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Entrepreneurship Week - <p>Entrepreneurship Week</p>
WPP Masterclass - <p>WPP Masterclass</p>
Nova SBE Open Day - <p>Nova SBE Open Day</p>
Nova SBE Open Day - <p>The Nova Healthcare Initiative will have a series of free mini-courses at Nova SBE to discuss some of the most pressing Healthcare issues. Next May 7<sup>th</sup>, make sure you don&#39;t miss Professor Céu...</p>
SingularityU Portugal Summit Cascais - <p>The SingularityU Portugal Summit Cascais brings the world&rsquo;s leading speakers and experts on exponentially accelerating technologies together with Portuguese leaders of today and tomorrow, giving...</p>
Smart Citizenship Academy - <p>Cascais Smart Citizenship Academy Cascais starts in October!&nbsp;Smart Citizenship Academy Cascais is setting up a true &quot;School of Participation&quot; to be launched in autumn 2018. With...</p>
Social Impact Talk With Richard Kamissek – Head Of The Biggest Logistics Network Within The BMW Group - <p>Meet Richard, who has a key role in the inclusion of people with disabilities at BMW. Having employed more than 600 people with disabilities in the logistics network, he is an expert in engaging and...</p>
Nova SBE Social Learning Experience - Open Session - <p>Nova SBE gives you the opportunity to have a rewarding Social Learning Experience while you are paving the way for your academic journey. And next October 11<sup>th</sup> there will be an open session where they...</p>
Social Impact Talk With Thimo V. Schmitt-Lord Mbe - <p>Humanity is facing grand challenges in health and nutrition. Thimo V. Schmitt-Lord shares his views of a world where disruptive tech innovations help citizens to live an adaptive lifestyle within...</p>
Banco Invest Masterclass - Mission Impossible? The Creation of New Entrepreneurial Hubs - <p>Governments are increasingly seeking to promote entrepreneurial and innovative activity. There are certainly strong reasons for a public sector role here. However, the effectiveness of these efforts...</p>
Academy of Purpose - 3rd Takeover with João de Macedo - <p>Nova SBE alumnus, João de Macedo, Big Wave Surfer, Ambassador of SAVE THE WALES COALITION and co-founder of the World Surfing Reserves, is an entrepreneur who dedicates his life to the sea and other...</p>
Nova SBE International Day - <p>Are you dreaming about a semester abroad? Then come and meet the University you&rsquo;ve always dreamt of or, if that&rsquo;s the case, come and learn more about the university that might take you in...</p>
Climathon Cascais - <p>Next October 26<sup>th</sup>, Climathon Cascais &ndash; a global event where more than 100 cities all over the world will gather citizens, specialists, and entrepreneurs to create innovative solutions to fight...</p>
VCW Seminar: Entrepreneurship, Leadership And Impact In Africa - <p>We would like to invite you to the &ldquo;VCW Seminar: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Impact in Africa&rdquo; where the two-year partnership between VCW and the <a href="http://mkt.novasbe.pt/c/?16877.2289.">Girl Move Foundation</a>&nbsp;will be...</p>
Hipersuper Conference – Sustainability And Circular Economy - <p>Next November 7<sup>th</sup>, Nova SBE will host an event with some of the major consumer goods representatives to talk about possible solutions and to reduce plastic use and stop food waste.</p>
Nova Cultural Week - <p>Tired of exams and never-ending group projects? What about a different week? <a href="http://mkt.novasbe.pt/c/?16877.2310.1145173.0.14.118136.9.554107.0.10.24300.0.188221.0.1.f5fda">Nova Cultural Week</a> brings you art, cinema, literature, music, food, and much more!</p>
Nova SBE organizes Social Impact Day - <p>Nova School of Business &amp; Economics (Nova SBE) will organize, on November 13<sup>th</sup>, the Social Impact Day as part of the Social Impact Experience, that gathers and integrates all opportunities in the...</p>
Frontier Knowledge Conferences - <p>It is with great pleasure and honor that the Money Club invites you to the first round of the &quot;Frontier Knowledge Conferences&quot; that will be held here at the Santander Money Club...</p>
12 Rules for Live Tour - <p>Already have plans for next week? You cannot miss this talk with Dr. Jordan Peterson - &quot;One of the most important thinkers to emerge on the world stage for many years.&quot; - The...</p>
7th International Conference On Business Servitization 2018 - <p>Nova SBE has the honor to invite you for the 7<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2018), which will be held under the theme &ldquo;Make, buy or partner: Paradoxes in...</p>
Social Impact Talk With Stanley Anyetei, Impact Investor At Triodos Investments - <p>Meet international managers that drive real impact throughout their professional or personal experiences! This time we bring you Stanley Anyetei, an investment officer specialized in social impact and...</p>
Lisbon Meeting on Economics and Political Science - <p>The Lisbon Meeting on Economics and Political Science is a friendly and intellectually stimulating meeting, which aims at bringing together scholars from Economics and Political Science who share...</p>
Nova SBE-BPI Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation - <p>Nova SBE Finance Center and BPI bank are pleased to invite you to attend the 2018 Nova SBE-BPI Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation. Guest speakers include Shai Bernstein (Stanford),...</p>
Better Governance: Giving Value Back to Stakeholders - <p>Next November, Nova SBE Executive Education will launch a thriving discussion on how executive and non-executive directors can create value for stakeholders through sustainable frameworks, while...</p>
Portugal Value Meeting for Health and Care 2018 - <p>Portugal Value Meeting for Health and Care is promoted by the strategic platform NOVAsaúde | Value Improvement in Health and Care, and is co-organized by Nova SBE and Nova Medical School. It aims at...</p>
"The Internet Is A Strange Place" - <p>The&nbsp;.pt domain celebrates 30 years with an open conference under the theme &quot;The Internet is a Strange place&quot; with Ana Garcia - blogger &ldquo;A pipoca mais doce&rdquo;, Maria Vaidosa,...</p>
The "Family Businesses 4.0" 20-Year Congress - <p>Portuguese Family Businesses celebrates its 20<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;anniversary this year and in order to celebrate they will hold a congress in Nova SBE&#39;s campus with Professors Pedro Santa Clara and Nadim...</p>
“Do Lixo à nossa Arte” Exhibition - <p>This initiative, organized by Take C&rsquo;Air and Movimento Claro with the help of Nova SBE and the Municipality of Cascais, intends to bring consciousness to the marine waste problem. Clo Bourgard,...</p>
EY Embassadors - <p>Choose to be one of the ambassadors of your school. Surprise one of Nova SBE partners and get the chance to be one of the EY Ambassadors for 2019, winning a trip to an European capital and a mentoring...</p>
Generation Galp - <p>During one hour, you will have the opportunity to get to know Galp Energias and which opportunities the company has to offer. The applications for their trainee program are almost open and you can...</p>
Social Cohesion Week 2018 - <p>The &quot;Semana de Coesão Social 2018&quot; [Social Cohesion Week 2018]&nbsp;invites everyone &ndash; citizens, professionals, entrepreneurs, and politicians, to think and debate social development...</p>
WIN World Conference - <p>The WIN World Conference was designed to celebrate and inspire the future. Individuality and diversity. Complementarity and collectivity. Creativity and generosity. Planet and humanity. The best way...</p>
49th St. Gallen Symposium - <p>Please join Lino Gandola, responsible for Leaders of Tomorrow from St. Gallen Symposium who will be at Nova SBE to talk about how you can compete for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award and...</p>
Conference "The Portugal of our Grandchildren: Demographic Tendencies and economy in the 21st century” - <p>Demographic ageing is an aging phenomenon that is becoming an inexorable reality. The European committee published this year the fundamental report entitled &ldquo;The Ageing Report 2018&rdquo; about...</p>
Brown Bag Seminar with Juan Pedro Gomez - <p>With this paper, professor Juan Pedro Gomez (from IE Business School), examines whether the trend to not lock-in the investment period of investors has implications for mutual fund shareholders,...</p>
Nova SBE Future Board – Are You Already Part of the Future? - <p>You can make a difference&nbsp;and contribute to a clearer overview of the Nova SBE Future Board student&nbsp;universe. So, take a break to think about yourself and share your opinions and visions....</p>
Christmas Concert - <p>The Sociedade Recreativa Musical de Carcavelos [Recreational Musical Society of Carcavelos] is teaming up with the children&rsquo;s choir of Carcavelos to host the emblematic Christmas concert in the...</p>
HiTech Program - Applications - <p>The HiTech program is about translating cutting-edge technologies and scientific discoveries into high-growth business opportunities. The program enables students a close look into the process of how...</p>
International Seminar: "Sharpen Your Leadership With VCW" - <p>Next January 9<sup>th</sup>,&nbsp;the&nbsp;VCW Center at Nova SBE will partner&nbsp;with&nbsp;the&nbsp;DCG LAB to host a half-day seminar that aims to help you&nbsp;to understand&nbsp;how to empower your human...</p>
NOVA In The Globe Conference Cycle: Research in Europe – Applications - <p>On January 10<sup>th</sup> and 11<sup>th</sup>, the NOVA University Lisbon will organize the conference Research in Europe,&nbsp;in partnership with Lancaster University. The conference will bring together researchers from...</p>
LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education - <p>LESE will take place on January 24<sup>th</sup> and 25<sup>th</sup> 2019, in Lisbon. This 5<sup>th</sup> <a href="https://rem.rc.iseg.ulisboa.pt/lese/5e3/">Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics of Education</a> will gather researchers, students, and...</p>
Well-being Month - <p>Well-being is fundamental to the overall health of all of us. It enables us to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what we want out of life. That&#39;s why the&nbsp;Nova SBE Student...</p>
Economia Viva 2019 - <p>Organized by Nova Nova School of Business &amp; Economics&rsquo; Students Union and by the Nova Economics Club (NEC) since 2016, this is a unique event aimed at fostering and developing critical...</p>
Social Impact Talks with Filipe Alfaiate - <p>Filipe is a social innovator, a strategic thinker, and an award-winning entrepreneur. He&rsquo;s a Senior Adviser and Lecturer with a substantial track record of creating significant value for his...</p>
EFA Doctoral Tutorial | EFA Doctoral Workshop | CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS & APPLICATIONS! - <p>Ph.D. students in Finance are invited to submit their applications for the&nbsp;<strong>EFA Doctoral events</strong>&nbsp;to be held on the new campus of Nova School of Business &amp; Economics (Nova SBE) in...</p>
Nova SBE Green Guide Launch - <p>GreenNova is officially launching the Nova SBE Green Guide: a manual containing practical tips and information on how our community can build a greener campus. <strong>And there is a surprise prepared for...</strong></p>
Ageas Hackathon 2019 – Applications - <p>For the second year, Ageas Portugal&nbsp;and&nbsp;Nova SBE&nbsp;are organizing a&nbsp;Hackathon. This is a 24-hour intensive mind marathon that is a catalyst program that aims to create change....</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Professor Daniel Traça is inviting <b>10 students</b> over for breakfast, on <b>February 22nd</b>. This is an opportunity for students to talk about school and give their ideas on how to improve it and get his...</p>
Primus Inter Pares Award Applications - <p>The Primus Inter Pares award has opened its applications to distinguish the best Portuguese students in the areas of Economics, Management, and Engineering. This is a venture of Banco Santander and...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>This year&rsquo;s edition of the Nova SBE Career Fair will take place on <b>February 26th</b>, from <b>10:00 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.</b>, and will consist of companies being present at the Hovione atrium and at the...</p>
"How to transform Portugal into the most competitive economy in the world" Conference - <p>FIRMA has established an annual competition in partnership with Nova SBE. The first edition will be around the topic &ldquo;How to transform Portugal in the most competitive economy in the...</p>
Humor, Technology and Sustainability - <p>Next February 26th,&nbsp;two books from the Find Out collection, which were edited by Central Theme of Suport to Kelly Services, will be presented and will take place at Nova SBE&#39;s campus in...</p>
Data Science Talks: "AI, Society and Organizations" - <p>Nova SBE&rsquo;s Executive Education, Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciência and ISI Foundation will co-organize an event to discuss the role of data science in today&rsquo;s world. This Data Science Talk...</p>
Social Impact Talks with Jan Köpper - <p>Come and meet fascinating managers and entrepreneurs who are driving real impact throughout their personal or professional experiences! This time Nova SBE will give you the opportunity to hear from <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-k%C3%B6pper-a9b8681a/"...</p>
Inclusive Talks - <p>The Inclusive Community Forum is inviting you to come and learn more about last year&#39;s impactful subject - employability of people with disabilities - its learning processes and outcomes....</p>
SAP Campus Presentation - <p>SAP, the market leader in enterprise application software, is coming to our school. Learn more about the company and the opportunities for your future career. Join in by registering <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/a116bb0078cae1d23694d752d564e5cd-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Bain & Company Campus Presentation & Networking Cocktail - <p>Meet consultants and answer any questions you may have about Bain &amp; Company and the recruitment process. Sign up and know more <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/afb0b5a17dfad14066029fa03972d1ee-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
International Day - <p>Sixty nationalities and over eighty international schools are all being brought together to celebrate internationalization. Join in for the biggest international event at our school! Taste different...</p>
NOVO BANCO Hackathon Fest | Inspirational Class - <p>Join an inspirational class with members of NOVO BANCO, BBDO Portugal, and Nova SBE, where they will be sharing their real-life experiences and tools to overcome a challenge in only 24 hours. This...</p>
Spark Pitch Bootcamp@Nova SBE - <p>Do you value your proposition based on your own experiences, and practice what you have learned? Join this two days career accelerator, lectured in Portuguese. Get more information by checking the...</p>
Digital Disruption by Deloitte Digital - <p>Deloitte Digital is a new approach to traditional consultancy that combines creativity, with technology and business expertise. Helping clients to adapt, gain advantage, and grow revenue in this...</p>
