be presenting in the next Research Seminar&nbsp;&ldquo;Why Do People Stay Poor? Testing for Poverty Traps using Evidence from a&nbsp; Randomized...</p>
Remedios Hérnandez Linares Seminar - <p>Remedios Hérnandez Linares, from Universidad de Extremadura, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Learning to be an entrepreneurially&nbsp; oriented firm: does family status of the firm and gender of the CEO...</p>
Ciro Cattuto Seminar - <p>Ciro Cattuto,&nbsp;from ISI Foundation, will present &quot;High-Resolution Human Behavioral data: from Face-to-Face Encounters to the Urban Scale&quot;.</p>
Teresa Molina Millán Seminar - <p>Teresa Molina Millán, from&nbsp;Nova School of Business and Economics, will present: &ldquo;Incentivizing Community Health Workers in Guinea-Bissau: Experimental Evidence on Social Status and...</p>
Utku Serhatli seminar - <p>Utku Serhatli, from INSEAD, will be at Nova SBE&nbsp; to present his paper&nbsp;&nbsp;&ldquo;Optimal Agricultural Supply Planning Under Climate Change: The Impact of Extreme Weather Conditions&rdquo;....</p>
Ivan Petrella seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp; Professor Ivan Petrella, from University of Warwick,<strong> &nbsp;</strong>for the next Research Seminar about &quot;Structural Scenario Analyses with SVARs&quot;.</p>
Anastasia Girshina seminar - <p>Anastasia Girshina, from&nbsp;Stockholm School of Economics - Swedish House of Finance, will at Nova SBE to present a paper about&nbsp;&nbsp;&rdquo;Wealth, savings, and returns over the life cycle:...</p>
Lorenzo Schoenleber Seminar - <p>Lorenzo Schoenleber, from the&nbsp;Frankfurt School of Finance &amp; Management, will present is paper about&nbsp;&rdquo;Correlations, Value Factor Returns, and Growth Options&rdquo; in a Research...</p>
Gustavo A. Schwenkler seminar - <p>Gustavo A. Schwenkler, from the Questrom School of Business, Boston University, will be joining us at Nova SBE to present is paper about&nbsp;&rdquo;The Network of Firms Implied by the...</p>
Emil Palikot seminar - <p>Emil Palikot, from the Toulouse School of Economics, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Job Talk about&nbsp; &rdquo;The impact of online&nbsp;reputation on&nbsp;ethnic discrimination&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Pranav Desai seminar - <p>Pranav Desai, from the Tilburg University,&nbsp;Netherlands, will presenting is paper about&nbsp;&rdquo;Biased Regulators:&nbsp;Evidence from Patent Examiners&rdquo;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Gonzalo Paz-Pardo seminar - <p>Gonzalo Paz-Pardo, from the University College of London,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE fora a&nbsp;Job Talk about&nbsp; &rdquo;Homeownership and Portfolio Choice over the&nbsp;Generations&rdquo;.</p>
Richard Folty seminar - <p>Richard Folty, from the&nbsp;Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University, will be at Nova SBE for a Research Seminar about&nbsp;&rdquo;Experience-based Learning, Stock...</p>
Tobias Sichert seminar - <p>Tobias Sichert, from the Goethe University, Frankfurt, will be presenting his paper about&nbsp;&rdquo;The Pricing Kernel&nbsp;is U-shaped&rdquo;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Emiel Jerphanion seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;professor Emiel Jerphanion,<strong> </strong>from Tilburg University,<strong> </strong>for the next Research Seminar where he will present&nbsp; &rdquo;Student Loan Supply,&nbsp; Parental Saving...</p>
Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp; Professor Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga,&nbsp;from George Washington University,<strong> </strong>for the next Research Seminar where she will present&nbsp;&rdquo;Less is More?&nbsp;...</p>
Wayne Aaron Sandholtz Seminar - <p>Nova SBE&nbsp;invited&nbsp; Wayne Aaron&nbsp;Sandholtz,&nbsp;from University of California,<strong> </strong>for the next Research Seminar where he will present&nbsp;&rdquo;Do voters reward service&nbsp;delivery?...</p>
Odd Rune Straume Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited Odd Rune Straume,<strong> </strong>from Universidade do Minho,<strong> </strong>for the next Research Seminar. The professor will present &nbsp;&ldquo;Hospital Competition under Pay-for-Performance:...</p>
Fatima-Zahra Filali Adib Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Fatima-Zahra Filali &nbsp;Adib,&nbsp; from INSEAD, for the next Research Seminar. The professor will present&nbsp;&rdquo;Passive Aggressive: How Index Funds...</p>
Anna Rogantini Picco Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Anna Rogantini Picco, from European University Institute, for the next Research Seminar entitled&nbsp;&rdquo;Fiscal Multipliers:&nbsp; a Tale from the Labor...</p>
Ana Varela Varela Seminar - <p>Nova SBE&nbsp;invited&nbsp;Ana Varela Varela, Columbia University, for the next Research Seminar where she will present&nbsp;&rdquo;Surge of Inequality:&nbsp;How Different&nbsp;Neighborhoods React to...</p>
Nicholas Hirschey Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Nicholas Hirschey<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>from London Business School<strong> </strong>for the next Research Seminar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Dominic Cucic Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Dominic Cucic, from Center for Monetary and&nbsp; Financial Studies (CEMFI), for the next Research Seminar about&nbsp;&rdquo;Corporate Investment and Cash Holdings...</p>
Pedro Martins Seminar - <p>Nova SBE invited Pedro Martins, from Queen Mary University of London &amp; &amp; IZA - Institute of Labor Economics &amp; Global Labor Organization, for a research seminar...</p>
Clayton Critcher Seminar - <p>Clayton Critcher, from&nbsp;UC Berkley, will present &quot;Taking Another&#39;s Perspective: Consequences for Emotional Experiences and the Detection of Fake News&quot;. Join us</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Yingjie Qi Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Yingjie Qi, from Stockholm Business School, for the next Research Seminar, where he will present &rdquo;Big Broad Banks: How Does Cross-Selling Affect...</p>
Zafer Kanik Seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;&nbsp;Zafer Kanik, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for the next Research Seminar. Zafer Kanik&nbsp;will&nbsp;present &nbsp;&rdquo;From Lombard Street to...</p>
Finance Talks with Melissa Prado - <p>Finance Talks are informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty and corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance. The first one will be about &nbsp;&quot;Real estate...</p>
Renée Adams seminar - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;Renée Adams,<strong> </strong>from University of Oxford,<font face="opensans--bold">&nbsp;</font>for the next Research Seminar.&nbsp;Renée Adams will present &ldquo;Is Gender in the Eye of the Beholder?&nbsp;...</p>
Huseyin Gulen, Krannert School of Management - <p>Huseyin Gulen, from Krannert School of Management (EUA),<strong>&nbsp;</strong>will present &ldquo;The Use of Asset Growth in&nbsp; Empirical Asset Pricing Models&rdquo;.</p>
Kimberly A. Eddleston, Northeastern University - <p>Kimberly A. Eddleston, from Northeastern University (EUA), will present &ldquo;The Bribery Paradox in Transition Economies and the Enactment of &lsquo;New Normal&rsquo; Business Environments&rdquo;.</p>
Isaac Baley, Pompeu Fabra University - <p>Isaac Baley,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>from Pompeu Fabra University, in Barceliona, will present&nbsp; &ldquo;Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies&rdquo;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Todd Gormley, Olin Business School & Washington University - CANCELED - <p>Todd Gormley,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>from Olin Business School &amp; Washington University,<font face="opensans--bold">&nbsp;</font>will present &quot;It&rsquo;s Not So Bad: Director Bankruptcy Experience&nbsp;and Corporate Risk Taking&quot;.</p>
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Paris School of Economics - CANCELED - <p>Ekaterina Zhuravskaya,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>from Paris School of Economics,<font face="opensans--bold">&nbsp;</font>will present &quot;Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin&#39;s Ethnic Deportations&quot;.</p>
Rodrigo Belo, Rotterdam School of Management - <p>Rodrigo Belo, from Rotterdam School&nbsp;of Management, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Referral Programs for Freemium Platforms:&nbsp;Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment&rdquo;.&nbsp;The...</p>
Kate Vyborny, Duke University - <p>Nova SBE Research Unit invited&nbsp;</p> <p>Kate Vyborny,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>from Duke University (EUA), will be at Nova SBE for the next Research Seminar. Join us.</p>
Ricardo Sabbatucci, Stockolm School of Economics - <p>Ricardo Sabbatucci, from Stockolm School of Economics,&nbsp;will present &ldquo;Cash Flow News and Stock Price Dynamics&rdquo;.&nbsp;The presentation will be held by video conference. Please use...</p>
Pedro Oliveira, Nova SBE - <p>Pedro Oliveira, from Nova SBE, will present &quot;Covid-19 Innovations by Citizens:&nbsp;When innovation goes viral&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams&nbsp;Meeting),</p>
Miguel Ferreira, Nova SBE - <p>Miguel Ferreira, from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present &quot;Which Entrepreneurs Are Financially Constrained?&quot;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams Meeting), please&nbsp;click <a...</p>
Emanuele Rizzo, Nova SBE - <p>Emanuele RIzzo, from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present &quot;Asset Managers as Buyers of Last Resort&quot;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams Meeting), please use this <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjAxYzUzNzAtNDY4Yi00ODM4LWJkYjctOGQ0N2QyMDRjNGEx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22649834bc-37b2-4a96-b25f-586db8ce68d7%22%7d">link</a>....</p>
Victoire Girard, Nova SBE - <p>Victoire Girard, from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present, &quot;Natural Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams&nbsp;Meeting),</p>
Pedro Gardete, Nova SBE - <p>Pedro Gardete, from Nova SBE, will present &quot;Learning while Recommending: The Value of Exploration when Recommending Durable Goods&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Zoom...</p>
Martijn Boons, Nova SBE - <p>Martijn Boons,&nbsp;from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present &quot;On the response of credit spreads to macroeconomic shocks&quot;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams Meeting),...</p>
Alex Armand, Nova SBE - ...