Beiersdorf Day: Presentation - <p>Keen on learning more about one of the biggest FMCGs in the world? Don&#39;t miss this chance and <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/07b0025b9dd097de8274742fa87fd6f6-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">apply here</a> to get to know Beiersdorf better!</p>
Inclusive Talk | Family Council - <p>In the Council of Families, people with disabilities, their families and friends, as well as each individual, contribute to the development of the Inclusive Community Forum. Everyone&#39;s...</p>
The Future of Inovations | Presentation of InoCrowd's Platform - <p>Join this presentation and attend inspiring talks on Portuguese companies and their success and the service of innovation in organizations with renowned speakers such as Jorge Moreno Delgado, João...</p>
6th Purpose Takeover with Belarda Mondlane - <p>After the recent tragic events in Mozambique, we all want to help in any way we can. Nova SBE Academy of Purpose is promoting an Humanitarian Purpose Takeover giving voice to Belarda Mondlane, our...</p>
Young Lions | Bootcamp - <p>Take a front seat in the competition that will determine which national pairs represent Portugal in the Young Lions of the Cannes Lions creativity festival. More information <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/e60580aaa36352f33adf22dc00a55660-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Make Social 2019 - <p>If you work with influencers and content creation in Agencies or Brands, or if you are an influencer yourself, this is the event for you. Come and learn with the biggest players in the market and...</p>
Palgrave MacMillan | Publishing Business and Management Research - <p>Palgrave Macmillan is an authoritative and acclaimed publisher in Business and Economics, providing the very best academic textbooks, online support and research to help guide and enrich your...</p>
1st Hovione Conference - Factfulness: for a fact based worldview - Registration - <p>Imagine that all the people in the World lived along one long street. And imagine that all houses were sorted by income. The poorest to the left and the&nbsp;richest to the right. What would it look...</p>
Inclusive Talk | Institutions Council - <p>The Council of Institutions is composed by entities, public, business and Private Institutions of Social Solidarity, that have an interest in participating in the ICF and actively contribute to the...</p>
NOVO BANCO Hackathon Fest | Hello Future - <p>The NOVO BANCO Hackathon Fest is a 24-hour marathon to create, develop, plan and design an innovative solution for a given challenge, in an intensive creative-problem-solving ecosystem. Don&#39;t miss...</p>
Participatory Budget | Public Participation Session - <p>If you think that with the right tools you can make a difference then don&#39;t sleep on Nova SBE&#39;s first Participatory Budget, alongside the Municipality of Cascais. Students are invited to...</p>
Social Impact Talk with Filippo Addarii - <p>Do you think it&#39;s possible to combine private and public interests? Come and be inspired as Filippo Addarii, a bold social entrepreneur, shows you how. Register and get more information <a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/social-impact-talk-with-filippo-addarii-tickets-56810408461" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Easter School - FPF & Nova SBE - <p>The Portuguese Football Federation and Nova SBE are offering, for the first time, an Easter School focused on the challenge of identifying, selecting, and developing a team of champions whether in...</p>
Final Concert | Gerajazz Workshop 2019 - <p>Come and enjoy a concert from Orquestra Geração, that combines faculty, students, and GeraJazz.&nbsp;Check the&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/a133ea61c1951b005f81208af7fce4c7c121abf113c48e68" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>&nbsp;for more information.</p>
Open Day for Bachelor Degrees | 3rd Session - <p>Nova SBE holds &quot;Open Days&quot; in which secondary school students who wish to pursue a degree in economics or management can learn about our programs, the campus, and the school&rsquo;s...</p>
Feira Ilimitada - <p>&quot;Empresa&quot; is a young entrepreneurship program that challenges high school students to create mini-company. Feira Ilimitada brings together the 25 best projects at the regional level, where...</p>
Banco de Portugal | Payment Balance & Financial Accounts - ...
AUCHAN 25 hours Innovation Marathon | Circular Economy - <p>Join in and come up with new ways of reducing waste and promoting sustainability at the retail industry. Let&#39;s rethink the linear economy of using and discarding! For Portuguese speakers only!</p>
Seminar with Ester Faia - <p>Join Ester Faia, Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt, as she presents <em>Insolvency-Illiquidity, Externalities and Regulation</em>. Apply <a href="mailto:estabilidade.financeira@bportugal.pt">here</a>&nbsp;until April 30th.</p>
SMC Conference | Supply Chain Management - <p>&quot;Rethinking the Supply Chain&quot; and business strategies is the challenge of top managers and supply chain managers who will be in the Supply Chain meeting to analyze and discuss strategic...</p>
RTP & The Eurovision Song Contest | RTP Master Class - <p>The Core Team of the Eurovision Song Contest held in Lisbon last year, will drive you through the production process of the longest running, most loved and most challenging TV Show in the world....</p>
BIOMEET 2019 | 20 Years of P-BIO & Biotechnology - <p>The BIOMEET is an annual meeting of the P-BIO, where it brings together its members, being open to all entities involved or interested in the biotechnology sector. The program will consist in two...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for breakfast! An opportunity to talk about the school and to share ideas on how to continue to improve it.&nbsp;Check Nova SBE&#39;s stories on our&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/ebf0046d3360b51129ec981edabb464db7b8a7b0c92c37dd" target="_blank">Instagram</a>&nbsp;for...</p>
CEO Banking Forum - <p>Join this event that will count with the presence of several CEO&#39;s&#39; to take a&nbsp;look at the future challenges of the economy, innovation, and financing. Don&#39;t miss it, register <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/c92fc2d789a33f960da6627a39d6f78e6b5969b2e4cf2f76" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
The Consumer at the Center for Energy Sector Transformation - <p>This meeting will count with a presentation of the study, lead by Everis, which identifies the main aspects of consumers and shows the vision of this sector&#39;s companies. Get more information and...</p>
Social Impact Talk with Peter Latchford - <p>Meet Peter Latchford, an expert in troubleshooting, Chief Executive of Black Radley, a systems and strategy consultancy, and has worked at board level in public companies and in small...</p>
Shaping Tomorrow | Redefining Cancer Immunotherapy - <p>Don&#39;t miss this conference that will count with several speakers, such as Conrad Bleul (Senior Medical Director Oncology, Roche), Chairman: Paulo Cortes (Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa) and Niklaus...</p>
Sales Shaker 2019 - <p>The B2B Sales Innovation conference is a unique event created for those responsible for the development of international B2B growth, featuring renowned national and international leaders and speakers....</p>
6th Workshop on Age-structured models in Natural Resource Economics - <p>This workshop gathers some of the best scholars in Environmental Economics to discuss, in an informal environment, their latest research papers. On May 16th, it will take place during the afternoon...</p>
38th Exchange Program Administrators Hospital | HOPE - <p>Nova SBE will host a national meeting, organized by HOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation) on the topic <i>Evidence-informed decision-making in healthcare management</i>.&nbsp;Professor João...</p>
World Shopper Conference Iberian 2019 - <p>Connect with the future of Automotive and Mobility, for professionals and general public. Featuring eight keynotes, twenty workshops, a dynamic exhibition and the possibility to test-drive innovative...</p>
AICEP Conference 2019 - Exports & Investments - <p>Join this event, which aims to present and discuss the main results achieved in terms of exports and investment funding, the two main vectors of the mission of AICEP. Know more about the program <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/8c3c1bdafa27cb148f5871d74a071f7b-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">here</a>,...</p>
Sun Day 2019 | Expectations of Auction Modalities and the Implications of Financing Models - <p>Join this discussion about renewable energy, which will focus on the renewable sector in Portugal and on digitization as one of the main drivers for energy transition and decarbonization. Apply&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/9fa3900885fc62df61d4290a805dd0427cdc3dc5df030d29"...</p>
Paradox & Sustainability - Leadership & Society Forum 2019 - <p>The conference will discuss the paradoxes that leaders all around the world are confronted with that have no definitive solutions. This year&rsquo;s edition will focus mainly on tensions that arise...</p>
Healthy Market Cascais - <p>Join the first edition of this event, where you can expect several activities related to sports, food, and health dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. Don&#39;t miss it! Learn more <u><a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/e550028803b26b4d2b9e3a2cc527127f-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">here</a></u>&nbsp;and apply by...</p>
Estoril Conferences 2019 | Empowering Humanity from Local to Global Justice - <p>Don&#39;t miss the 6th edition of the Estoril Conferences.&nbsp;Check the&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/9dcdb5a891408488debd87d9b09d318aed5a0dd76833cbdf" target="_blank">program</a>&nbsp;and join this global dialogue on justice and human rights. Join the exclusive live streaming&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/6c58800619e3e0186ea338661be099e24731f69857d5d90e" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Estoril Conferences 2019 | Youth Summit - <p>The Youth Summit is the opening moment of the Estoril Conferences, a place for young people to raise awareness regarding global issues. Students Francisca Anselmo and Manuel Felgueiras will be the...</p>
Impactful Career Talks with Fábio Silva - <p>Fábio Silva is a social entrepreneur, founder of the first national volunteer platform of Brazil and the 1st social incubator, named Porto Social.&nbsp;<i>Forbes&nbsp;</i>magazine also elected him as the...</p>
Estoril Conferences 2019 | Mayors' Summit - <p>The Mayors&#39; Summit is a side event of the 2019 Estoril Conferences that gathers the mayors from the most relevant cities around the world and personalities from the highest relevance to discuss...</p>
ENABLE Conference: Engaging Businesses and Society in Landscape Restoration - <p>Join the European Network for the Advancement of Business and Landscape Education&rsquo;s (ENABLE) discussion on land degradation/land restoration, highlighting the Portuguese case. Learn more about...</p>
Portugal — SADC Business Forum - <p>Join this event that will engage all relevant political and economic stakeholders and raise media attention. Check the <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tfu5cfo2vqbiuwe/Forum_Portugal_SADC_Agenda_EN_7.5.pdf?dl=0">program here</a>, learn more and apply <a href="http://www.portugal-sadc.com/">here</a>.</p>
Nova SBE Open Day - <p>Nova SBE holds &quot;Open Days&quot; in which high school students who wish to pursue a degree in economics or management can learn about our programs, the campus, and the school&#39;s environment....</p>
FIRST LEGO League JR. Portugal - <p>The event is about celebrating the discovery and the solutions created under the theme MISSION MOON. There will be LEGO Bricks for the public to play and build together. Learn more <a href="http://www.firstlegoleagueportugal.org/">here</a>.</p>
Data for Change - <p>The Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, the well-known knowledge center of Nova School of Business &amp; Economics (Nova SBE), has launched a pioneering competition in Portugal aimed at...</p>
Ph.D. Summer School - <p>Every year Nova School of Business&nbsp;&amp; Economics&rsquo; Ph.D. in Economics and Finance program hosts a Summer School in Economics for Ph.D. students. This year&rsquo;s edition is held in...</p>
Leading People - International HR Conference - <p>This event focuses on people management within the Leadership Summit Portugal project. Several national and international speakers will be there as guests, such as Leyla Nascimento, President of...</p>
2019 NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development in Africa - <p>Join this event that will have renowned keynote speakers, such as Paul Collier (University of Oxford), Gerard Padro-i-Miquel (Yale University), Tavneet Suri (MIT), and Leonard Wantcheko (Princeton...</p>
Open class with Nitin Paranjpe - <p>This talk will be about Unilever&rsquo;s role as a purpose-led and future-fit business in a global context of declining trust, but with exciting new challenges and plenty of opportunities for...</p>
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship - <p>The Santander Prémio Voluntário Universitário is back! This year there will be three workshops where the main focus will be on the management of social projects, innovation, and entrepreneurship....</p>
2019 EFMD Annual Conference | Trust - Partnerships - Impact - <p>Designed for all those interested in management education and development, this conference&nbsp;brings together EFMD members, companies, educational institutions and other associations, offering...</p>
Santos na Nova - <p>Before your vacations, how about joining a traditional Portuguese &quot;arraial&quot; to celebrate the end of the first year at this new campus and the end of exams? Join in by registering <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/02d7f77b4f46dd6a59aafaea0f9b0572-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Ocean Talks - <p><strong>The 2<sup>nd</sup> edition of the Ocean Talks will take place on June 7<sup>th</sup> at Museu do Mar, in Cascais.</strong>&nbsp;These talks, which gather a group of renowned speakers from the environmental and marine life areas,...</p>
Economic Applications of Quantile Regressions 2.0 - <p>The journal <em>Empirical Economics</em> is organizing a special issue on economic applications of quantile regression intended to follow up on the special issue that was published in 2001 and reprinted by...</p>
WikiData Days 2019 - <p>This event aims to bring together people interested in Open Data and Open Science projects. The focus will be on exchanging ideas and good practices. &nbsp;Is a free event, but you need to <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/e8d7a87decb1e15a729e4608f80e9554-45373ede7b683819b8c4279be237fb3d" target="_blank">register</a>.</p>
Innovathon - Ocean Edition | Call for Applications - <p>Innovathon is a technology marathon around the challenges associated with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the United Nations. Your mission is to build new...</p>
2019 Lisbon Accounting Conference - <p>The Lisbon Accounting Conference brings together leading accounting researchers in an informal setting for a one-day conference of high-quality academic papers in financial accounting. Learn...</p>
The Globotics Upheaval | Richard Baldwin - ...
Data Science for Social Good Portugal: Presentation Event (Lisbon) - <p>In this meeting, Data Science for Social Good Portugal will present themselves to the community and talk about their current and future projects. They will be recruiting volunteers! Know more <a href="http://trk.relaytrk.com/Click/Track?p=eyJkZWxpdmVyeUd1aWQiOiIyMDE5MDYxMi0xNTQ0LTBkNWEtODZhOS03OTk0NGFjN2Y1M2IiLCJsaW5rVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVldHVwLmNvbS9EYXRhLVNjaWVuY2UtRm9yLVNvY2lhbC1Hb29kLVBvcnR1Z2FsL2V2ZW50cy8yNjE4MTY3MDkvP194dGQ9Z3FGeXFUSTNPRFU1TWpnNE42RndvM2RsWWcmZnJvbT1yZWYiLCJhSWQiOjczfQ%3D%3D" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Partner Week - <p>NOVA University Lisbon will host a Partner Week, where partner schools get to know the different schools and the work developed by them. Nova SBE will welcome this event, by presenting the brand new...</p>
Families Council - <p>Join the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) in the next Families Council meeting. The Families Council is made up of all individuals, families, and friends of people with disabilities that have an...</p>
FIRMA & Future Award | CALL FOR APLICATIONS - <p>This prize is an initiative to promote excellence in several areas, focusing on different national challenges and regions of Portugal, fostering territory cohesion and social peace while valuing human...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next June 29<sup>th</sup>, at 10:00 a.m., you can watch Professor Emanuel Gomes&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
Adegga Festival 2019 - <p>Come and taste a selection of the best wines from Portuguese producer. Bring friends and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere!&nbsp;Know more and apply&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/feb22716f65cc747f0f3a11b0479128c88e8b3953fdd7d5e" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Social Leapfrog Program - <p>Be a pioneer and do your master&#39;s thesis within the <strong>Social Leapfrog Program</strong>, impacting one of the selected social organizations.</p> <p>To know more details, visit&nbsp;Moodle page &ndash; 2863_MAM-FL...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next July 1<sup>st</sup>, at 02:00 p.m., you can watch Professor Emanuel Gomes&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
HiTech 2019 Closing Session - <p>HiTech is a Training Program that provides skills to researchers and management students in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. In this session, the projects that participate in HiTech...</p>
Families Council - <p>Join the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) in the next Families Council meeting. The Families Council is made up of all individuals, families, and friends of people with disabilities that have an...</p>
EurAfrican Forum 2019 | Partnership of Equals: shaping Values, sharing Prosperity - <p>This event will focus on common challenges, changing relationships, aiming to create fresh opportunities, showcasing examples of progress and inspiring transformation for a shared prosperous and...</p>
Seminar on Policy Analysis in Health: Methods and Applications - <p>The event starts with a crash course on marginal effects by&nbsp;<a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/3f11586c6935256a6fdd77878d9a1cda71544188f7b0cd7e" target="_blank">Marcelo Coca Perraillon</a>&nbsp;from the University of Colorado. There will also be three paper presentations followed by discussion and...</p>
8.º Congresso Nacional dos Economistas - Portugal 2030: Tecnologia, Demografia, Economia e Globalização - <p>In its 8th edition, the conference will be based on Portugal 2030 and will be oriented around four significant economic challenges for our future: Technology, Demography, Economics, and Globalization....</p>
StartUp Research 2019/2020 - <p>The second edition of StartUp Research, the Post-Graduation developed in partnership between Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA) and Nova School of Business &amp;...</p>
II Summer School - Football is much more than 90 minutes - <p>Between July 22nd and August 2nd, the <a href="http://campanhas.exed.novasbe.pt/football-is-much-more-than-90-minutes-fpf-nova-sbe">Summer School - Football is much more than 90 minutes</a> will take place. This is an innovative initiative of the FPF and Nova SBE, for those who want to start...</p>
46th European Finance Association Annual Meeting - <p>The EFA Annual Meeting is the biggest financial, economic, academic event in Europe. The program includes 243 presentations, 2 panel sessions, and 1 keynote speaker.&nbsp;<a data-auth="NotApplicable" href="https://lt.mydplr.com/00c957b571b63c0a98e76b73f9cde3a4-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Know more and apply...</u></a></p>
2019 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p>It&rsquo;s time to discover Nova SBE&rsquo;s clear horizon and what lies ahead.</p> <p>Check every main topic, speaker, and activity on Nova SBE&nbsp;Discovery Week&#39;s <a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/Programa-BsC-Sept2019.pdf">Program</a>.</p>
BeNova Scholarships - <p>The&nbsp;<strong>8th edition </strong>of the BeNova Scholarship has open applications. This program aims to help <strong>talented Portuguese bachelor&#39;s students</strong> with financial difficulties continue their studies at Nova...</p>
Société Générale France Campus Presentation - <p>Are you looking for a fast-track program for your career, with a young and stimulating environment, and highly-challenging missions in France and abroad? Then join Wannes Hubloux, Junior Inspector,...</p>
Simon-Kucher & Partners Campus Presentation + Networking Cocktail - <p>Learn how leading companies across industries think about creating value with innovative products and how they monetize them by using new pricing models, smart price differentiation, digitization, and...</p>
Oliver Wyman Day – Make an impact your own way - Campus Presentation - <p>Learn about Oliver Wyman, an international management consulting firm, in an interesting conversation with smart, friendly people who want you to succeed. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/3fcf46e70cf6ae62ae3aaaadfa212718-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register now</a>.</p>
II DSPA International Conference - <p>With representatives from the academic and scientific ecosystem, as well as DS related individuals and professionals, DSPA&rsquo;s Mission is To empower Data Science for a better world. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/be690e4312883a4005f80b06e922ca5b-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Tickets are...</a></p>
European Commission Campus Presentation - Careers in the European Commission - <p>Learn about the European Commission, its role and organization, and specifically the DG Competition. João Azevedo will share his experience, day-to-day work, and overall projects, challenges, and the...</p>
BCG Dubai Campus Presentation - Do you want to help change the world? - <p>Find out what BCG Dubai really does every day, and discover if the mix of challenge, excitement, sunshine, and personal growth inspires you too. To join the presentation register <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/93f15a2009c5e39bf2ba372d471bc70d-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">here</a> and apply <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/933cd53cb445b4e1eed62725ebdd6a55-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">here</a>....</p>
EY Germany Workshop: Financial Services Advisory + Dinner - <p>Are you interested in consulting? Learn from EY Germany&#39;s consultants what exciting challenges await you in this area. You&#39;ll also get valuable first-hand tips and insights, as well as...</p>
Purpose Takeover - <p>This Purpose Takeover will give voice to Catarina, 24, and Tomás, 32, who founded the <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/25baa7d6bf1a90e1f20f73193ebe0869-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Kolkata Monsoon Relief</a> project for supplying relief kits to the homeless families of Kolkata during the period of...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>In the Nova SBE Career Fair, more than 50 companies will host talks, in which they will present projects and job opportunities. There will also be speed networking sessions, networking cocktails, and...</p>
Leadership Summit Portugal - <p>The Leadership Summit Portugal aspires to be a world-class event, where different generations gather to produce knowledge about leadership. The goal is to create moments for producing knowledge...</p>
HSBC UK - Employability Skills Session - <p>This presents a great opportunity to hear from two of HSBC&#39;s Senior Graduate Recruiters in preparation for the HSBC Application and Assessment Process. It will be an interactive session and it was...</p>
Join HSBC UK for Investment Banking Coffee Chats - <p>This is a great opportunity to learn more about HSBC&rsquo;s Investment Banking business, insight into the bankers&rsquo; personal experiences, build relationships, and have your questions answered....</p>
Jump Pre-Acceleration Program - Applications - <p>The Pre-Acceleration Program, which was designed for students and alumni, helps you<b>&nbsp;transform your idea into a prototype</b>. JUMP provides you with guidance from experienced mentors. They help you...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for breakfast! On October 4, you can take this&nbsp;opportunity to talk about how our school can impact the Portuguese society with the Dean.&nbsp;Check Nova SBE&#39;s...</p>
Data Science Talks III - How to twist AI algorithms to favor public good over private ones - <p>Hugues Bersini will join us for the third Data Science Talk, on how to twist AI algorithms to favor public good over private ones. Be part of this innovative talk. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.pt/e/bilhetes-how-to-twist-ai-algorithms-to-favor-public-good-over-private-ones-73945475909">Apply here</a>.</p>
Festival Brands Like Bands - O Único Festival de Bandas de Empresas do Mundo - <p>Created in 2013, the Brands Like Bands Festival aims to bring renowned companies together in an innovative, captivating, and creative way for a social cause. The warm-up festival will take place at...</p>
Amazon Devices - Workshop in Digital Marketing - <p>Two Nova SBE Alumni from the Amazon EU HQ, in Luxembourg, are joining Nova SBE for a unique session. Be one of the 40 participants that will gather digital marketing insights through a real case study...</p>
Accenture Company Day (Business Challenge + Networking Cocktail) - <p>If you want to participate in a challenging and hands-on session where you will learn how digital and new technology is impacting businesses all over the world, then join in. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/bf998f0675d6f215c26760e31eb876ab-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register here</a>.</p>
BPI-Nova SBE Asset Management Conference 2019 - <p>The main objective of this conference is to present and discuss recent advances in academic research on Asset Management. Attendance is free of charge but you have to <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/16cdadf3d4f6ff5d5e521ed40bc7dfdf-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">register</a>.</p>
World Bank Group - Young Professionals Program - <p>Learn about early career opportunities from highly skilled and motivated postgraduate students and alumni who will showcase the Young Professionals Program, the World Bank&rsquo;s flagship program. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/e0d4997f3c235f5d604cd1f0e2c35545-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c"...</p>
Smart Citizenship Academy 2019 - <p>The Municipality of Cascais and the Nova School of Business &amp; Economics&nbsp;will hold,&nbsp;for the second consecutive year, the Smart Citizenship Academy, a space for reflection, debate, and...</p>
The financial marathon is on: an invitation to get creative - <p>Come and join a group of Cetelem experts to create new ideas and take on four different challenges in the Financial Industry: customer service; products and offerings; paradigm shift: ownership or...</p>
16.ª Conferência Nacional da Economia da Saúde [16th Health Economics National Conference] - <p>The Portuguese Association of Health Economics, together with several Nova SBE Health Economics &amp; Management Knowledge Center members will, for the first time in this conference, have an entire...</p>
European Investment Bank Day -Risk Management team - Campus Presentation + Networking Cocktail - <p>The Risk Management team of the European Investment Bank is pleased to invite you to a campus presentation to share how their work makes a difference in Europe and beyond. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/e0d4997f3c235f5d604cd1f0e2c35545-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Sign up here</a>. Do you also...</p>
GreenFest - <p>Greenfest is the largest sustainability festival in the country and celebrates the best economic, social, and environmental practices. It is meant to be a platform where ideas and experiences can be...</p>
Portugal Mobi Summit - <p>The largest urban mobility event in Portugal will bring the world&#39;s leading protagonists to talk about topics such as decarburization, multimodal urban transport solutions, smart infrastructures...</p>
BlackRock Company Day - Campus Presentation - <p>Join the BlackRock Company at this event to learn more about BlackRock, Aladdin, and how you can join them to help solve the world&rsquo;s most complex financial challenges. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/017db20d1650d71dbb2decfb715720ed-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register your presence...</a></p>
Lusosider Business Challenge - <p>This case describes a factory that contains several production lines with processors of different capacities, utilization rates, working hours and producing different materials, allowing you to study...</p>
BlackRock Company Day - Session “How to apply” + Networking Cocktail - <p>What does BlackRock do? One of the answers is that it manages more assets than any other firm in the world: 6.8 trillion dollars. Know how to apply and network with the BlackRock team in this event. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/489bb58fb959a688119299ab3041abd0-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c"...</p>
Ungap Year - <p>Ungap Year is looking for curious, ambitious, and global-minded talents who are hungry for a challenge. Sounds like you? <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/1a50562ba29878c33a6a4f59ace21215-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Then apply now for a special scholarship that will kick-start your career</a>.</p>
Impactful talks | Entrepreneurship at Nova SBE - <p>What&rsquo;s at stake when you decide to follow a nonlinear professional career? Duarte Leite Castro and João Loureiro Rodrigues are Nova SBE Alumni who are now working at Nova SBE and invited Ricardo...</p>
Intro Session: Campus Tech Festival & Pulse - <p>The Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab will kick-off the Campus Tech Festival by introducing PULSE, a contest idea for the use of technology on campus. They are looking for curious and critical minds...</p>
Bitwala Blockchain Bank - Campus Presentation - <p>Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is set to disrupt traditional finance. At Bitwala, the mission is to connect the old world with the new. In December 2018, the company launched the...</p>
KPMG Luxembourg Campus Presentation - <p>Attend the campus presentation of KPMG Luxembourg and learn more about its organization, recruitment process, and the benefits of joining the company. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/716f72dd676d6148289d930e868bd381-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register here</a>.</p>
RBI Interviews on Campus - <p>RBI will hold interviews on campus on November 7 and 8. Students will be contacted directly by RBI for bookings. Is this your chance? <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/5d71803b02d41d8c98ccbe0643811695-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register here</a></p>
JFI-Nova SBE Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance - <p>The main objective of the conference is to present and discuss recent advances in academic research on financial intermediation and corporate finance. Interested? <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/49731540afea45db61eea54371eb140f-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register now, and learn more here</a>.</p>
Futures Festival Live Viewing - <p>As part of the Campus Tech Festival, the Nova SBE Experience Lab will host a Live Viewing of the Futures Festival. The Futures Festival is a virtual annual event and this year&#39;s edition brings...</p>
Bachelor’s Graduation Ceremony 2019 - ...