Marta Almeida, Nova SBE - <p>Marta Almeida, from Nova SBE, will present &quot;The private P of PPPs: exploring the double hybridity of the private partner&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference...</p>
Giorgio Ottonello, Nova SBE - <p>Giorgio Ottonello, from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present &quot;Inventory Capacity and Corporate Bond Offerings&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams Meeting), please&nbsp;click...</p>
Irem Demirci, Nova SBE - <p>Irem Demirci, from&nbsp;Nova SBE, will present &quot;Hand to Mouth: Financial Stress and Food Insecurity&nbsp;&quot;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Zoom Meeting),...</p>
Alexander Coutts, Nova SBE - <p>Alexander Coutts, from Nova SBE, will present &ldquo;The Ocean and Early-Childhood Mortality: Evidence from Climate Change&rdquo;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference (Teams Meeting).</p>
Irving Stackpole at Nova SBE - <p>Irving Stackpole, co-author of the recently released <em>Marketing Handbook in Health Tourism </em>will present<em>&nbsp;&quot;</em>Health Tourism: Potential or Peril for Portugal?&quot;, in a seminar organized by...</p>
Cátia Batista, Nova SBE - <p>Cátia Batista, from Nova SBE, will present&nbsp;&quot;Closing the Gender Gap in Financial Management and Performance: Evidence from Mozambique&quot;.</p> <p>If you are interested in attending this internal...</p>
Finance Brown Bag Seminar with Ettore Panetti - <p>Ettore Panetti, from Banco de Portugal, will participate in a Finance Brown Bag seminar to present&nbsp;&quot;Over-Saving and Financial Fragility&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video...</p>
Finance Brown Bag Seminar with Miguel Ferreira - <p>Miguel Ferreira, a PhD student from Nova SBE, will participate in a Finance Brown Bag seminar to present&nbsp;&quot;Financial factors, firm size and potential&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by...</p>
Jules Gazeaud, Nova SBE - <p>Jules Gazeaud, from Nova SBE,&nbsp;will present &quot;Cash Transfers and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Morocco&quot;.</p> <p>If you are interested in...</p>
Finance Brown Bag Seminar with Manuel Adelino - <p>Manuel Adelino, from Duke University, will participate in a Finance Brown Bag seminar to present&nbsp;&quot;How do Firms Respond to Demand Shocks? Evidence from the European Sovereign Debt...</p>
Sandra Mortal and Vishal K. Gupta, University of Alabama - <p>Sandra Mortal and Vishal K. Gupta,&nbsp;from the University of Alabama, will present &quot;Gender and Executive Job Mobility: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions.<strong>&quot;</strong></p> <p>The presentation will be...</p>
António Bento, University of Southern California - <p>António Bento, from University of Southern California and the National Bureau of Economic Research, will present&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&ldquo;Avoiding Traffic Congestion Externalities?&nbsp;The Value of...</p>
Kate Orkin, Oxford University - <p>Kate Orkin, from Oxford University, presents the paper &ldquo;Psychological and Material Determinants of Economic Investments and Outcomes in Rural Kenya&rdquo;.</p> <p>The Webinar will be held via Zoom. To...</p>
Jean-Noel Barrot, HEC Paris - <p>Jean-Noel Barrot,&nbsp; from&nbsp;HEC Paris (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciale de Paris), will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar where he will present the paper &quot;Costs and benefits of...</p>
Finance Brown Bag with Cláudia Custódio - <p>Cláudia Custódio, from&nbsp;Nova SBE,&nbsp;will participate in a Finance Brown Bag seminar to present&nbsp;&quot;Growing SMEs -&nbsp;The impact of a Credit Certification Program&quot;.</p> <p>The...</p>
Mireia Gine, IESE - <p>Mireia Gine, from IESE, Business School of University of Navarra, will participate in a Finance Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE where she will present the paper &quot;Beyond the Target: M&amp;A Decisions and...</p>
Fleura Bardhi, Cass Business School - <p>Fleura Bardhi, from Cass Business School, City University London, will participate in a Management Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE where she will present the paper &quot;Consumptive Work: Consuming Work in...</p>
Catarina Frazão Santos, Nova SBE - <p>Catarina Frazão Santos, from NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center, will present a webinar&nbsp;about&nbsp;&quot;The effects of climate change in marine spatial planning: pathways and...</p>
Daniel Metzger, Rotterdam School of Management - <p>Daniel Metzger, from&nbsp;Rotterdam School of Management, will participate in a Finance Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE where he will present the paper &quot;The Sustainability Wage Gap&quot;.</p> <p>The...</p>
Cláudio Ferraz, University of British Columbia - <p>Cláudio Ferraz, from University of British Columbia, will participate in a Economics Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;If you want to attend this...</p>
David McKenzie, World Bank - <p>David McKenzie, from the World Bank, will present the paper &ldquo;Improving Business Practices and the Boundary of the Entrepreneur: A Randomized Experiment Comparing Training, Consulting, Insourcing...</p>
Adrien Auclert, Stanford University - <p>Adrien Auclert, from Stanford University, will present the paper &ldquo;Consumer Bankruptcy as Aggregate Demand Management&rdquo; in a Economics&nbsp;Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will...</p>
Lisa Spantig, University of Essex - <p>Lisa Spantig, from University of Essex, will present the paper&nbsp;Flexible Microcredit: Effects on Loan Repayment and Social Pressure (with Kristina Czura and Anett John)&nbsp;&nbsp;in a...</p>
Luigi Siciliani, University of York - <p>Luigi Siciliani, from University of York, will participate in a Economics Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Caroline Theoharides, Amherst College - <p>Caroline Theoharides, from Amherst College, will present&nbsp; the paper &quot;Medical Worker Migration and Origin-Country Human Capital: Evidence from U.S. Visa Policy&quot; (with Paolo Abarcar) in a...</p>
Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London - <p>Tarun Ramadorai, from the&nbsp; Imperial College London, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email...</p>
Benjamin Marx, Sciences-Po - ...
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Yale School of Management - <p>Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, from Yale School of Management, will participate in a Finance Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send...</p>
FinTech Conference - <p>Nova SBE Finance Knowledge Center and BPI - Fundação &ldquo;la Caixa&rdquo; are organizing&nbsp;the Online FinTech Conference, that will happen&nbsp;on November 6<sup>th</sup>.&nbsp;The program covers&nbsp;new...</p>
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, University of Pennsylvania - <p>Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, from University of Pennsylvania, will be at Nova SBE for a Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Joachim Vosgerau, Bocconi University - <p>Joachim Vosgerau, from Bocconi University will participate in a Management Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Cynthia Kinnan,Tufts University - <p>Cynthia Kinnan, from Tufts University, will participate in a NOVAFRICA&nbsp;Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please fill out...</p>
Bart Bronnenberg, Stanford University/Tilburg University - <p>Bart Bronnenberg, from Stanford University/Tilburg University, will participate in a Management Seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp; To&nbsp;attend this...</p>
Mathias Kronlund, Tulane University - <p>Mathias Kronlund, from Tulane University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Samuel Bazzi, Boston University - <p>Samuel Bazzi, from Boston University, will present&nbsp; the paper &quot;Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling&quot;<i> </i>(with Masyhur Hilmy and Benjamin Marx)&nbsp;in a...</p>
Todd Gormley, Olin Business School - <p>Todd Gormley, from Olin Business School,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Nick Bloom, Stanford University - <p>Nick Bloom, from Stanford University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar to present his paper &quot;The Dispersion of<br /> Disruptive Technology&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by...</p></br>
Maria Guadalupe, INSEAD - <p>Maria Guadalupe, from&nbsp;INSEAD Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp; To attend this seminar please send an email...</p>
Andrew Zeitlin, Georgetown University - <p>Andrew Zeitlin, Georgetown University, will present&nbsp; the paper &quot;Benchmarking a Child Nutrition Program against Cash: Experimental Evidence from Rwanda&quot; (with Craig McIntosh)&nbsp;in a...</p>
Cem Demiroglu, Koç University - <p>Cem Demiroglu, from Koç University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp; To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Ute Stephan, King's Business School - <p>Ute Stephan, from King&#39;s Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Thomas Philippon, New York University - <p>Thomas Philippon, from New York University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email...</p>
Victoire Girard, Nova SBE - <p>Victoire Girard, from Nova SBE, will present the paper&nbsp;&ldquo;Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War&rdquo;&nbsp;in a NOVAFRICA&nbsp;Seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To...</p>
Pedro Bordalo, Said Business School - <p>Pedro Bordalo, from Said Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Pamela Jakiela, Williams College - <p>Pamela Jakiela, from Williams College, will be in&nbsp;a NOVAFRICA seminar at&nbsp;Nova SBE.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please fill out this&nbsp;<a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlEUysnHTCKb4J9o4yaut_oYQzN5enyv1efuGZhUk3MqDo9w/viewform?usp=sf_link">form</a>.</p>
Pedro Ferreira, Carnegie Mellon University - <p>Pedro Ferreira&nbsp;from&nbsp;Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, will present<font face="opensans--bold">&nbsp;</font>&ldquo;The Effect of Binge-Watching on the Subscription of Video on Demand: Results from Randomized...</p>
Vera Rocha, Copenhagen Business School - <p>Vera Rocha, from Copenhagen Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this seminar please send an email to...</p>
Gianluca Violante, Princeton University - <p>Gianluca Violante, from Princeton University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Nooshin Warren, University of Arizona - <p>Nooshin Warren, from Eller College of Management - University of Arizona, will present the paper&nbsp;<em>The Effect of Corporate Sociopolitical Activism on Firm Value&nbsp;...</em></p>
Guido Lorenzoni, Northwestern University - <p>Guido Lorenzoni, from Northwestern University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Caleb Warren, University of Arizona - <p>Caleb Warren, from the Eller College of Management - University of Arizona,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To...</p>
Anne Karing, Princeton University - <p>Anne Karing, from Princeton University, will present the paper&nbsp;&ldquo;Social Signaling and Childhood Immunization: A Field Experiment in Sierra Leone&quot; in a NOVAFRICA&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The...</p>
Ocean Planning in the Age of Climate Change webinar - <p>Catarina Frazão Santos,&nbsp;Research Scientist and Lecturer at the University of Lisbon, a Researcher at MARE, and a Visiting Researcher at NOVA-SBE,&nbsp;will be guest speaker in the &quot;Ocean...</p>
Robin Canniford, University of Melbourne - <p>Robin Canniford, from, University of Melbourne, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Amit Goyal, University of Lausanne - <p>Amit Goyal, from University of Lausanne, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Pablo Ottonello, University of Michigan - <p>Pablo Ottonello, from University of Michigan, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference. To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Thomas Fujiwara, Princeton University - <p>Thomas Fujiwara, from Princeton University, will be at Nova SBE for a NOVAFRICA&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Maria Micaela Sviatschi, Princeton University - <p>Maria Micaela Sviatschi, from Princeton University will be at Nova SBE for a NOVAFRICA seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Laurent Fresard, University of Lugano - <p>Laurent Fresard, from University of Lugano, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Maarten Lindeboom, VU University Amsterdam - <p>Maarten Lindeboom, from VU University Amsterdam, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Ken Opalo, Georgetown University - <p>Ken Opalo, from Georgetwon University&nbsp; will be at Nova SBE for a Novafrica seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University - <p>Ludwig Straub, from Harvard University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Catarina Fernandes, Emory University - <p>Catarina Fernandes, from Emory University, Goizueta Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or...</p>
Paradox life and liminality at the boundary of organizing - <p>Luca Giustiniano,&nbsp;Director of the Center for Research on Leadership, Innovation and Organisation inLuiss University,&nbsp;&nbsp;will be in&nbsp;a EUFORPP webinar series&nbsp;hosted by his...</p>
Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics - <p>Bo Becker, from Stockholm School of Economics, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Pier Vittorio Mannucci, London Business School - <p>Pier Vittorio Mannucci, from the London Business School,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a Management seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova...</p>
Joshua Angrist, MIT - <p>Joshua Angrist, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology&nbsp;(MIT),&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>This will be a face-to-face seminar.To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Craig McIntosh, University of California - <p>Craig McIntosh, from University of California will be at Nova SBE for a Novafrica seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Camelia Kuhnen, UNC Kenan - <p>Camelia Kuhnen, from UNC Kenan &ndash; Flagler Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other...</p>
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Penn University - <p>Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, from Penn University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Oyebola Okunogwe, World Bank - <p>Oyebola Okunogwe, from World Bank will be at Nova SBE for a Novafrica seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please register <a...</p>
Katherine Vyborny, Duke University - <p>Katherine Vyborny, from Duke University will be at Nova SBE for a Novafrica seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Sara Moreira, Northwestern University - <p>Sara Moreira, from&nbsp;Kellogg School of Management&nbsp;- Northwestern University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Management seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To...</p>
Haoxiang Zhu, MIT - <p>Haoxiang Zhu, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology&nbsp;-&nbsp;MIT,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend...</p>
Jennie Bai, Georgetown University - <p>Jennie Bai, from Georgetown University, will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
IV Paradox & Plurality Annual Meeting - <p>The Paradox &amp; Plurality Annual Meeting is an event organized by the Fundação Amélia de Mello (FAM) and the Center of Paradox and Organization. This year edition is dedicated to&nbsp;<em>Paradoxes in...</em></p>
Merih Sevilir, Indiana University - <p>Merih Sevilir, from Indiana University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a Finance&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Kenneth Ahern, Marshall School of Business - <p>Kenneth Ahern, from Marshall School of Business,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Oliver Spalt, University of Manheim - <p>Oliver Spalt, from University of Manheim,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a&nbsp;Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar...</p>
Report “Access to healthcare – Citizens' choices 2020” - <p>Fundação &ldquo;la Caixa&rdquo;, in collaboration with BPI, and Nova SBE, will launch on June 16, at 10:00 am, at Nova SBE, the Report &ldquo;Access to healthcare &ndash; Citizens&#39; choices...</p>
Jeffrey J. Reuer, from University of Colorado - <p>Prof. Jeffrey J. Reuer, from University of Colorado,&nbsp;&nbsp;will present&nbsp;&quot;Alliance Design&quot;. Join us.&nbsp;</p>
Dirk van Dierendonck, from Erasmus University – Rotterdam School of Management - <p>Prof. Dirk van Dierendonck, from Erasmus University &ndash; Rotterdam School of Management&nbsp;, will present &quot;Servant Leadership and Flow through Caring for People, the Mediating Role of...</p>
Alberto Holly, from Université de Lausanne - <p>Alberto Holly, from Universite de Lausanne,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for an Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held in Nova SBE campus. Join us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Guillaume Vuillamey, from HEC Paris - <p>Prof.Guillaume Vuillamey, from HEC Paris, will present &quot;Evading Corporate Responsibilities: Evidence from<br /> the Shipping Industry&quot;.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To...</p></br>
Ashwini Agrawal, from LSE - <p>Ashwini Agrawal, from &nbsp;London School of Economics, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Daniel Prinz, from Harvard University - <p>Daniel Prinz, from Harvard University, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Jean Philippe-Plateau, from University of Namur - <p>Jean Philippe-Plateu, from University of Namur will be at Nova SBE for a Novafrica seminar. Join us!</p>
Pierre Collin Dufresne, from EPFL - ...