Nordea Luxembourg Day - Campus Presentation - <p>Do you want to understand Nordea Luxembourg&#39;s organization, its mission and values, and the many job opportunities that they have to offer? Then attend this campus presentation and find out about...</p>
RBB Economics Campus Presentation - <p>Careers in Economic Consulting and how to work as an economist in the private sector will be two of the main topics discussed on RBB Economics&#39; campus presentation. The company will present career...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for a second breakfast. To snatch one of the coveted spots you must submit your best question for the Dean via Nova SBE&rsquo;s stories on <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/db15f7968b248fbfa706db2b2ca7b1b1-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Instagram</a> or via <a href="mailto:nova_sbe@novasbe.pt" target="_blank">email</a>. With...</p>
GS1 Business Challenge - <p>The challenge that GS1 would like to propose to students is for them to develop a study that will measure direct impacts such as cost reduction and indirect impacts such as greater traceability that...</p>
Nova SBE Impact Day - <p>Nova SBE will gather its entire community to celebrate and discuss social and environmental impact. There will be stands with several impact-driven organizations with job and volunteer opportunities....</p>
Speed networking @ Nova SBE Impact Day - <p>You will have the chance to speak directly to different professionals working in the social and environmental impact fields with this unique speed networking session. They will be representing...</p>
Social Leapfrog Program - <p>Be a pioneer and seize this opportunity of doing your Master&rsquo;s thesis with the Social Leapfrog Program, addressing real management challenges, and helping to provide solutions that can be...</p>
JB Capital Markets Campus Presentation - <p>JB Capital Markets relies on an experienced team and privileged access to a wide base of institutional investors on a global scale, which offers investment opportunities based on deep knowledge and...</p>
Fidelidade Campus Presentation - <p>With this presentation you will have an overview of Fidelidade, the markets, the products and services, financial indicators, internal audit function and audit direction. You will learn more about the...</p>
Working at McKinsey - Campus Presentation - <p>From the C-suite to the front line, McKinsey partners with their clients to transform organizations in ways that matter most to them. If you want to know more about McKinsey and their opportunities,...</p>
Meet the Founder - Special Edition | Powered by BYC & MYC - <p>The goal of this event is to promote and develop the entrepreneurial environment at Nova SBE inviting people to participate in an interactive talk with 2 founders of successful Start-Ups, to better...</p>
Education Seminar - Betting on Innovation | Building Futures - <p>This seminar aims to gather and catalyze the wills of the municipality&#39;s educational institutions and agents for educational transformation, creating a credible, sustainable and lasting movement...</p>
Accenture Strategy ASGR Nerd Labs & Cocktail - <p>You will not only get the chance to get to know Accenture&#39;s strategy consultants and their business but also understand how they work at the intersection of business and technology by executing...</p>
Wildfire Case Challenge presented by NSC - <p>Devastating wildfires are a major problem in Portugal. Social Enterprise Plantaforma is tackling the issue of unmanaged areas as one of the root causes of those fires. Nova Social Consulting, in...</p>
EU Careers: Shaping Europe with you - Campus Presentation - <p>Have you ever thought about the opportunities the EU has to offer? From paid volunteering to full-time positions, with internships in several institutions, join this conversation and discover how you...</p>
International Lunch - <p>All students are invited to join Nova SU and Nova Food Club on this outstanding International Event, where food will be served by students and dynamics will be in place so that you get to know more...</p>
Novo Nordisk Campus Presentation - <p>Meet Novo Nordisk and learn more about the life-changing career opportunities a Novo Nordisk graduate program can offer. Get to know everything about this two-year learning journey that will take you...</p>
L'Oréal Brandstorm 2020 + Campus Presentation - <p>Participate in the ultimate international innovation competition and tackle a radical innovation challenge with L&rsquo;Oréal Consumer Products. This is a unique opportunity to apply your skills and...</p>
From Trainee to CEO Chief Of Staff at Pingo Doce – Meet Filipa Pimentel - <p>Come and meet Filipa Pimentel, a Nova SBE alumna, who will be sharing what does it take to excel at Jerónimo Martins&rsquo; Group. In an intimate talk where all questions are allowed, Filipa will go...</p>
NOW - Marketing in Times of Distraction - <p>APPM - Associação Portuguesa dos Profissionais do Marketing [Portuguese Association of Marketing Professionals] will organize the 2019 National Congress to reflect on how the progress of technology...</p>
Professor Sir Cary Cooper | Mental Capital and Wellbeing at Work - <p>Professor Sir Cary Cooper will explore the costs and benefits of an organizational wellbeing strategy, the sources of stress and lack of wellbeing at work, and the strategy for dealing with them. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/c206abca9cb2df31bdd92459ef332aa6-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c"...</p>
Master's Program Presentation - <p>If you are a Bachelor&#39;s exchange student come and learn more about the Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s Programs next Thursday. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/76c2112eb6786ef9732f0fd60f1b8055-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register here</a>.</p>
McKinsey Germany Campus Presentation + Networking Cocktail - <p>Get an overview of the wide range of consulting tasks and the current career prospects that McKinsey &amp; Company has available. Get authentic insights into the company&#39;s working methods and the...</p>
PULSE - <p>The Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab is organizing the PULSE project with the help of Schreder-Hyperion, Sonae, Outsystems, and Bright Pixel. PULSE is a year-long project that aims to encourage...</p>
EY Campus Presentation - <p>EY is not afraid to ask questions; for them, asking questions is not a right; it is a duty. So next Monday, come and meet the company, talk to Nova SBE Alumni, and meet the career opportunities EY...</p>
RTP Masterclass: The Future of Media and Entertainment - <p>RTP, the renowned Portuguese TV channel, will drive you through the production process of the most challenging TV show in the world: the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. Interested? Then <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/8bf0c7b651b2bbd6ba2170d11ce0ad52-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">register here</a>.</p>
Entrepreneurship Hub Meetup #2 - <p>Connect with other students who share your passion for Innovation &amp; Entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurship Hub Meetup is a place for you to meet like-minded students and exchange ideas. Beers and...</p>
Unconditional Basic Income: What are the benefits of implementing a UBI, and what can UBI experiments tell us? - <p>Don&#39;t miss this discussion promoted by UBIEXP &ndash; CEPS Minho and Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center. <a href="https://lnkd.in/gNYgGRp">Register now</a>.</p>
Campus 2030 Challenge - <p>Work on a project for the <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/9bd1e72c7b3b207c13fd04fc3a11c4aa-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Campus 2030 Challenge</a> and help build the university environment of the future. Choose a category (students living standards; a campus in the city; new educational issues; or...</p>
Call for Submissions: Illustration - <p><strong>Are you an&nbsp;<em>illustrator</em>&nbsp;and you would like your artwork to be the official image of the next big Marketing event at Nova SBE?</strong></p> <p>The deadlines for the submissions are from 1 Dec to 16 Dec 2019....</p>
Nova SBE Alumni Party' 19 - <p>The Nova SBE Alumni Party is becoming a cherished tradition that we look forward to all year. To see what our community is up to, (re)establish bonds, and create the fondest memories, each year, we...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next January 2nd, at 02:00 p.m., you can watch Professor Ana Balcão Reis&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next January 3rd, at 02:00 p.m., you can watch Professor Ana Balcão Reis&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
A Economia de Espanha no Pós-Eleições: Riscos e Oportunidades - <p>Llorente y Cuenca will organize a debate about Spain&#39;s Economy where the former Minister of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness of Spain - Román Escolano - will be the keynote speaker. As part...</p>
SUMOL+COMPAL GrowHACK | Challenge Our Leaders - <p>The GrowHACK is a 16-hour marathon to create, develop, plan, and design an innovative solution for a given challenge, in an intensive creative-problem-solving ecosystem. Make a difference in one of...</p>
Jump! Pre-Acceleration Program - <p>Do you have an idea, a solution for a business problem, or a project that you want to transform into a startup but don&#39;t know how? JUMP is Nova SBE Entrepreneurship Hub&#39;s pre-acceleration...</p>
Pulse - The Heartbeat of Your Ideas - <p>Can you imagine the campus of tomorrow? PULSE is a technology challenge organized by the Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab that will give your idea a body of its own and make it pulse. Join the Nova SBE...</p>
2019/2020 Spring Intake - <p>Remember when you first set foot at a new school where you knew no one? There was an excitement... butterflies in your stomach, electricity in the air! That&#39;s how probably the new students will be...</p>
Build Brighter Futures - <p>Build Brighter Futures is an event dedicated to education and technology that brings together who decides, who teaches, who leads, who researches, and who supports this ecosystem to enable the digital...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next January 30th, at 04:00 p.m., you can watch Professor José Álvaro Ferreira da Silva&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next January 31st, at 04:00 p.m., you can watch Professor José Álvaro Ferreira da Silva&#39; &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p>
Meet the founder with Musa - <p>If you want to become an entrepreneur or if you want to work in a fast-paced company, or even if you are just curious about entrepreneurship, come to the next Meet the Founder with Bruno Carrilho....</p>
Economia Viva 2020 - <p>Every year, students from both Nova Economics Club and the Nova SBE Students&#39; Union put together the biggest Portuguese Conference Cycle on Economics with the most renowned guest speakers to...</p>
Refinitiv Challenge for Nova SBE Students - <p>Refinitiv is launching a new challenge for Nova SBE students. Win the new iPhone by presenting the best stock recommendation using Refinitiv Data. Further details on the competition and a Panel on ESG...</p>
Reinventing the future: Labour Relations for the next 50 years - <p>Have you imagined how your work is going to be your work in 50 years? Companies, workers, governments, and academia will share their perspectives, challenges, solutions, and fears about the future of...</p>
Teach for Portugal - <p>Teach for Portugal will be at Nova SBE to present their program, to which you can apply. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/2c342c2f540bda4ce8147dfcf1ad2dfa-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Teach For Portugal</a> is an NGO that was founded to promote a successful education for all children so that their...</p>
Marketing Wave 2020 - <p>If you are a marketing professional, a student, or simply a person who is passionate about this important area, then don&rsquo;t miss Marketing Wave 2020 &ndash; a unique event where all stakeholders...</p>
Pitch Bootcamp - <p>Spark Agency&#39;s Pitch Bootcamp is back. If you intend to start working soon or if you are looking for a company to do a curricular or summer internship then this is for you. Companies like...</p>
EDP's CEO António Mexia shares his vision on Corporate Strategy - <p>António Mexia, CEO of EDP, one of the largest companies in Portugal in the energy sector, is coming to Nova SBE to be a speaker on the Corporate Strategy and Transformation class about his...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks - <p>Discover more about our Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s Programs on February 17, at 5.00 pm, in the Jerónimo Martins Grand Auditorium at Nova SBE. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nova-sbe-masters-talks-tickets-90140654123">See what we have in store for you and register now</a>.</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>This edition of the Nova SBE Career Fair will feature, for the first time, a startup corner in partnership with the <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/92aaa5d2ef04cbc80536c63b52e95bf3-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Nova SBE Entrepreneurship Hub</a>. There will also be <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/94034a435869ae5e2bbcfa69eb699ad9-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">talks</a> hosted by companies, as well...</p>
JUMP – Go-to-Market Strategy - <p>To have a solution, an idea or a project is a start, but how can we make it actionable in order to reach our targeted customers? In which stage should we think about a go-to-market strategy? <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/7915db8d5255b819299e47ee0481612a-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register...</a></p>
Participatory Budget - Call for ideas! - <p>Don&#39;t miss the chance to make your dream of a better campus life come true! If you think that with the right tools, you can make a difference, then don&#39;t sleep on Nova SBE&#39;s Participatory...</p>
Altice's CEO Alexandre Fonseca shares his vision on Corporate Strategy - <p>Alexandre Fonseca, CEO of Altice, a multinational company that acquired PT, is coming to Nova SBE to be a speaker on the Corporate Strategy and Transformation class about corporate strategy and the...</p>
JUMP – Business Model - <p>Do you know what is the best business model for your idea? With this session, you&#39;ll learn how to choose your business model in order to make your idea thrive. Don&#39;t miss this chance. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/7915db8d5255b819299e47ee0481612a-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register...</a></p>
Purpose Takeover with Carolina Duarte - <p>Next Thursday, have a break and get to know the fascinating Olympic sprinter Carolina Duarte. C<s>a</s>rolina has overwhelming strength. She has 10 % vision but is a 100 % champion.&nbsp;If you think you...</p>
Economics Master’s Talks - <p>Come and join the Economics&rsquo; Faculty and Students for some pizza &amp; drinks, and to learn more about our Master&rsquo;s in Economics. This will be a &lsquo;yummy&rsquo; opportunity for you to...</p>
Unibail Rodamco Westfield Campus Presentation | Powered by MYC & BYC - <p>Are you eager to start an international and diverse career? Are you looking for exposure to the worlds of real estate, asset management, finance, and retail? Are you committed, curious, energetic, and...</p>
KPMG Luxembourg Webinar | Powered by MYC & BYC - <p>Get an inside look at KPMG Luxembourg and learn more about its organization, the recruitment process, and the benefits of joining the company with recruiters Martin Hubert and Redouan Takkal. <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/9090ac6a7f396aed98b93dc90513ebe2-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c" target="_blank">Register...</a></p>
Well-being Week - <p>Finally, the Well-being Week at Nova SBE is here! Next week, join in the many activities that will cater to your social, physical, and mental well-being.&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/WellbeingWeek.pdf" target="_blank"><u>Check the program</u></a>&nbsp;and don&rsquo;t...</p>
Robert Walters | Recruitment Trends in 2020 | Powered by MYC & BYC - <p>This event aims to present salary and recruitment trends for 2020 in Portugal in the area of Accounting &amp; Finance and Sales &amp; Marketing, whilst also summarizing top global hiring trends to...</p>
Doctoral Defense - <p>Filipa Correia de Sousa Rocha Rodrigues Marques will defend her doctoral thesis Aging at work. The interplay of resources and self-regulation strategies across the work lifespan, which had Professor...</p>