Cezar Santos, from FGC and Bank of Portugal - <p>Prof. Cezar Santos, from FGC and Bank of Portugal will present his research in a research seminar. Join us.</p>
Fabiano Schivardi, from LUISS University - <p>Prof. Fabiano Shivardi, from LUISS University, will present his research. Join us.</p>
Andrew Foster, from Brown University - <p>Prof. Andrew Foster, from Brown University, will present his research. Join us.</p>
Giulia Redigolo, ESADE - <p>Giulia Redigolo, from ESADE will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar. Join us.&nbsp;</p>
Data Science Seminar - Rodrigo Belo - <p>Rodrigo Belo will present &quot;Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment&quot;. Join us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Anne-Claire Pache, from ESSEC Business School - <p>Anne-Claire Pache, from ESSEC Business School will be at Nova SBE for a Management Seminar to present &quot;Attention Allocation in the Context of Institutional Pluralism: How Boards Manage...</p>
Elena Stancanelli, Paris School of Economics - <p>Elena Stancanelli, from Paris School of Economics, will present &quot;Household Expenditure in the Wake of Terrorism:<br /> evidence from high frequency in-home-scanner data&quot; . Join us.</p>
Anna Pavlova, London School of Economics - <p>Anna Pavlova will present a Finance Seminar. Join us.</p>
Kim Peijnemburg, EDHCE - <p>Kim Peijnemburg, from EDHCE, will be at Nova SBE to present a Finance Seminar. Join us.</p>
Moussa Blimpo, University of Toronto - <p>Moussa Blimpo, from Toronto University, will be at Nova SBE to present a NOVAFRICA seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Kelly Shue, Yale School of Management - <p>Kelly Shue, from Yale School of Management, will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar.</p> <p>The title of the presentation is &quot;&ldquo;Potential&quot; and the Gender Promotion Gap&quot;.</p> <p>The...</p>
Jean-François Hennart, Tilburg University - <p>Jean-François Hennart, from Tilburg University,&nbsp;&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a Management Seminar.&nbsp;</p> <p>Title:&nbsp;&ldquo;What&rsquo;s so special about born globals, their entrepreneurs or...</p>
Olivier Darmouni, Columbia Business School - <p>Olivier Darmouni, from Columbia Business School, will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar.</p>
Galit Shmueli, College of Technology Management (National Tsing Hua University) - <p>Galit Schmueli, from College of Technology Management (National Tsing Hua University) will be at Nova SBE for a Management&nbsp;seminar titles: &quot;How to &ldquo;Improve&rdquo; Prediction Using...</p>
Sarah Miller, Michigan University - <p>Sarah Miller, from Michigan University, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Stephane Luchini, Aix-Marseille Université - <p>Stephane Luchini, from Aix-Marseille Université, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Can we commit Future Managers to Honesty?&rdquo;</p>
Valentin Haddad, UCLA Anderson - <p>Valentin Haddad, from UCLA Anderson,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
John Van Reenan, LSE - <p>John Van Reenan, from LSE, will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please register <a...</p>
Giorgio Primiceri, Northwestern University - <p>Giorgio Primicieri, from Northwestern University, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics&nbsp;seminar.</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE...</p>
Nicola Pavanini, Tilburg University - <p>Nicola Pavanini,&nbsp; from Tilburg University,&nbsp;will be at Nova SBE for a Finance seminar.</p>
George Balabanis from Bayes Business School - <p>George Balabanis, from&nbsp;Bayes Business School,&nbsp; will present &ldquo;Explaining favouritism toward domestic and foreign products. Focus on &nbsp;the construct of consumer ethnocentrism&ldquo;</p>
Gharad Bryan, from LSE - <p>Gharad Bryan, from LSE, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Davide Proserpio, from USC Marshall - <p>David Proserpio, from USC&nbsp; Marshall, will present a Management Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Paige Ouimet, from University of North Carolina - <p>Paige Ouimet, from University of North Carolina, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please...</p>
Chris Rauh, University of Cambridge - <p>Chris Rauh, from University of Cambridge, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics seminar.</p>
Miguel Gil, from Jönköping International - <p>Miguel Gil, from Jönköping International, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Monica Martinez-Bravo, CEMFI - <p>Monica Martinez-Bravo, from&nbsp; CEMFI, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics&nbsp;seminar.</p>
Agustin Casas, from CUNEF Universidad - <p>Agustin Casas, da CUNEF Universidad, will present &ldquo;Checks and Balances and Nation Building: The Spanish Constitutional Court and Catalonia&rdquo;.</p>
Quinetta Roberson, from Michigan State University - <p>Quinetta Roberson, from Michigan State University, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Patricio Dalton, Tilburg University - <p>Patricio Dalton, Tilburg University, will be at Nova SBE for an Economics&nbsp;seminar.</p>
Chris Rider, from Michigan Ross - <p>Chris Rider, from Michigan Ross, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Ralph Koijen, from Chicago Booth - <p>Ralph Koijen, from Chicago Booth, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p> <p>The presentation will be held by video conference.&nbsp;To attend this&nbsp;or other Nova SBE seminar please register <a data-reactroot="" data-token-index="1" href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=4zEpxDNn5kGNQsSLozS7pLw0mGSyN5ZKsl9YbbjOaNdUOEtGT0xGNzI0VDEySDZWRFBZN1UzUllaRS4u" rel="noopener noreferrer"...</p>
Lore Vandewalle, from The Graduate Institute - <p>Lore Vandewalle, from the Graduate Institute, will present &ldquo;Childcare, labor supply, and business development: Experimental evidence from Uganda&rdquo;.</p>
Steffen Giesser, from Rotterdam School of Business - <p>Steffen Giesser, from&nbsp;Rotterdam School of Business, will present&nbsp;&quot;Willingness to claim the lead and to grant the lead &ndash; A new scale, its antecedents, and outcomes&quot;.</p>
Sydney Ludvingson, from NYU Stern - <p>Sydney Ludvingson, from NYU Stern, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Conference on Heavy-Tails and Robust Estimation in Economics and Finance - <p>Paulo Rodrigues, along with Nova SBE Economics For Policy Knowledge Center and the Research Office, is&nbsp;organizing the conference &ldquo;<a href="https://economicsforpolicy.novasbe.pt/events/heavy-tails-and-robust-estimation-in-economics-and-finance/">Heavy-Tails and Robust Estimation in Economics and...</a></p>
Andrei Tesei, Queen Mary University - <p>Andrei Tesei, from Queen Mary University, will be at Nova SBE for a NOVAFRICA seminar.</p> <p>Title: &quot;Mobile Internet and the Rise of Political Tribalism in Europe&quot;</p>
Julian Cortes, from Universidad del Rosário - <p>Julian Cortes, from&nbsp;Universidad del Rosário, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Meera Mahadevan, from UC Irvine - <p>Meera Mahadevan, from UC Irvine, will present&nbsp; &ldquo;Women Leaders Improve Environmental Outcomes: Evidence from Crop Fires in India&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p>
Georgios Christopoulos, from Nanyang Tech University - <p>Georgios Christopoulos, from&nbsp;Nanyang Tech University, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Margarita Tsoutsoura, from Cornell University - <p>Margarita Tsoutsoura, from Cornell University, will present a Research Seminar,&nbsp;</p>
Charles Eesley, from Stanford University - <p>Charles Eesley, from&nbsp;Stanford University, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
David Mckenzie, from World Bank - <p>David Mckenzie, from&nbsp;World Bank,&nbsp; will present &ldquo;Impact Evaluation using Bayesian Methods&rdquo;.</p>
Michael Frese, from University od Lueneburg - <p>Michael Frese, from University of Lueneburg, will present &quot;Error management for individuals, teams, companies and societies: Important for safety, performance, and innovation&quot;.</p>
Claudio Ferraz from UBC - <p>Claudio Ferraz, from UBC, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;When Democracies Refuse to Die:&nbsp;Evaluating a Training Program for New Politicians&rdquo;.</p>
Inês M.L. Azevedo, from Stanford University - <p>Inês M.L. Azevedo, from Stanford University, will present &quot;Environmental justice, climate change, health damages from air pollution, and of decisions in the U.S. power sector&quot;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Birgit Schyns, from NEOMA Business School (Cancelled) - <p>We regret to inform you that <strong>this Research Seminar has been cancelled</strong> due to unforeseen circumstances.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Jochen Reb, from Singapore Management University - <p>Jochen Reb, from Singapore Management University, will present a Research Seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Ane Fisker, from University of Southern Denmark - <p>Ane Fisker, from University of Southern Denmark, will present&nbsp;on &ldquo;Real-life effects of health interventions in Guinea-Bissau&rdquo;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Sujiao Zhao, from Banco de Portugal - <p>Sujiao Zhao, from Banco de Portugal, will present a research seminar.&nbsp;</p>
Canan Ulu, from Georgetown University - <p>Canan Ulu, from Georgetown University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Robert Stüber, from NYU Abu Dhabi - <p>Robert Stüber, from NYU Abu Dhabi, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Davide Cantoni, from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - <p>Professor Davide Cantoni, from&nbsp;Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Andrei Shleifer, from Harvard University - <p>Andrei Shleifer, from Harvard University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Ramana Nanda, from Imperial College London - <p>Ramana Nanda, from Imperial College London, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Inês Azevedo, from Stanford University - <p>Inês Azevedo, from Stanford University, will present her research work.&nbsp;</p>
Gabriella Conti, from UCL - <p>Gabriella Conti, from UCL, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Sofia Amaral, from IFO Institute - <p>Sofia Amaral, from IFO Institute, will present her research work.&nbsp;</p>