Webinar: Master's Talks on Economics and CEMS - <p><a href="http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/102276020330">Register now</a> and join our first live webinar with the Master&#39;s in Economics Academic Director and some fellow students. Learn more about our Master&#39;s in Economics and the CEMS Master&#39;s in...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Importance of Creativity in the Innovation Process” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Chris Corbin</p> <p>Learn to lead on the edge, so that you release the creative genius in your colleagues.</p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of experts will address the challenges and...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Pandemonics II” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers:&nbsp;</strong>Pedro Brinca &amp; João Duarte</p> <div><span style="color: rgb(74, 74, 74); font-size: 14px;">We will look into the microeconomic impacts and company responses for the Covid-19 pandemic and what are the main recommendations.</span></div> <p>Join our...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Why Organizational Safety Matters in Times of Crises” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Filipa Breia da Fonseca</p> <p>High performing teams in healthcare services were admitting and discussing their errors and failures &ndash; because they felt safe to talk about them, and...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Being Exponential in Disruptive Times” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Manuel Tânger</p> <p>Explore the basics of exponential technologies, while reflecting about the responsibility and opportunity of being exponential and the impact that option has on...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Leadership at a Distance: how you can use neuroscience to help your distributed team to thrive” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Misha Byrne</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re leading a team for the next few months, the goal is clear: you need to support your team to become a self-regulating, self-managing and self-sustaining...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Building Leadership Skills for an Uncertain Tomorrow” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker:</strong> Roger Delves</p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of experts will address the challenges and opportunities that arise in our personal and professional lives to help us to stop and...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Operational Crisis Resource Management in Healthcare” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Filipe Pereira da Costa</p> <p>A novelty to a traditional way of operational management in healthcare that creates challenges to the teams and all stakeholders who integrate a patient care...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Finance Webinar - <p>What lies beyond the horizon? Join our Master&#39;s Talks Webinar and find out. If you are a&nbsp;<b>Portuguese Bachelor&#39;s student</b>&nbsp;and you are thinking about applying for our Master&#39;s in...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Navigating VUCA with Experimentation” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker: </strong>Greg Sherwin</p> <p>This session will help organizations rethink how they plan, prioritize, and execute for a complex and uncertain future, using experimentation as a business...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Mindfulness: a peaceful (r)evolution” - <p><strong>Keynote Speaker:&nbsp;</strong>Constança Casquinho</p> <p>Confinement and its sources of stress create a rare opportunity to take a deep dive into our own minds, towards freedom.</p> <p>Join our webinar series where a...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor's Open Day Webinar - <p>You can now apply to the Nova School of Business &amp; Economics&rsquo; Open Day Webinar. It will take place on <strong>May 4</strong> at 01:00 pm. During this session, you will be able to learn more about our...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Awakening of Social Innovation?” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Pedro Oliveira invites Luís Jerónimo</strong></p> <p>Which role has social innovation played in this pandemics? What about technology? Is this new entrepreneur movement here to stay?</p> <p>Join our...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Health Tourism: Potential or Peril for Portugal” - <p>The potential export markets for health, dental and medical services, generally referred to as health or medical tourism, have received growing attention in the academic, business and popular press....</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Power of Communication in Times of Crisis” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Laurinda Alves</strong></p> <p>To listen, talk and be both clear and effective are key in the Communication era we are living in. However, discommunication is particularly challenging in times of...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Importance of Risk Management in Value Chains” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Pedro Silva Caldeira</strong></p> <p>Procurement and supply chain is more challenging than ever in a context of complex and multi-layered networks, where fierce competition and profitability...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Executing in Uncertain Times” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: João Silveira Lobo</strong></p> <p>This webinar will focus on the 4 principles of excelling in execution: focus, integration, alignment and behavior.</p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Leading from the Next Stage of Human Consciousness” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: José Vicente Cordeiro</strong></p> <p>We will explore the link between levels of consciousness and leadership and how to become an integral leader during the post-modern age (VUCA era) and...</p>
E agora? (What now?): “Tourism – the reinvention of a sector" - <p>Nova SBE is organizing a cycle of conferences <strong>&ldquo;E agora? (What now?)&rdquo;</strong>, during May and June as part of its <u><a href="http://roletoplay.novasbe.pt/" title="http://roletoplay.novasbe.pt/">&ldquo;We all have a role to play&rdquo; initiative</a></u>. The conferences will encourage...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Managing Corporate Reputation in a Time of Pandemic” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Salvador da Cunha invites Fernando Prado Abuín (Reputation Institute) &amp; Cláudia Domingues (IKEA)</strong></p> <p>How to maintain or even improve corporate reputation in times of a pandemic? A...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Intro to Exponentials: The Exponential Mindset” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Manuel Tânger</strong></p> <p>This session will help you think about the basics of exponential technologies. We will explore sectors that grew exponentially and reflect on impact and the required...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “e-Commerce and Omnichannel Today” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers:</strong> <strong>Jorge Velosa </strong></p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of experts will address the challenges and opportunities that arise in our personal and professional lives to help us to stop and...</p>
Webinar: Master's Talks on Business Analytics - <p><a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/masters-talks-on-business-analytics-webinar-tickets-83006543807?utm_source=eventbrite&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=post_publish&amp;utm_content=EBLinkEvent&amp;utm_term=fullLink">Register now</a>, join our first live webinar with the Master&rsquo;s in Business Analytics Director and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify all of your doubts...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “A Case Study on Reskilling into Tech” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Shannon Graybill invites Gilmar Lima</strong></p> <p>Is it really possible to reskill professionals into technical roles? Gilmar Lima, a former Telecomm Service Manager turned Developer at the age...</p>
E agora? (What now?): “Health: reaffirming its excellence" - <p>Our third conference on <strong>Health</strong> will be held on <strong>May 21, at 11 am,</strong> and is open to the general public and press. It aims to discuss how the health sector should adjust following its crucial role during...</p>
Paradox & Family Firms - Research Webinars - <p>The Paradox &amp; Plurality meeting aims at discussing organizational and societal problems from a paradoxical perspective. The Meeting Board and Program Chairs have decided to deliver some key parts...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor's Open Day Webinar - <p>You can now apply to the Nova School of Business &amp; Economics&rsquo; Open Day Webinar. It will take place on <strong>May 26</strong> at <strong>01:00 pm</strong>. During this session, you will be able to learn more about our...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Road to a Sustainable Recovery” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Luís Veiga Martins invites Filipa Saldanha</strong></p> <p>What lessons on sustainability can we learn with this crisis? Is the trend towards a more sustainable economy at risk? Or is this a new...</p>
Webinar: Nova SBE Master's Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Do you want to know more about Hospitality &amp; Service Management? Then join this webinar, hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, and learn how you can cope with the current trends of the hospitality...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Scenarios and the Future II” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers:</strong> <strong>António Alvarenga</strong></p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of experts will address the challenges and opportunities that arise in our personal and professional lives to help us to stop...</p>
Public Defense of the 2019-20 Master's Thesis - <p>From June 1 to June 5, we will hold the public defenses of the 2019-20 Master&#39;s thesis. Check <a href="/Portals/0/Files/Lista-provas-publicas-de-defesa-de-dissertacoes-de-mestrado-2020.pdf">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
E agora? (What now?): “Internationalization & Export: rethinking global value chains" - <p>Our fourth conference&nbsp;&quot;Internationalization &amp; Export: rethinking global value chains&quot;, which will be held on <strong>June 1, at 3.00 pm</strong>, is open to the general public and press. It aims to...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “9 to 5 Makes Us Sick – Literally. A new paradigm for work” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Sabine Seymour</strong></p> <p>Humanizing work for GenZ in the age of Greta and Corona. Connecting work with purpose. A brainstorm of new models of remote work for GenZ, a generation of digital...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Relationship Between Banks and Companies in the Post-COVID-19 Economy” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Paulo Soares de Pinho</strong></p> <p>We will discuss the financial situation of the Portuguese banking sector and how it affects the type of relationship that will exist between banks and current...</p>
roletoplay Webinar “Technology and the Future of Travel & Tourism” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Sérgio Guerreiro invites Itai Green</strong></p> <p>The Travel &amp; Tourism industry was one of the most affected by COVID-19 and technology will play a key role in the future of the industry, in...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “2020 New Strategic Horizons for Businesses’ Recovery & Sustainability” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Filipe Alfaiate</strong></p> <p>Know how to unfold unknown business opportunities in times of crisis as creating shared value and stakeholder approach becomes essential in the business world to...</p>
Pitch Bootcamp Online - <p dir="ltr">Spark Agency&#39;s Pitch Bootcamp is back at Nova SBE. If you wish to understand how companies are adapting to these challenging times,&nbsp;how recruitment processes are taking place, and which...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Human Resilience: the SUPER competence” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: Marteen Asser</strong></p> <p>This webinar clarifies why Human Resilience is a SUPER competence that improves us in other leadership capabilities. We&rsquo;ll define it and apply it to the six...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next June 24<sup>th</sup> and 25th, at 02:00 p.m., you can watch Professor Pedro Miguel da Cruz Correia Gardete&#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p>Join us online, at&nbsp;<a...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Innovation Management for Business Results” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: </strong><strong>Paulo Malta</strong></p> <p>Innovation is all about value creation. Are your innovation activities delivering value during this pandemic?</p> <p>Join our webinar series where a team of experts will...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Florence Mendes Correia Carp Pinto Basto will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Three essays on banks&rsquo;operational risk disclosures in the European Union: The role of informal institutions, and...</p>
2nd Annual Leading Together Index Award - <p>Every year, an event with C-level executives and business leaders is held to discuss the importance of gender-balanced leadership in the light of the latest research on the topic by McKinsey &amp;...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “The Impact of a Global Pandemic on Customer Service Verticals” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: </strong><strong>Vasco Pedro</strong></p> <p>Trends in customer service: who is winning and who is losing. Insights on the trends for customer service activity that we are observing within different industries in...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Ana Garcia Hernandez will defend her doctoral thesis &ldquo;Essays In Development Economics And Gender&rdquo;, which had Professor Alexander Coutts as supervisor, on July 1, 10.00 AM.</p> <p>According to...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: João Talone - <p>Luís Almeida Costa, scientific coordinator of the postgraduate program&nbsp;in Marketing, Strategy &amp; Innovation invites the new sponsor of the program, João Talone, for a brief conversation where...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Aires Afonso Mbanze &nbsp;will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Conservation By Local People In The Niassa National Reserve: Money Or In-Kind Payments To Adopt Conservation-Friendly Practices&rdquo;,...</p>
#roletoplay Webinar “Why System Changes after COVID-19?” - <p><strong>Keynote Speakers: </strong><strong>Silvia Herrero</strong></p> <p>As COVID-19 triggers System Change as a popular approach, from economy to agriculture, why is it a pathway to sustainability and what do organizations need to engage...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Maria João Carioca - <p>The scientific coordinator of the graduate program in Applied Management, Filipa Castanheira, invites Maria João Carioca, the new sponsor of the program, to address the challenges that professionals...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: António Simões - <p>Miguel Pina e Cunha, scientific coordinator of the oldest graduate of Nova SBE, the General Management Course, invites the new sponsor of the program, António Simões, for a brief conversation where...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Luis Filipe will defend his doctoral thesis &ldquo;A Tour Of Health Care: Emergency Room, Hospital And Home&rdquo;, which had Professor Pedro Pita Barros as supervisor, on July 10, 2.00 PM.</p> <p>According...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Jorge Cardoso - <p>The scientific coordinator of the postgraduate course in Corporate Finance, Paulo Soares de Pinho, invites Jorge Freire Cardoso, the new sponsor of the program, to reflect on the challenges that...</p>