Shahzad Ansari, from Cambridge University - <p>Shahzad &nbsp;Ansari, from Cambridge University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>This seminar is jointly organized with the ERA Chair in Social Innovation.</p>
Karin Thorburn, from NHH - <p>Karin Thorburn, from NHH, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Paraskevas Petrou, from Erasmus University Rotterdam - <p>Paraskevas Petrou, from Erasmus University Rotterda, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Allègre Hadida, from University of Cambridge - <p>Allègre Hadida, from University of Cambridge, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Jorge Agüero, from University of Connecticut - <p>Jorge Agüero, from University of Connecticut, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Florencio Lopez-Silanes from SKEMA Business School - <p>Florencio Lopez-Silanes, from&nbsp;SKEMA Business School, will present &ldquo;Private Equity Debt Funds: Who Wins, Who Loses?&rdquo;.</p>
Konstantinos Georgalos, from Lancaster University - <p>Konstantinos Georgalos, from Lancaster University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Nilanjana Dutt, from Bocconi University - <p>Nilanjana Dutt, from Bocconi University, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Alexander Moradi, from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - <p>Alexander Moradi, from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Jeeva Somasundaram, from IE University - <p>Jeeva&nbsp;Somasundaram, from IE University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Imran Rasul, from University College of London - <p>Imran Rasul, from University College of London, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Nicole Mead, - <p>Nicole Mead&nbsp;from Schulich School of Business York University, will present &quot;The Pursuit of Meaning in the Marketplace&rdquo;.</p>
Sandra Loureiro, from ISCTE - <p>Sandra Loureiro, from ISCTE, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;XR and AI in business: exploring new trends&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Aurelie Shapiro, from FAO - <p>Aurelie Shapiro, from&nbsp;FAO, will present&nbsp;&quot;Geo-spatial technologies for mapping and monitoring mangroves&quot;.</p>
Wendy Smith, from University of Delaware - <p>Wendy Smith, from University of Delaware, will present &quot;Navigating Paradox is Paradoxical&quot;.</p> <p>This seminar is jointly organized with the ERA Chair in Social Innovation.</p>
Donald Davis, from Columbia University - <p>Donald Davis, from Columbia University, will present his research.</p>
Marcos Vera-Hernandez, from University College of London - <p>Marcos Vera-Hernandez, from&nbsp;University College of London, will present his research.</p>
Nicole Mead, from Schulich School of Business - York University - <p>Nicole Mead, from Schulich School of Business - York University, will present &quot;The Pursuit of Meaning in the Marketplace&quot;.</p>
Francesco D'Acunto, from Georgetown University - <p>Francesco D&#39;Acunto, from Georgetown University, will present his research.</p>
Sofia Amaral, University of Munich - <p>Sofia Amaral, University of Munich, will present her research.</p>
Pierre Cahuc, Science Po - <p>Pierre Cahuc, from&nbsp;Science Po, will present &ldquo;Judge Bias and in Labor Courts and Firm Performance&rdquo;.</p>
Elias Papaioannou, from London Business School - <p>Elias Papaioannou, from London Business School, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Justin Paul, from Henley Business School - <p>Justin Paul, from Henley Business School, wil present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Tommaso Bondi, from Cornell University - <p>Tommaso Bondi, from Cornell University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Anoop Madhok, from Schulich School of Business, York University - <p>Anoop Madhok, from Schulich School of Business, York University, will present his research.</p>
Johanna Mair, from Hertie School - <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Johanna Mair, from Hertie School, will present her research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Paulo Santos, from Monash University - <p>Paulo Santos, from Monash University, will present &quot;&nbsp;Paddy and Prejudice: Evidence on the Agricultural Origins of Prejudice from China and 12 other Asian Societies&quot;.</p>
Olivier Chatain, from HEC Paris - <p>Olivier Chatain, from HEC Paris, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Edson Severnini, from CMU - <p>Edson Severnini, from CMU, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Mark Heitmann, from Universitat Hamburg - <p>Mark Heitmann, from Universitat Hamburg, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tobias Kretschmer, from Ludwig Maximiliam University of Munich - <p>Tobias Kretschmer, from Ludwig Maximiliam University of Munich, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Edalina Rodrigues e António Dias, Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa - <p>Edalina Rodrigues e António Dias, from Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa, will present &quot;Who gets to speak? Gender, party effects and parliamentary floor access in Ghana and...</p>
Ralph de Haas, EBRD - <p>Professor Ralph de Haas, from EBRD, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Green Transition&rdquo;.</p>
Bruno Ferman, from São Paulo School of Economics - <p>Bruno Ferman, from São Paulo School of Economics,&nbsp; will present &quot;Rooting for the Same Team: On the Interplay between Political and Social Identities in the Formation of Social Ties&quot;.</p>
Tatyana Deryugina, from MIT - <p>Tatyana Deryugina, from MIT, will present her&nbsp;research.&nbsp;</p>
Silvia Prina, from Northeast University - <p>Silvia Prina, from Northeast University, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Caren Goldberg, from Universidad de Sevilla - <p>Caren Goldberg, from Universidad de Sevilla, will present her research</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Rafael Lima, from UFPE - <p>Rafael Lima, from UFPE, will present &quot;Infinitely repeated cheap-talk: From information to influence&quot;.</p>
Sarah Chloe Deschenes, Northwestern University - <p>Sarah Chloe Deschenes, Northwestern University, will present &quot;Expanding access to schooling in Nigeria: Impact on Marital Outcomes&quot;.</p>
Rose Anne Devlin, University of Ottawa - <p>Professor Rose Anne Devlin, from University of Ottawa, will present &quot;Primary Care Payment Models and Avoidable Hospitalizations: A Multivalued Treatment Effects Analysis&quot;.</p> <p>This seminar is...</p>
Tazeeb Rajwani, University of Surrey - <p>Tazeeb Rajwani, from University of Surrey, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Sandra Sequeira, London School of Economics - <p>Sandra Sequeira, London School of Economics, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Suanna Oh, Paris School of Economics - <p>Suanna Oh, Paris School of Economics, will present &quot;Does Identity Affect Labor Supply?&quot;.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
Stephan Seiler, from Imperial College Business School - <p>Stephan Seiler, from Imperial College Business School, will present&nbsp;&quot;Demand Estimation with Pairwise Variables&ldquo;.</p>
Toni Whited, Michigan Ross - <p>Toni Whited, Michigan Ross, will present &ldquo;Will Central Bank Digital Currency Disintermediate Banks?&rdquo;.</p>
Metin Segul, from Boston College - <p>Metin Segul, from Boston College, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Marta Talevi, from LSE - <p>Marta Talevi, from LSE, will present her research.</p>
Clara Martinez-Toledano, Imperial College London - <p>Clara Martinez-Toledano, from Imperial College London, will present her research.</p>
Joshua Blumenstock, University of California, Berkeley - <p>Joshua Blumenstock, University of California, Berkeley, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Andreas Fuster, EPFL - <p>Andreas Fuster, from EPFL, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Julien Labonne, University of Oxford - <p>Julien Labonne, from University of Oxford, will present &quot;Campaigning Against Populism: Emotional and Informational Messaging in Real Campaigns&quot;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Evan Plous Kresch, Oberlin College - <p>Evan Plous Kresch, Oberlin College, will present &quot;What We Do in the Shadows: How Urban Density Facilitates Information Diffusion&quot;.</p>
Georgios Halkias, Copenhagen Business School - <p>Professor Georgios Halkias, from&nbsp;Copenhagen Business Shool, will present &ldquo;Made by her vs. him: Gender influences in product preferences and the role of individual action efficacy in...</p>
Vesa Pursiainen, from University of St.Gallen and Swiss Finance Institute - <p>&nbsp;Vesa Pursiainen, from&nbsp;University of St.Gallen and&nbsp;Swiss Finance Institute, will present &ldquo;Retail Customer Reactions to Private Equity Acquisitions&rdquo;.</p>
Joana Silva, Universidade Católica - <p>Joana Silva, from Universidade Católica, will present &quot;<b>Cash Transfers and Formal Labor Markets: Evidence from Brazil&quot;.</b></p>
Christine Beckman, USC Price School of Public Policy - <p>Christine Beckman, from USC Price School of Public Policy, will present &quot;Christine Beckman - Title: Mind the gap: Responding to the grand challenge of displacement through a boundary practice...</p>
Barbara Biasi, from Yale University - <p>Barbara Biasi, from Yale University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Astrid Homan, University of Amsterdam - <p>Astrid Homan, from University of Amsterdam, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Jean Imbs, PSE - <p>Jean Imbs, from PSE, will present &quot;An Empirical Approximation of the Effects of Trade&quot;.</p>
Ricardo Perez Truglia, University of Chicago - <p>Ricardo Perez Truglia, from University of Chicago, will present &quot;Where Do My Tax Dollars Go? Tax Morale Effects of Perceived Government Spending&quot;.</p>
Patrick Augustin, McGill University - <p>Patrick Augustin, from McGill University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Martin Kornberger, Vienna University of Economics and Business - <p>Martin Kornberger, from&nbsp;Vienna University of Economics and Business, will present&nbsp;&quot;Digital Framing: Links, Loops, Labyrinths and the Construction of a Conspiracy Theory-Based Social...</p>
Francesco Franzoni, USI Lugano - <p>Francesco Franzoni,&nbsp; from USI Lugano, will present his rsearch.&nbsp;</p>
Anne ter Wal, Imperial College - <p>Anne ter Wal, from Imperial College, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Carola Frydman, from Kellog School of Management - <p>Carola Frydman, from Kellog School of Management&nbsp;will present &ldquo;The Value of Ratings: Evidence from their Introduction in Securities Markets&rdquo;.</p>
Dimitris Papanikolau, Kellogg School of Management - <p>Dimitris Papanikolau, from Kellogg School of Management, will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Michael Weber, University of Chicago - <p>Michael Weber, from University of Chicago, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Olivia Natan, UC Berkeley - <p>Olivia Natan, from UC Berkeley, will present &quot;Organizational Structure and Pricing Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline&quot;.</p>
Elena Siminzi, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School - <p>Elena Siminzi, from UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, will present &quot;Pay Transparency and Mental Health&quot;.</p>
Ali Goli, University of Washington - <p>Ali Goli, from University of Washington, will present his &quot;Personalized Versioning: Product Strategies Constructed from Experiments on Pandora&quot;.</p>
Mariassunta Giannetti, Stockholm School of Economics - <p>Mariassunta Giannetti, from Stockholm School of Economics. will present &quot;<strong>Intermediary Balance Sheet Constraints, Bond Mutual Funds&rsquo; Strategies, and Bond Returns&quot;.</strong></p>
Karin Buhmann, Copenhagen Business School - <p>Karin Buhmann, from Copenhagen Business School, will present &quot;Avoiding losing the essence in translation? The transition of human rights due diligence into hard-law requirements and implications...</p>
Selin Atalay, Frankfurt School - <p>Selin Atalay, from Frankfurt School, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Roni Michaely, HKU Business School - <p>Roni Michaely, from HKU Business School, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Mihalis Markakis, IESE - <p>Mihalis Markakis, from IESE, will present his research work.</p>
Julianne Reinecke, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford - <p>Julianne Reinecke, from&nbsp;Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, will present &quot;Confronting constructive ambiguity and escalating commitment to a collective action institution: the...</p>
Katherine Casey, Stanford University - <p>Katherine Casey, from Stanford University, will present her research.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Steffen Meyer, Aarhus University - <p>Steffen Meyer, from Aarhus University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Leonardo Bursztyn, University of Chicago - <p>Leonardo Bursztyn, from University of Chicago, will present &quot;How are Gender Norms Perceived?&quot;.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91335891784">You can attend the seminar via Zoom through this link</a>&nbsp;</strong></p>
Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University - <p>Andrei Shleifer, from Harvard University, will present &quot;Cognitive Economic.&quot;</p>
Rawley Heimer, Arizona State University - <p>Rawley Heimer, from Arizona State University, will present &quot;The Motives for Bequests: Empirical Facts and Life-cycle Implications ​&quot;</p>
Sridhar Moorthy, University of Toronto - Marketing - <p>Sridhar Moorthy, from University of Toronto, will present &quot;Odd Pricing in a High-Stakes Market&quot;.</p>
Thomas Siedler, University of Potsdam - <p>Thomas Siedler, from University of Potsdam, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Nicos Savva, London Business School - OTIM - <p>Nicos Savva, from London Business School, will present his research.</p>
Alessandro Previtero, Indiana Kelly - <p>Alessandro Previtero, from Indiana Kelly , will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Xitong Li, HEC - OTIM - <p>Xitong Li, from HEC, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Francesca Zantomio, University of Venice - <p>Francesca Zantomio, from University of Venice, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
João Issler, FGV-EPGE - <p>João Issler, from FGV-EPGE, will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Kathy Li, UT Austin - Marketing - <p>Kathy Li, from UT Austin will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Vicente Cuñat, London School of Economics - <p>Vicente Cuñat, from London School of Economics, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Luís Cabral, NYU - <p>Luís Cabral, from NYU, will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Dokyun Lee, Questrom School of Business, Boston University - OTIM - <p>Dokyun Lee, from Questrom School of Business, Boston University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Daniel Obermeier, NYU Stern School of Business - OTIM - <p>Daniel Obermeier,&nbsp; from NYU Stern School of Business, will present his research.</p>
Lucia del Carpio, INSEAD - <p>Lucia del Carpio, from INSEAD, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Konrad Burchardi, Stockholm School of Economics - <p>Konrad Burchardi, from Stockholm School of Economics, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Paul Smeets, University of Amsterdam - <p>Paul Smeets, from University of Amsterdam, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Sule Alan, European University Institute (EUI) - <p>Sule Alan, from European University Institute (EUI), will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Nicola Limodio, Bocconi University - <p>Nicola Limodio, from Bocconi University will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Rik Pieters, Tilburg University - Marketing - <p>Rik Pieters, da Tilburg University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Lisa Cohen, McGill University - M&O - <p>Lisa Cohen, da McGill University, will present her research work.&nbsp;</p>
Filip Lievens, Singapore Management University - M&O - <p>Filip Lievens, from Singapore Management University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Jonathan Hersh, Chapman University - <p>Professor Jonathan Hersh, from Chapman University, will present &quot;Explainable AI Helps Bridge the AI Skilla Gap: Evidence from a Large Bank&quot;</p>
Marieke Huysentruyt, HEC Paris - Strategy and Entrepreneurship - <p>Marieke Huysentruyt, from&nbsp;HEC Paris, will present &quot;Diversity and/or Inclusion? Evidence from Disability Quota and Inclusion Laws in Brazil&quot;<b>.</b></p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;This paper investigates how...</p>
Natalia Fabra, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - <p>Natalia Fabra, from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, will present &quot;Unpacking the Distributional Effects of the Energy Crisis: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: The surge in...</p>
Christian Seelos, Stanford University - M&O - <p>Christian Seelos, from&nbsp;Stanford University, will present &quot;Realist theorizing: Causal models as analytical scaffoldings&quot;</p> <p>Abstract: Organizational scholarship often revolves around...</p>
Emmanouil Avgerinos, IE University - OTIM - <p>Emmanouil Avgerinos, from IE University, will present &quot;The Role of Non-Clinical Call Handlers on Patient Service: Evidence from the NHS Helpline&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: Healthcare organizations rely on...</p>
Sara Bohan, Gallway University | Strategy and Entrepreneurship - <p>Sara Bohan, from Gallway University, will present&nbsp;&ldquo;What is scaling?&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract: &ldquo;As &lsquo;scaling&rsquo; has gained significant attention from different stakeholders, multiple...</p>
Soheil Ghili, Yale University - Marketing - <p>Soheil Ghili, from Yale University, will present &quot;An Empirical Analysis of Sequential Screening&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: This paper analyzes sequential screening, a selling mechanism in which a firm...</p>
Abu Siddique, Royal Holloway University of London - <p>Abu Siddique, from Royal Holloway University of London&nbsp;, will present &quot;Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development: Evidence from the Rohingya Refugees&quot;.</p> <p>Forced...</p>
Aaron Barnes, University of Illinois - Marketing - <p>Aaron Barnes, from&nbsp;University of Illinois, will present &quot;Top Rated or Best Seller? Cultural Differences in Responses to Attitudinal versus Behavioral Consensus Cues&quot;.</p> <p>Marketers...</p>
Marco Grotteria, London Business School - <p>Marco Grotteria, from&nbsp;London Business School, will present &quot;The effects of environmental health risks on housing values and minorities&quot;<strong>.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: Focusing on a narrow window around...</p>
Francisco Polidoro, McCombs School of Business - Strategy and Entrepreneurship - <p>Francisco Polidoro, from McCombs School of Business, will present &quot;<strong>Porting Learning from Interdependencies Back Home: Performance Implications of Multihoming for Complementors in Platform...</strong></p>
Teodora Tsankova, Tilburg University - <p>Teodora Tsankova,&nbsp;from Tilburg University, will present &quot;Tracking and Geographic Mobility: Evidence from Finland&quot;</p> <p>There is wide cross-country variation in the relative importance of...</p>
Marco Manacorda, Queen Mary University of London - <p>Marco Manacorda, from Queen Mary University of London, will present &quot;<strong>The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from the African Diaspora&quot;.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract:&nbsp;</strong>This...</p>
Thomas Otter, Goethe University Frankfurt - <p>Professor Thomas Otter, from Goethe University Frankfurt, will present &quot;Accounting for formative and reflective topics in product review data for better consumer insights<strong>&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract:...</p>
Luca Braghieri, Bocconi University - <p>Luca Braghieri, from Bocconi University, will present &quot;<strong>The slant of online new&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;The increased reliance on social media for news consumption has generated widespread concern....</p>
Augustin Tapsoba, Toulouse School of Economics - <p>Augustin Tapsoba, from Toulouse School of Economics, will present &quot;Polygyny and the Economic Determinants of Family Formation Outcomes in&nbsp;Sub-Saharan Africa&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: I study how...</p>