Getting ready to move to Portugal? We can help! - <p>Meet the Life at Nova Team, learn how they can help you nail a soft landing in Portugal, and get to ask all the questions you want and voice your concerns. Let them know here which specific topics you...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Miguel Azevedo - <p>The scientific coordinator of the postgraduate course in Financial Markets &amp; Risk Management, Paulo Soares de Pinho, invites Miguel Azevedo, the new sponsor of the program, to reflect on the...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Paulo Guilherme will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Technology Transfer in Rice Crop in Mozambique: From Research to Farmers&rdquo;, which had Professor Fernando Brito Soares as supervisor, on July...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Jacob Lawrence Macdonald will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Leveraging Geospatial Statistics for Measuring and Valuing the Urban Environment&rdquo;, which had Professor Sofia Franco as supervisor,...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Pedro Pereira da Silva - <p>The executive coordinator of the graduate course in Supply Chain Management, Pedro Silva Caldeira, invites Pedro Pereira da Silva, the new sponsor of the program, to reflect on the challenges that...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Isabel Vaz - <p>Filipa Breia da Fonseca and Filipe Costa, coordinators of the postgraduate course in Health Management, invite Isabel Vaz, the new sponsor of the program, to reflect on how management training can...</p>
Know the Program, Meet the Sponsor: Alexandra Brandão - <p>The scientific coordinator of the postgraduate course in People &amp; Talent Management, Pedro Neves, invites Alexandra Brandão, the new sponsor of the program, to reflect on the challenges that...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Muriel Halpern Pereira Faden da Silva&nbsp;will defend her doctoral thesis &quot;Navigating Tensions in the Context of Enduring Complexity&rdquo;, which had Professor Miguel Pina e Cunha as a...</p>
Nestlé Start and Co. 2020 - Open Call - <p><meta name="uuid" content="uuidbzenQBWeUpmk" /><meta charset="utf-8" /></p> <p>The third edition of Nestlé Start and Co. 2020, a Nestlé Portugal innovation program in partnership with the Nova SBE Co.Innovation Lab,&nbsp;is about to start. And we want to challenge startups and...</p></meta></meta>
Data Science Bootcamp - Last Call - <p>The Nova SBE x Le Wagon bootcamp, the no. 1 coding bootcamp in the world, will take place in a part-time format over 24 weeks and is meant for students who want to learn Data Science step by step. The...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Miguel Teles de Carvalho Homem Ferreira&nbsp;will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Essays on Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Shocks&rdquo;, which had Professor Pedro Brinca as a supervisor, on August...</p>
2020 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p>Whether the challenge is studying, learning, risking everything, or making it through the day, you have done it all. In fact, you&rsquo;ve mastered it! The real challenge is discovering where you can...</p>
The New Post-Pandemic Consumer Challenges Current Marketing Strategies - <p>This pandemic will change the world we live in for years to come, even after COVID-19 is gone, leading consumers to rethink their purchase decisions and expectations regarding brands. Do you want to...</p>
The New Post-Pandemic Consumer Challenges Current Marketing Strategies - <p>This pandemic will change the world we live in for years to come, even after COVID-19 is gone, leading consumers to rethink their purchase decisions and expectations regarding brands. Do you want to...</p>
Makers in the Making Program - <p>This program allows students to gain entrepreneurial experience to pilot, experiment, learn, and grow during the process. Any idea is welcome, and in the end, students can present their pitch to the...</p>
Welcome to the Future of Learning: the new path to transformation - <p>Nova SBE Executive Education is about to launch a new platform that opens up a world of possibilities and learning solutions. A new world where you can choose to learn. <a href="https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8915998516502/WN_wC25EjszQJ-nE8oRj7vu9g" target="_blank">Register now</a> and have exclusive...</p>
Paradigm Shift Conference: Sustainable Transformation - <p>The fact that organizations can no longer ignore sustainability in their processes is not an innovative idea anymore. However, the way to do it is still unclear, creates tensions, and entails...</p>
Data Science for Everybody - Second Edition Applications - <p>Le Wagon built this free course for beginners who are taking their first steps into the world of data and want to prepare for advanced data science and machine learning courses. Participants who...</p>
Data Science for Social Good Summit - <p>The Data Science for Social Good Summit will feature a series of panels and hands-on workshops that will take place twice a week throughout October for free. It aims to empower our community by...</p>
2020 Conference Cycle | Economic Inequality and Redistribution in Portugal - <p>The Portuguese Public Finance Council will hold a webinar on &quot;Desigualdades Económicas e Redistribuição em Portugal&quot; [Economic Inequality and Redistribution in Portugal]. The debate will...</p>
Startup Research 2021 - Informative Session - <p>The third edition of StartUp Research, a post-graduation course developed in partnership between ITQB NOVA and Nova SBE to help researchers envision the value their science can generate will be...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p><strong>João António Antunes Calado dos Santos Magro</strong> will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Essays on Corporate Finance&rdquo;, which had Miguel Luís Ferreira and Cláudia Dias Custódio as a supervisor, on...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for the second breakfast this semester. To snatch one of the coveted spots you must submit your best question for the Dean on this topic via Nova SBE&rsquo;s stories on <a href="https://lt.mydplr.com/d0fc9ad31f77aee274fee327b0ca1b72-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c"...</p>
Now Trending: e-Commerce - <p>PepsiCo Europe&rsquo;s e-Commerce Director and Executive Coordinator of the 360&ordm; e-Commerce Management&nbsp;program, Rui Francisco, invites Filipe Santiago, Senior Partner of BlueShift, as the...</p>
Commercial solutions to social problems | Powered by MYC & BYC - <p><span class="font-line-height-xl" style="font-family: &quot;lucida sans unicode&quot;, &quot;lucida grande&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">In this online session, three national and international social entrepreneurs will present their solutions to address the same social problem &ndash; refugee integration. Is it possible to combine...</span></p>
Strategic Planning in Dynamic Contexts - <p>The scientific coordinator of the Strategic Planning&nbsp;program, Emanuel Gomes, alongside&nbsp;professor João Silveira Lobo, invites António Casanova, CEO of joint-ventures @ Unilever FIMA and Gallo...</p>
How to survive the first 100 years: experiences in successions between the first 3 generations of a family business - <p>The scientific coordinator of the Family Business Management program, Alexandre Dias da Cunha, invites Heinz-Peter Elstrodt, Member of the CA da Semapa 2019/2020, Faculty Member at London Business...</p>
The Future of Banking: Competing or cohabiting with FinTech? - <p>Co-Founder of Raize&nbsp;and coordinator of the FinTech Innovation &amp; Competition program, Afonso Eça, invites Duarte Líbano Monteiro, Country Manager at Ebury, to discuss the future of banking...</p>
The Importance of Data Science Today - <p>The scientific coordinator of the Big Data &amp; Business Analytics program, Carlos Daniel Santos, invites an alumnus of the program, Joaquim Lima, to reflect on the importance of data science today,...</p>
Boards Challenges of Today - <p>The Scientific Coordinator of the Corporate Governance program, Duarte Pitta Ferraz, invites Raúl Galamba, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CTT, to reflect on the challenges that Boards face...</p>
Remote Leadership Centered on People: Lessons from Pandemic - <p>What are the challenges of remote leadership in contexts of high uncertainty? Professor Milton de Sousa presents a study conducted by Nova SBE on the effects of leadership centered on people in terms...</p>
Social Database Launch - <p>The Social Database is an integrated platform, which will be made available to Portuguese society, providing complete information in an intuitive way about all the organizations in the Portuguese...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for the first breakfast of the academic year. To snatch one of the coveted spots you must submit your best question for the Dean on the announced topic via Nova SBE&rsquo;s...</p>
GreenFest - <p>Greenfest is the largest sustainability festival in the country and celebrates the best economic, social, and environmental practices. It is a platform where ideas and experiences can be shared and...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director,...</p>
Paradox & Family Firms - <p>Join the Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center and explore the paradoxes in family businesses with Christine Blondel, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Peter Villax, Rita Nabeiro, and Alexandre Dias da...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development and Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Pedro Vicente,&nbsp;Cátia Batista, José Tavares, Pedro Martins,&nbsp;and members from the...</p>
Exchange student, exchange experience: now a Master’s - <p>The <i>Nova</i> way of life is only possible because students like you chose Nova SBE to continue to wonder, discover, and create. To find themselves and determine their place in this world. As such, we...</p>
Customer Experience: Hospitality Lessons from Retailing - <p>An insightful talk with Inês Drummond Borges, Worten&rsquo;s Marketing Director, about the importance of customer experience management as a holistic approach in the organizations and the relevance of...</p>
Women's Data Day - Data Analytics & Web Scraping - <p>The goal of these&nbsp;workshops&nbsp;is to give<strong>&nbsp;</strong>women the opportunity to find out if data&nbsp;is something that could be an interesting future career path. Le Wagon believes that&nbsp;<strong>a more...</strong></p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Ana Inês da Silva Vilela will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Essays in Development Economics: The Role of Information Provision&rdquo;, which had Professor Pedro Camarinha Vicente as a supervisor,...</p>
Public Defense of the Fall 2020-21 Master's Thesis - <p>From January 11 to 29, we will hold the public defenses of the Fall 2020-21 Master&#39;s thesis.&nbsp;Check <a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Defesas%20de%20Janeiro_2021_Fall%202021_.pdf?ver=2021-01-18-162529-077">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development and Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Pedro Vicente,&nbsp;José Tavares, and Pedro Martins, and members from the Nova SBE Student...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Makers in the Making Pitch Day – Call for pitches - <p>The Makers in the Making pitch event is coming up and it&#39;s open to the entire Nova SBE community. If you want to get feedback, hire people for your team, get a mentor, or even try to attract Angel...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors Rita Cunha e Luís Caires and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director,...</p>
Paradoxical Management Challenges 2020 - Report Presentation and Webinar - <p>In this webinar, the Nova SBE Twinning Project team will present the Leadership Observatory 2020 Report. The report is a result of the analysis of 25 interviews on the topic of &ldquo;Leadership...</p>
Building the Future - <p>Building the Future is an event exclusively dedicated to education and technology. It aims to bring those who teach, learn, decide, research, and support this ecosystem together. Seize this...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p><strong>Rute Martins</strong> Caeiro will defend her doctoral thesis <em>Essays in Development Economics: the Uptake of New Technologies</em>, which had Pedro Camarinha Vicente as a supervisor, on January 28, 2021, at 8.00 pm,...</p>
Ageas Digital Hackathon | Co-Create the Insurance Company of the Future - Open Applications - <p><meta name="uuid" content="uuidk3VMS6VgLnG9" /><meta charset="utf-8" /></p> <p>Apply to Ageas Portugal Hackathon&#39;s third edition, a marathon to create and develop an innovative solution for a challenge in an intensive creative-problem-solving ecosystem. Teams will have 24...</p></meta></meta>
Pitch Bootcamp Online - Applications - <p>Spark Agency&#39;s Pitch Bootcamp is back at Nova SBE. This is a unique opportunity to get to know companies such as Fidelidade, Teleperformance, Critical Software, EY, Deloitte, Sonae, EDP, Vodafone,...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p><strong>Gefra Gustavo Fulane </strong>will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Barriers to the uptake of screening for cervical cancer in Mozambique: three essays on value creation, institutional logics and...</p>
Master’s Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Do you want to know more about Hospitality &amp; Service Management? Then join our webinar, which will be hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student...</p>
Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will...</p>
Master's Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors José Tavares and Pedro Martins, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp;...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors Rita Cunha and Luís Caires, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s....</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director,...</p>
Makers in the Making Pitch Day - <p>Be part of the year&#39;s pitching event and meet some of the most promising startup projects the school has. If you&#39;re curious, want to be inspired, or if you simply want to support young...</p>
#ProActionTalk Episode 1 with Nathan Méténier - <p>Nathan Méténier is advising the UN&#39;s Secretary-General António Guterres on youth and climate change. He will speak about his experience and the need for more youth involvement to tackle the...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Social Ideation Bootcamp - <p>The well-known Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence scholarship program will launch another&nbsp;edition of another unique and exclusive activity &ndash; the Social Ideation Bootcamp. This impactful...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p><strong>Pascoal Jeremias Chiambo </strong>will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Characterization of Rice Production in Terms of theValue Chain in Kamacupa and Catabola Municipalities Province of Bié in Angola&rdquo;,...</p>
Customer focus! How hospitality mindset has impacted other industries' with Sander Allegro - <p>Sander Allegro, Chairman at QL Hotels &amp; Restaurants and Owner at Allegro INN ovations Hospitality Consultancy, will challenge participants to open their eyes and extend their perception of hotel...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - Virtual Edition - <p>Next Wednesday, don&rsquo;t miss the Nova SBE Virtual Career Fair where 66 companies will be online to meet and recruit you. You can chat with the recruiters, book a meeting, or attend one of the 30...</p>
Virtual Café - <p>Everyone knows it&#39;s best to let your coffee kick in before reality does. So, the school and Nova SBE SU created&nbsp;<a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad2c887c09f6d4cfd94c236e9dbe248c9%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=4ac23ebe-a26f-44c8-bf75-2f6863bc339c&amp;tenantId=c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4" target="_blank"><u>Virtual Café</u></a>&nbsp;- a Microsoft Teams group with plenty of activities, where...</p>
2021 Nova SBE Well-Being Week - <p>Fostering our well-being can help us feel mentally well, work productively, and enjoy the free time we have, especially in these uncertain times we face yet again. So join the 2021 Nova SBE Well-being...</p>
"Portugal, Social Balance 2020" Report Presentation - <p><i>Portugal, Social Balance 2020</i> is a multi-annual report that characterizes the situations of poverty and social exclusion and provides a basis for cross-sectional discussion. It is authored by Susana...</p>
Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Pedro Vicente, José Tavares, and Pedro Martins, and members from the Nova SBE Student...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office to learn more about this...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director, and Rita...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Marketing with Purpose International Colloquium - <p>Join this colloquium to discuss consumers&#39; and companies&#39; roles in humankind&#39;s efforts to achieve important societal goals through marketing actions driven by purpose. We challenge...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha, Professor Luís Caires, from Nova FCT, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Join our webinar, hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, where he will welcome Ruud Reuland, CEO of Reuland Hospitality Coaching DG, Nuno Ferreira Pires, CEO of SportTV, current students, and members...</p>
Check-in Tourism Innovation | Matchmaking event - <p>This is a key moment of the Check-in Open Innovation Program where 20 startups from all over the world will meet 16 active Travel &amp; Tourism SMEs in order to co-develop and test new solutions to...</p>
Amadeus - Powering better travel journeys through technology - Driving the ecosystem collaboration - <p>Amadeus, one of the world&#39;s biggest technology companies in the tourism sector will talk about the new challenges in Tourism and how it is playing an important role in this transforming reality. <a...</p>
Breakfast with the Dean - <p>Join Professor Daniel Traça for breakfast. To snatch one of the coveted spots you must submit your best question for the Dean on the announced topic via Nova SBE&rsquo;s stories on&nbsp;<a href="https://www.instagram.com/nova_sbe/?hl=pt"...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development &amp; Public Policy with Professors Pedro Vicente, José Tavares, and Pedro Martins, and members from the Nova SBE Student...</p>
Master’s Talks on Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join<strong> </strong>our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Rita Nascimento, Entrepreneurship Manager, and Natan Jacquemin, Social...</p>
Transformational Travel Council - A new dawn in travel - <p>Transformation Travel Council is a transformational design organization aimed at changing the way we travel, but also how we live, and behave with each other and act responsibly towards the planet. Do...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha, Professor Luís Caires, from Nova FCT, Lénia Mestrinho, Executive Director of the Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, and members from the Nova SBE...</p>
Master’s Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Join our webinar, hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, where he will welcome Diogo Conceição, General Manager at Uber Eats Portugal, Francisco Nogueira - VP Global Head of Nespresso Professional,...</p>
Santander Work Café: focusing on customer experience - <p>Santander Bank will share the experience of Santander Work Café, an innovative branch model designed to adapt to the changing customer behavior and to enhance customer experience. Curious about...</p>
Open Call BOX | Business Open Experience - <p>Apply now to BOX&#39;s first edition. This is a business open experience that will challenge students to seek and design innovative solutions for today&#39;s business challenges. Discover more about...</p>
Master’s Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office to learn more about this...</p>
WITH Talk with CUF - Hospitality in Healthcare - <p>CUF is the leading healthcare provider in Portugal, operating 20 hospitals and ambulatory clinics. Known for the quality of its services, the company aims to provide a good and consistent experience...</p>
Join Us | Webinar | Business Transformation in the post-COVID-19 world - <p>This is the time to identify and discuss the main strategic challenges companies face in this new context and the respective crucial changes to ensure the future of business in the post-pandemic...</p>
Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha, Professor Luís Caires, from Nova FCT, Lénia Mestrinho, Executive Director of the Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, and members from the Nova SBE...</p>
Master’s Talks on Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director, Rita...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will...</p>
Master’s Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Join our webinar, hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, where he will welcome Bernardo Trindade, Porto Bay Hotels &amp; Resorts General Manager, TAP Air Portugal non-Executive Director, and President...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Pedro Vicente and José Tavares, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp;...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p><strong>João Pereira dos Santos </strong>will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Measuring causal impacts with natural and field experiments: Evidence for firms, workers, consumers, and voters&rdquo;, which had José...</p>
Public Defense of the Spring 2020-21 Master's Thesis - <p>From May 31 to June 11, we will hold the public defenses of the Spring 2020-21 Master&#39;s thesis.</p> <p>Check <a href="/Portals/0/Files/Events/Defesas%20de%20Junho_%20Spring%202021_%20Gab%20Comunicacao.pdf" target="_blank">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
Webinar: What's next on Sales Strategy & Business Development? - <p>In this webinar, the Nova SBE Executive Education will discuss new realities in sales, new ways of interacting with customers, Omnichannel, and new skills. The webinar, which will take place in...</p>
Exponential Generation | Shaping a Sustainable Future - <p>The SingularityU Cascais Lisbon Chapter, alongside Nova SBE, is proud to host the second edition of the Exponential Generation Chapter event. By participating, you&rsquo;ll get to meet and connect...</p>
2021 Inclusive Talks - <p>On June 23, the Inclusive Community Forum will host the third edition of its Annual Inclusive Talks. Come and learn more about the work that has been done and what it achieved on the education and...</p>
PhD Summer School: "Sovereign Debt Crises and Computational Methods" - <p>Nova SBE is offering the PhD Summer School: &quot;Sovereign Debt Crises and Computational Methods&quot; to students and professionals who wish to advance their curriculum and knowledge. The 2021...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Eduardo Polena Pacheco Araújo Costa will defend his doctoral thesis &quot;Essays on Health Economics&rdquo;, which had Professor Pedro Pita Barros as a supervisor, on July 15<sup>th</sup>, 2021, at...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Filipa Andrêa Godinho de Lancastre Serpa Pinto will defend her doctoral thesis <em>Exploring social entrepreneurship phenomena: Establishing conceptual and operational foundations and uncovering...</em></p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - ...
Patient Innovation Bootcamp - <p>The 2021 edition of the <a href="https://patient-innovation.com/bootcamp">Patient Innovation Bootcamp</a> takes place from 30 August to 3 September, at <b>Nova SBE</b>. This year the Patient Innovation Bootcamp will continue with as an international consortium...</p>
2021 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p> <style type="text/css"><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> </style> What does the future look like? Nova SBE is saving you a seat so you can discover it. The adventure starts from August 30 to September 1! Are you in?</p>
Master’s Graduation Ceremony 2020 - <p>The Master&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a magical moment for our graduates and their families, faculty, and staff. It is also an opportunity to bring together all those who contribute to the...</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next September 14 and 15, at 02.30 pm, you can watch Professor Luis Martinez&#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p>Join us <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzlmYWNkMGYtMTBmNC00NDM0LThmOWUtZDAwZGIxM2MzMDRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2238c04980-874b-4b22-aec4-bfc1578fa1d3%22%7d">online</a>.&nbsp;</p>
The revolution of VOQIN’ – Emotion Creators - <p>VOQIN&rsquo;&nbsp;is a global experience agency that is passionate about helping global brands connect with people. It is focused on maximizing human connections by provoking meaningful emotions...</p>
Webinar: Space is the new frontier - <p>We have seen the rapid evolution of space technology that has come to support the delivery of the global internet, help battle climate change, or even taking people to mars. Thus, a growing number of...</p>
Public Defense of the 2020-21 Master's Thesis - <p>From September 17 to September 21, we will hold the public defenses of the 2020-21 Master&#39;s thesis (September period). Check <a href="/Portals/0/Files/DefesasSpring2021_Sept_GC2.pdf" target="_blank">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
Nova SBE Meet n' Eat - <p>Nova SBE Meet N&#39; Eat is a new initiative developed to bring people together. You will be randomly paired, once a week, to a student from any program, a staff or faculty member.</p> <p>This is how it...</p>
2021 Legacies of Women Forum – Portugal - <p>The 2021 Legacies of Women Forum will bring together on stage one moderator, Irene Natividad, and four Portuguese CEO women in a lively talk where they will share their experiences, expertise,...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Madhuri Agarwal will defend her doctoral thesis <em>Measuring causal impacts with natural and field experiments: Evidence for firms, workers, consumers, and voters</em>, which had Ana Balcão Reis as...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair – Virtual Edition - <p>Next Wednesday, don&rsquo;t miss the Nova SBE Virtual Career Fair where 52 companies will be online to meet and recruit you. You can chat with the recruiters, book a meeting, or attend one of the 30...</p>
Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony 2020 - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a key moment in our students&#39; lives. It represents the transition to the next level &ndash; be it the continuation of the academic path or the beginning...</p>
2021 Nova SBE Discovery Week Bachelor's - <p>What does your future look like?</p> <p>Your Bachelor&rsquo;s journey kicks off with the Nova SBE Discovery Week, where you will learn everything about the <em>Nova </em>way of life.</p> <ul> <li><strong>September 27: </strong>Online...</li></ul>
Nova SBE SalesShaker - <p>In 2021,&nbsp;Nova SBE SalesShaker is creating six&nbsp;conference rooms with virtual reality&nbsp;and distinct dynamics to bring together top executives, masterminds, experts, and successful...</p>
WITH Talks – Tourism Strategy in Times of Disruption - <p>Join Gonçalo Rebelo de Almeida (Administrator of the Vila Galé Group), Sérgio Guerreiro (Director of the Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality of Nova SBE), and Marta Sousa Pires (Senior...</p>
Open Session – Post-Graduate Program in Health Management - <p>Join Filipa Breia da Fonseca (Scientific Coordinator), Filipe Costa (Executive Coordinator), and André Valente (Professor&nbsp;of the Clinical Research module) to learn about the postgraduate...</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - <p>Fahiz Baba Yara<strong> </strong>will defend his doctoral thesis <em>Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing</em>, which had Melissa Prado, Andrea Tamoni, and Martijn Boons, as supervisors, on October 8, 2021, at 1.00 pm (Lisbon...</p>
Programa Oxigénio [Oxygen Program] – Let's plant 500 trees together! - <p>Nova SBE is proudly a space where the safety of books meets the courage of the lab, but also one that embraces sustainability at its core. That&#39;s why it publicly committed to planting one tree for...</p>
2021 Nova SBE International Week - <p>Do you consider yourself a worldly person? Then this is the time to prove it! The school will host the 2021 Nova SBE International Week, where the Nova SBE community will show exactly how...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students, and the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Team to learn more about this Master&#39;s...</p>
Hackathon Heartbits - <p>Hackathon Heartbits is a 24-hour marathon that intends to foster collaboration among students from different backgrounds and areas of expertise such as Medicine, Computer Engineering,...</p>
Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony 2021 - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a key moment in our students&#39; lives. It represents the transition to the next level &ndash; be it the continuation of the academic path or the beginning...</p>
Social Leapfrog Program's Third Edition – Open Applications! - <p>The third edition of the Social Leapfrog Program is now taking applications. Be the recipient of singular reflection and capacitation experiences for three years and leapfrog your organization in...</p>
How to get your first sale? - <p>A hands-on session that will provide the energy, tips, tricks, and strategies to get your first sale. If you are building a new business or if you want to join a sales position, this is definitely the...</p>
WiTH Talk "Come to Mama Lisbon" - <p>A millennial generation is reaching leadership roles in the hospitality industry with disruptive ideas and new ways of thinking and managing. Discover how Mama Shelter is revolutionizing hotels and...</p>
AMBA Conference - <p>AMBA &ndash; Associação de Antigos Alunos do MBA&nbsp;[MBA&rsquo;s Alumni Association]&nbsp;is inviting&nbsp;Vice-Admiral Gouveia e Melo to talk about Leadership at&nbsp;the conference it will...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity...</p>
SingularityU Portugal – Exponencially speaking - <p>Join Tiago Forjaz, SU Portugal&#39;s expert in Leadership and Future of Work, and Eduardo Ibrahim, SU Brazil&#39;s expert in Exponential Economy and Artificial Intelligence, for an exciting...</p>
Virtual Study - <p>Exam season is here, and we all know how hard it is to study and clear your doubts, but if you join Virtual Study, it can get easier! Virtual Study is a <strong>Microsoft Teams group</strong>&nbsp;where you can study...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2021-22 Master's Thesis - <p>From January 10 to January 28, we will hold the public defenses of the 2021-22 Master&#39;s thesis. Check <u><a href="/Portals/0/Files/Events/2022/Copy%20of%20Defesas_Fall_2122_GC.pdf" target="_blank">this page</a></u> to see the full calendar.</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on International Master's in Management - <p>Join<strong>&nbsp;</strong>our live webinar with Professors Catherine da Silveira, António Nogueira Leite, and Luís Martinez, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office, and learn more...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha, Professor Luís Caires, from Nova FCT, Lénia Mestrinho, Executive Director of the Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, and members from the Nova SBE...</p>
Master's Talks on the Integrated Marketing Communications Stream - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Management Stream in&nbsp;Integrated Marketing Communications with Professor Jorge Velosa, responsible for this Master&#39;s in Management&nbsp;stream,...</p>
Master's Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director, Rita...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Miguel Lebre Freitas and Pedro Martins, and members from the Nova SBE Student...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a...</p>
Master's Talks on International Master's in Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors Catherine da Silveira&nbsp;and Melissa Prado, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team, and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique...</p>
Master’s Talks on Hospitality & Service Management - <p>Do you want to know more about Hospitality &amp; Service Management? Then join our webinar, which will be hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro,&nbsp;and members from the Nova SBE Student Recruitment...</p>
Master's Talks on the Entrepreneurship Stream - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Euclides Major, responsible for the Master&#39;s in Management&nbsp;Stream in&nbsp;Entrepreneurship, and members from the Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students,&nbsp;and the Nova SBE Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Team to learn more about this Master&#39;s...</p>
Master's Talks on Double Degrees - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, Double Degree Academic Director, and members from the Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office, and learn more about Double Degrees. This...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members from the Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions Office and learn more about this Master&#39;s. &nbsp;This will be a unique opportunity to...</p>