Farzad Saidi, University of Bonn - <p>Farzad Saidi, from University of Bonn, will present &quot;Army of Mortgagors: Long-Run Evidence on Credit Externalities and the Housing Market&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: Houses are the most important asset on...</p>
Anne Jacqueminet, Università Bocconi - Strategy and Entrepreneurship - <p>Anne Jacqueminet, from Università Bocconi - Milano; will present &quot;Transparency is Not Donkey Work: Firm Political Orientation and Carbon Disclosure&quot;</p> <p>Abstract:<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Increasingly, firms are...</p>
Maarten Voors, Wageningen University - <p>Maarten Voors, from Wageningen University, will present &quot;<strong>Effects of economic and social incentives on bureaucratic quality: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;Using a...</p>
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University - <p>Luigi Pistaferri, from Stanford University, will present &quot;<strong>Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We use population data on capital income and wealth holdings for Norway to...</p>
Florian Nagler, University of Bocconi - <p>Florian Nagler, from University of Bocconi, will present &quot;<strong>Fiscal Constraints, Disaster Vulnerability, and Corporate Investment Decisions&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: This paper empirically studies the role...</p>
Mikkel Flyverbom, Copenhagen Business School - <p>Mikkel Flyverbom, Copenhagen Business School, will present &quot;<strong>In the digital prism: Refractions, coded visions and the politics of visibility&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: Data-driven, automated forms of...</p>
Alberto Rossi, Georgetown University - <p>Alberto Rossi, from Georgetown University, will present &quot;Fighting Climate Change with FinTech&quot;</p> <p>Abstract: We study the environmental sustainability of individuals&rsquo; consumption choices...</p>
Alexey Makarin, MIT Sloan - <p>Alexey Makarin, from MIT Sloan, will present&nbsp; &quot;Trade Sanctions&quot;</p> <p>How effective are trade sanctions? We study this question in the context of the unprecedented sanctions imposed on...</p>
Anthony Dukes, University of Southern California - <p>Anthony Dukes, from University of Southern California, will present &quot;Implicit Product Claims: The Role of Motivated Beliefs&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: An implicit product claim is one that is suggested by...</p>
Vicent Pons, Harvard Business School - <p>Vicent Pons, from&nbsp;Harvard Business School, will present &quot;KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER: STRATEGIC PLATFORM ADJUSTMENTS DURING U.S. AND FRENCH ELECTIONS&quot;.</p> <p>We study changes in political...</p>
Gaia Narciso, Trinity College Dublin - <p>Gaia Narciso, from Trinity College Dublin, will present&nbsp; &quot;Using role models to inspire marginalized groups: A cautionary tale.&quot;</p> <p>Role models are found to affect behavioral change in...</p>
Daniel Greenwald, NYU Stern - <p>Daniel Greenwald, from NYU Stern, will present &quot;Monetary Transmission Through Bank Securities Portfolios&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: We study the transmission of monetary policy through bank securities...</p>
Dave Hofman, UNC Kenan Flagler - <p>Dave Hofman, from UNC Kenan Flagler, will present &quot;Out of sight, out of mind: The role of high-level construals in the framing of risk-mitigation behavior and other observations about the...</p>
Juan Santaló, IE University - Strategy and Entreperneurship - <p>Juan Santaló, from IE University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Saumitra Jha, Stanford University - <p>Saumitra Jha, from Stanford University, will present &quot;Political Trenches: War, Partisanship, and Polarization&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;We show how local segregation and exposure to partisans affect...</p>
Yueran Ma, University of Chicago - <p>Yueran Ma, from University of Chicago, will present &quot;<strong>Superstar Firms through the Generations&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We study the landscape of the largest American companies over time. Among the top...</p>
Juanita González-Uribe, London School of Economics - <p>Juanita González-Uribe, from London School of Economics, will present &quot;<strong>Venture debt as bridge financing&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract:</p> <p>We show that venture debt often acts as bridge financing to an equity...</p>
Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, University Mannheim - <p>Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, from University Mannheim, will present&nbsp; &quot;<strong>The Importance of Signaling for Women&#39;s Careers&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We show that signals of leadership qualification are...</p>
Peter Zubcsek, Tel Aviv University - <p>Peter Zubcsek, from Tel Aviv University, will present his research.</p>
Anja Lambrecht, London Business School - <p>Anja Lambrecht, from London Business School, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Anja Lambrecht, London Business School - Marketing - <p>Anja Lambrecht, from London Business School, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Chris Westland, University of Illinois Chicago - <p>Chris Westland, from University of Illinois Chicago, will present his research.</p>
Hendrik Vollmer, Warwick Business School - <p>&nbsp;Hendrik Vollmer, from Warwick Business School, will present &quot;<strong>Exploring Accounting in Society&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: The seminar Exploring Accounting in Society invites to consider the ways in...</p>
Gabriel Benito, BI Norwegian Business School - <p>Gabriel Benito, from BI Norwegian Business School, will present &quot;<strong>Do International Interorganizational Relationships Matter for Multinationals&rsquo; Corporate...</strong></p>
Allan Discua Cruz, Nuria Toledano e Raysa Geaquinto Rocha - <p>Professors&nbsp;Allan Discua Cruz (University of Lancaster),&nbsp;Nuria Toledano (Universidad de Huelva) e Raysa Geaquinto Rocha (University of Essex) will present their research.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Allan Discua...</strong></p>
Charles Angelucci, MIT Sloan - <p>Charles Angelucci, from MIT Sloan, will present &quot;Beliefs About Political News in the Run-up to an Election&quot;</p> <p>Abstract: This paper develops a model of news discernment to explore the...</p>
Alexander Gorbenko, University College London - <p>Alexander Gorbenko, from University College London, will present &quot;Distressed Investment, Corporate Debt Liquidity, and Capital Structure ​&quot;.&nbsp;</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;We examine liquidity of...</p>
Milena Djourelova, Cornell University - <p>Milena Djourelova, from Cornell University, will present &quot;The Electoral Effects of Voting Technology: Evidence from Bulgaria&quot;</p> <p>Can voting technology improve the integrity of elections? We...</p>
Michael Ewens, Columbia Business School & NBER - <p>Michael Ewens, from Columbia Business School &amp; NBER, will present &quot;Irreplaceable Venture Capitalists&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;We provide causal evidence on how individual venture capitalists...</p>
Sandeep Baliga, Northwestern University - <p>Sandeep Baliga, from Northwestern University, will present &quot;<strong>Long Wars&quot;</strong></p> <p>We study whether the Coase conjecture holds in a model of bargaining during conflict due to Powell [21] and Fearon...</p>
Ali Aslan Gümüşay, LMU Munich School of Management - <p>Ali Aslan Gümüşay, from LMU Munich School of Management, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p>Desirable Futures &amp; Prospective Theorizing<strong> </strong></p> <p>With the looming planetary emergency, the future will be...</p>
Catherine Magelssen | London Business School - <p>Professor Catherine Magelssen, from London Business School, will present&nbsp;&quot;The Comparative Impact of Headquarters and Subsidiaries in Managing R&amp;D&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: We investigate whether...</p>
Alberto Manconi, Bocconi University - <p>Alberto Manconi, from Bocconi University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Gorgi Krlev, ESCP - <p>Gorgi Krlev, from ESCP, will present &quot;Desirable Futures &amp; Prospective Theorizing&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;With the looming planetary emergency, the future will be anything but an extension of...</p>
Dennis Egger, University Of Oxford - <p>Dennis Eggers, from University of Oxford, will present &quot;Slack and Economic Development&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;Slack -- the underutilization of factors of production -- varies systematically with...</p>
Nicolai Kuminoff, Arizona State University - <p>Nicolai Kuminoff, from Arizona State University, will present &quot;<strong>The Value of Statistical Life for Seniors&quot;</strong></p> <p>We develop a new revealed preference framework to estimate the value of statistical...</p>
Alejandro Lopez-Lira, University of Florida - <p>Alejandro Lopez-Lira, from University of Florida, will present &quot;<strong>Why Does Complexity Make Factor Models Fail in Equilibrium?&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We examine the impact of complexity on asset pricing...</p>
Alessandro Gavazza, LSE - <p>Alessandro Gavazza, from LSE, will present &quot;<strong>Bank Deposit Pricing in the Euro Area&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We investigate the supply and demand drivers of bank deposit pricing in the Euro area during the...</p>
David Finken, ETH Zurich - <p>David Finken, from ETH Zurich, will present &quot;<strong>The AR-Display Bias: Why Augmented Reality Increases Preferences More for Inferior Than for Superior Products&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: Prominent brands...</p>
Mirko Kremer, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management - <p>Mirko Kremer, from Frankfurt School of Finance &amp; Management, will present &quot;When Delegating AI-Assisted Decisions Drives AI Over-Reliance&quot;</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong>We empirically test a theory of AI...</p>
Mikhail Golosov, University of Chicago - <p>Mikhail Golosov, from University of Chicago, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Stefan Obernberger, Erasmus School of Economics - <p>Stefan Obernberger, from Erasmus School of Economics, will present&nbsp; &quot;<strong>Innovation and motherhood&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We examine how motherhood affects the careers of women in innovation---a field...</p>
Jose Carlos Marques, University of Ottawa - <p>Jose Carlos Marques,&nbsp; from University of Ottawa, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Michael Halling, University of Luxembourg - <p>Michael Halling, da University of Luxembourg, will present &quot;<strong>Firm-specific Climate Risk Estimated from Public News&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We estimate firm-specific exposures to climate risk from public...</p>
Magnus Dahlquist, Stockholm School of Economics - <p>Magnus Dahlquist, from Stockholm School of Economics, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Institutions&#39; Return Expectations across Assets and Time</strong></p> <p>We study the equity, Treasury bond, and corporate...</p>
Sofia Villas-Boas, University of California - <p>Sofia Villas-Boas, from University of California, will present &quot;Consumer Observational Learning among&nbsp;Brands and Generics considering Strategic Supply in the Pain Over The Counter (OTC)...</p>
Sebastian Doerr, Bank for International Settlements - <p>Sebastian Doerr, from &nbsp;Bank for International Settlements, will present &quot;<strong>Bank geographic diversification and funding stability&quot;.</strong></p> <p>The recent banking turmoil has renewed focus on...</p>
Nicola Borri, LUISS - <p>Nicola Borri, from LUISS, will present his research.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>One Factor to Bind the Cross-Section of Returns</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We propose a new non-linear single-factor asset pricing model. Despite its...</p>
Laurent Barras, University of Luxembourg - <p>Laurent Barras, from University of Luxembourg, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Amma Panin, CEPR - <p>Amma Panin, from CEPR, will present &quot;<strong>Cognitive consequences of insecure national belonging&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: Ethnonationalist governments frequently adopt policies that challenge the status of...</p>
Gah-Yi Ban, Imperial College Business School - <p>Gah-Yi Ban, from Imperial College Business School, will present &quot;Personalized Assortment Optimization for a Subscription Business Model of Experience Goods&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;Motivated by...</p>
Pursey Heugens, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University - <p>Pursey Heugens, from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, will present <strong>&quot;I Hold on&quot;: How Country Music Songwriters Cope with the Precarity of Craft Work </strong></p> <p>Abstract: Careers in...</p>
Giacomo De Luca, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - <p>Giacomo De Luca, from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, will present &quot;&nbsp;Vaccination Hesitancy in Africa: the Unintended Consequence of a Culture Clash?&quot;</p> <p>Abstract: This paper studies...</p>
Paulo Alburquerque, INSEAD - <p>Paulo Alburquerque, from INSEAD, will present <font face="opensans--bold">&quot;</font>Managing Consumer Contract Choices: A Model of Product Usage and Subscription Decisions in Duration-based Pricing&quot;</p> <p><strong>Abstract:&nbsp;</strong>Contract...</p>
Stéphane Luchini, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) - <p>Stéphane Luchini, from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) &nbsp;and Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), will present &quot;<strong>Rethinking Effort: Insights from Neuroscience and...</strong></p>
Luís Gomez-Mejia, ASU - <p>Luís Gomez-Mejia, from ASU, will present &quot;<strong>Socioemotional Wealth Theory: Origen, Evolution, and Explanatory Framework for the Behavior for the Behavior of Family Controlled Firms&quot;</strong></p> <p>Abstract:...</p>
Laurent Barras, University of Luxembourg - <p>Laurent Barras, from&nbsp;University of Luxembourg, will present &quot;<strong>Value Creation in the Hedge Fund Industry&quot;</strong></p> <p>We develop a novel approach to study the value-added in the hedge fund industry....</p>
Sophie Bacq, IMD - <p>This research seminar is organized with&nbsp;ERA Chair in Social Innovation.</p> <p>Sophie Bacq,&nbsp;from IMD, will present &quot;<strong>Collective Action for Sustainability: Breaking Down Silos in Management...</strong></p>
Marco Pagano, University of Naples Federico II - <p>Marco Pagano, from University of Naples Federico II, will present&nbsp; CAREERS AND WAGES IN FAMILY FIRMS: EVIDENCE FROM MATCHED EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE DATA</p> <p>We investigate compensation policies in family...</p>
Edson Severnini, Carnegie Mellon University - <p>Edson Severnini, from Carnegie Mellon University, will present &quot;<strong>Carbon Taxation and Firm Behavior in Emerging Economies: Evidence from South Africa&quot;</strong></p> <p>This paper provides the first...</p>
Jacson Lu, MIT Sloan - <p><strong>Jacson Lu, from MIT Sloan, will present &quot;The Bamboo Ceiling in US Business Schools: Who Receives Tenure and Becomes Dean?&quot;</strong></p> <p>In the US, Asians are commonly viewed as the &ldquo;model...</p>
Jessica Jeffers, HEC - <p>Jessica Jeffers, from HEC, will present &quot;<strong>Collusion through Common Leadership&quot;.</strong></p> <p>Abstract: We develop a novel approach to study the value-added in the hedge fund industry. This paper studies...</p>
Michael Ewens, Columbia University - <p>Michael Ewens, from Columbia University, will present &quot;Corporate Hierarchy&quot;</p> <p>We introduce a novel measure of corporate hierarchies for over 2,800 U.S. public firms. This measure is obtained...</p>
Jens Förderer, Technical University of Munich - <p>Jens Förderer, from Technical University of Munich, will present&nbsp;<strong>Attention Is All They Need? How GenAI-assisted Communication Reshapes Creator-Audience Relationships</strong></p> <p>Abstract: A widely debated...</p>
Tommaso Porzio, Columbia Business School - <p>Tommaso Porzio, from Columbia Business School, will present &quot;Startups in Africa&quot;</p> <p>We document a drastic increase in the flow of high-growth (venture) capital to &ldquo;startups&rdquo; in...</p>
Florian Weigert, Neuchâtel University - <p>Florian Weigert, from Neuchâtel University, will present hisD&nbsp;research.&nbsp;</p>
Namrata Kala, MIT Sloan - <p>Namrata Kala, from MIT Sloan, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Jonathan de Quidt, Queen Mary University of London - <p>Jonathan de Quidt, from Queen Mary University of London, will present his research.</p>
Simon Dietz, LSE - <p>Simon Dietz, from&nbsp;LSE, will present his research.</p>
Clare Balboni, London School of Economics - <p>Clare Balboni, from London School of Economics, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Mikhail Golosov, University of Chicago - <p>Mikhail Golosov, from University of Chicago will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Ravi Bapna, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota - <p>Ravi Bapna, from Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Marijke Verpoorten, Universiteit Antwerpen - <p>Marijke Verpoorten, from Universiteit Antwerpen, will present her research work.&nbsp;</p>
Victoria Barone, University of Notre Dame - <p>Victoria Barone, from University of Notre Dame, will present &quot;Republican Support and Economic Hardship: The Enduring Effects of the Opioid Epidemic.&rdquo;</p> <p>Abstract</p> <p>In this paper we establish a...</p>
Yang Song, University of Washington - <p>Yang Song, from University of Washington, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Sofia Bapna, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota - <p>Sofia Bapna, from Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, will present his research.</p>
Julie Battilana, Harvard Business School - <p>Julie Battilana, from Harvard Business School will present &quot;<b>Power for all&quot;</b></p> <p>Abstract: In this talk, Julie Battilana, the Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard...</p>
Giada Di Stefano, Bocconi University - <p>Giada Di Stefano, from Bocconi University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Marc Fischer, University of Cologne - <p>Marc Fischer, from University of Cologne, will present his research.</p>
Christian Peukert, HEC Lausanne - <p>Christian Peukert, from HEC Lausanne, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Francis Kramarz, Bocconi University - <p>Francis Kramarz, from Bocconi University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Ana Valenzuela, ESADE - <p>Ana Valenzuela, from ESADE, will present her research</p>
Brian Knight, Brown University - <p>Brian Knight, from Brown University, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Prashant Bharadwaj, University of California San Diego - <p>Prashant Bharadwaj, from University of California San Diego, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Markus Ibert, Copenhagen Business School - <p>Markus Ibert, from Copenhagen Business School, will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Luis Diestre, IE University - <p>Luis Diestre, from IE University, will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Camille Landais, London School of Economics - <p>Camille Landais, from London School of Economics, vai apresentar o seu trabalho de investigação.&nbsp;</p>
Noam Yuchtman, Oxford University - <p>Noam Yuchtman, from Oxford University, will present his research work.&nbsp;</p>
Matteo Benetton, Berkeley University - <p>Matteo Benetton, from Berkeley University, will present his research.</p>
Sasha Indarte, Wharton University - <p>Sasha Indarte, from Wharton University, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Lydia Assouad, LSE - <p>Lydia Assouad, from LSE, will present her research.&nbsp;</p>
Tanguy Bernard - <p>Tanguy Bernard will present his research.&nbsp;</p>
Management Seminars
18 Mar '25
Management Seminars | Tuesday Jens Förderer, Technical University of Munich

Jens Förderer, from Technical University of Munich, will present Attention Is All They Need? How GenAI-assisted Communication Reshapes Creator-Audience Relationships

Abstract: A widely debated...

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March 2025