Master's Talks on the Luxury Management Stream - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, responsible for the Master&#39;s in Management Stream in Luxury Management,&nbsp;and members from the Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Economia Viva - <p>Economia Viva is here again! By covering pressing issues that affect our&nbsp;society, this seventh edition will specifically focus on non-conventional monetary policy, the future of European...</p>
2022 Nova SBE Well-Being Week - <p>The 2022 edition of the Nova SBE Well-being Week is fast approaching to remind us that changing the narrative starts with the right mindset. Because well-being is such a broad experience, this...</p>
Master’s Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professors Pedro Martins and Miguel Lebre Freitas, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn...</p>
Master’s Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha and Professor Luís Caires (from NOVA School of Science and Technology &ndash;&nbsp;FCT), and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn more about...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on CEMS MIM - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, Current CEMS MIM Students, and members from the Nova SBE...</p>
Marketing Wave 2022 - <p>Marketing Wave is here again! Don&#39;t miss the chance to participate in NOMA Marketing Consulting Student Club&#39;s annual marketing event. You will have unique networking moments and access to...</p>
Master’s Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify...</p>
Master's Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director. Learn how...</p>
Master's Talks on International Master's in Finance - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professors Catherine da Silveira, Professor Melissa Prado, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team, and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will allow you to...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair – Virtual Edition - <p>Next Wednesday, don&#39;t miss the Nova SBE Virtual Career Fair, where 65 companies will be online to meet and recruit you. You can chat with the recruiters, book a meeting, or attend one of the talks...</p>
Master's Talks on International Master's in Management - <p>Join&nbsp;our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the Academic Director and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team, and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique...</p>
Master's Talks on Double Degrees - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the Double Degree Academic Director, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team, and learn more about the Double Degrees. This will be a...</p>
Art, AI, & Blockchain - <p>Join the Nova SBE Data Science for a series of events about the new forms of creating art, artificial intelligence, the digital creative work market, and the world of blockchain and tokens. The week...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor’s Open Day - <p>Do you want to see what your future will look like? Then apply to Nova SBE Open Day&#39;s online session on March 7, from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.<strong> </strong>During this session, you will be able to learn more about...</p>
Gender Equality in the Workplace: What can we look forward to - <p>On March 8, we celebrate International Women&#39;s Day and Nova SBE invites its community to celebrate women&#39;s achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality. Join an...</p>
Master's Talks on Hospitality & Customer Experience - <p>Do you want to know more about Hospitality &amp; Customer Experience? Then join our webinar, which will be hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how...</p>
WiTH Talk – Come To Mama! - <p>The millennial generation is reaching leadership roles with creative and disruptive management in the hospitality industry. <a href="https://lnkd.in/d3AvHa7s"><u>Register now</u></a> and discover how this company is revolutionizing hotel concepts...</p>
Estoril Conferences | Workshop on Advocacy & Lobbying - <p>This is a 90-minute interactive workshop organized by the Estoril Conferences alongside The Good Lobby and the Nova SBE Politics Student Club for Nova SBE students interested in lobbying and political...</p>
Master's Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students, and the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how this Master&#39;s can change your future, clarify all the...</p>
Master's Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify all your doubts...</p>
Master's Talks on the Entrepreneurship Stream - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Euclides Major, responsible for the Master&#39;s in Management&nbsp;Stream in&nbsp;Entrepreneurship, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team. This will be a...</p>
Master's Talks on the Luxury Management Stream - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, responsible for the Master&#39;s in Management Stream in Luxury Management,&nbsp;and members from the Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions...</p>
Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Join our in-person Master&#39;s Talks with Professor Cátia Batista, Academic Director of the Master&#39;s in Economics, other Nova SBE professors, current students, and learn the crucial information...</p>
Digital Transformation – The hot trends that will shape 2022 - <p>In this webinar, Marlene Gaspar, Digital Business and Engagement Senior Director at Portugal&#39;s Lllorente y Cuenca, and Rui Coutinho, Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem&#39;s Executive Director, will...</p>
Master's Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha and Professor Luís Caires (from NOVA School of Science and Technology &ndash;&nbsp;FCT), and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn more about...</p>
Master's Talks on Double Degrees - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the Double Degree Academic Director, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team, and learn more about the Double Degrees. This will be a...</p>
Master's Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professor Miguel Lebre Freitas, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how this...</p>
Master's Talks on CEMS - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Catherine da Silveira, the CEMS MIM Academic Director, Carolina Sales, CEMS MIM Program Manager, Current CEMS MIM Students, current students, and members from the...</p>
Master's Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director. Learn how...</p>
Master's Talks on the Integrated Marketing Communications Stream - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Management Stream in&nbsp;Integrated Marketing Communications with Professor Jorge Velosa, responsible for this Master&#39;s in Management&nbsp;stream,...</p>
Give Peace a Chance – Benefit Concert in Support of Ukraine - <p>Nova SBE is partnering with&nbsp;<a aria-label="Link Crescendo" href="https://crescendomusical.net/" rel="noopener noreferrer" tabindex="-1" target="_blank" title="https://crescendomusical.net/">Crescendo</a>&nbsp;for a solidarity concert to raise funds to support all Ukrainians in need. Crescendo&#39;s teachers and musicians will perform&nbsp;with Nova SBE&#39;s...</p>
Futurália 2022 - <p>Futurália is the biggest educational and training event in Portugal. It stands for one of the most efficient ways to welcome a significant number of students and show them the variety of courses...</p>
The Value of Sustainability for Universities in the 21st Century - <p><meta name="uuid" content="uuidM7AT578aZ5OG" /><meta charset="utf-8" />The seminar &quot;The Value of Sustainability for Universities in the 21st Century&quot; will have&nbsp;<a href="http://www.unl.pt/pessoas/julia-seixas" target="_blank">Professor Júlia Seixas</a>, Pro-Rector of NOVA University Lisbon and Coordinator of Sustainability...</meta></meta></p>
Nova SBE Master's Day - <p><b>A Master&rsquo;s Day for the Master of the Day!</b><br /> Nova SBE is organizing an unprecedented day where all prospective students can learn about its Master&rsquo;s programs, Academic Directors, and Program...</br></p>
Inovação em Saúde por Quem a Pratica Book Launch - <p>Through expertise that impacts the world, and under the scope of another Social Equity Initiative project, Professors Pedro Pita Barros and Filipa Breia da Fonseca alongside António Bensabat Rendas...</p>
Credibility and Trust in Negotiation - <p>The success of a negotiation largely depends on the creation of trusting relationships. This webinar focuses on when to trust the other party, when they should trust us, and how to reciprocate that...</p>
2022 Nova SBE International Week - <p>The school will host, once again, the Nova SBE International Week, where the Nova SBE community will show precisely how international it is. From <a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meet-partner-universities-for-exchange-tickets-309821102257">meeting partner universities to decide where to do...</a></p>
Fire Starting Innovation Circles - <p>Starting today, the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem, alongside the startups incubated in this ecosystem, resident members, and partners, will promote&nbsp;the &quot;Fire Starting the Innovation...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor’s Open Day - <p>Do you want to see what your future will look like? Then apply to Nova SBE Open Day&#39;s online session on April&nbsp;7, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm.<strong> </strong>During this session, you will be able to learn more...</p>
Executive Talks | Do company need new leaders? - <p>Do we need new leaders? Two challenging years for companies, remote working, and lockdown have shown us that we need leadership that goes&nbsp;beyond the distance of a touch. Join Pedro Balsemão, CEO...</p>
Master's Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professor Miguel Lebre Freitas, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how this...</p>
Master's Talks on Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director. Learn how...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor’s Open Day - <p>Do you want to see what your future will look like? Then apply to Nova SBE Open Day&#39;s session on April&nbsp;7, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm.<strong> </strong>During this session, you will be able to learn more about...</p>
Master's Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha and Professor Luís Caires (from NOVA School of Science and Technology &ndash;&nbsp;FCT), and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn more about...</p>
Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members from the Nova SBE Admissions Team and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify...</p>
Well-being Workshops – The Power of Clarity - <p>There aren&#39;t many things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity. It can be a crucial tool for making choices, and directing our energy accordingly can give us the strength we need...</p>
Nova Música - <p>On Friday, April 29, join this music festival with live concerts by Portuguese artists where all the Nova SBE community will get the chance to celebrate the end of the COVID -19 restrictions and...</p>
Master's Talks on Hospitality & Customer Experience - <p>Do you want to know more about Hospitality &amp; Customer Experience? Then join our webinar, which will be hosted by Professor Sérgio Guerreiro, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how...</p>
Live Interview | What are the key skills for the Purpose Generation? with Wendy Kopp - <p>Join this 30-minute live interview with Wendy Kopp, CEO &amp; Co-Founder of Teach For All, conducted by Pedro Salvador, Teach For Portugal Fellow and&nbsp;Nova&nbsp;SBE Alumni, and Nova Skills...</p>
Points of U Open Talk - <p>The Nova SBE Executive Education Open Programs team invites the entire Nova SBE community to share their Points of U! Points of U is a broad project which focus in learning methodologies and learning...</p>
Master's Talks on Management - <p>Join our live webinar with Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students, and the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how this Master&#39;s can change your future, and clarify all...</p>
Master's Talks on International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in International Development and Public Policy with Professor Miguel Lebre Freitas, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn how this...</p>
Master's in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our live webinar about the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation, the first-ever in the country, with Professor Pedro Oliveira, the Master&#39;s Academic Director. Learn how...</p>
Master's Talks on Finance - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Melissa Prado and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify all your doubts...</p>
Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Cátia Batista, current students, and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team and learn more about this Master&#39;s. This will be a unique opportunity to clarify...</p>
Master's Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Join our live webinar with Professor Rita Cunha and Professor Luís Caires (from NOVA School of Science and Technology &ndash;&nbsp;FCT), and members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team. Learn more about...</p>
Conference on Heavy Tails and Robust Estimation - <p>Nova SBE Professor Paulo Rodrigues is organizing this conference to discuss recent econometric developments which address important features typically found in economic and financial data. These...</p>
Meeting with Rectors from EUTOPIA European University - <p>EUTOPIA is a connected and inclusive community of&nbsp;universities that share common values and agendas, seeking to address local and global challenges, ultimately contributing to creating a new...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor’s Open Day - <p>Do you want to see what your future will look like? Then make sure you don&#39;t miss this in-person Nova SBE Open Day&nbsp;session, from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.<strong> </strong>During this session, you will be able to...</p>
Points of U Photography Contest - <p>Nova SBE Executive Education is exploring the different learning settings on campus, in order to design new and meaningful learning experiences. For that, we would like to include perspectives from...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2021/22 Master's Thesis - <p>From June 1 to June 15, Nova SBE&nbsp;will hold the public defenses of the 2021/22 Master&#39;s theses. <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/2022/Defesas_Spring_2122_GC.pdf">Check this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next June&nbsp;2 at 9:30 am&nbsp;and 3 at 10 am you can watch Professor&nbsp;Rui Silva &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p>Join us&nbsp;<a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yjg5MGExZTItMmYwNy00NzQ0LWJiMTktMDQzOTc1Y2ExMjVi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">online.</a></p>
"Agregação" Sessions - <p>Next June&nbsp;2&nbsp;and 3, at 03.00 pm, you can watch Professor&nbsp;Rodrigo Belo &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p>Join us <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzlmYWNkMGYtMTBmNC00NDM0LThmOWUtZDAwZGIxM2MzMDRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2238c04980-874b-4b22-aec4-bfc1578fa1d3%22%7d">online</a><a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjhhNTU5M2UtZGJlYi00YmFjLTk0MTMtZTA2MmE1NGFkMGUz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">.&nbsp;</a></p>
FinTech Conference - <p>The Fintech Conference is about to take place and will welcome the participation of researchers and representatives from renowned institutions to promote the development of research on this topic and...</p>
The New Cycle of the Angolan Economy - <p>The New Cycle of the Angolan Economy conference will discuss financial reforms and the future of Angola in the current geopolitical context and for that, it will welcome, as a special guest, the...</p>
Nova SBE Sustainability Journey - <p><meta name="uuid" content="uuidmpU0S1gpyD9t" /><meta charset="utf-8" />As a school with a role to play, Nova SBE believes it should play its part and deliver sustainable development to achieve a positive impact on people, societies, and the planet. That&#39;s why it is...</meta></meta></p>
Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center Year in Review 2022 - <p>The Nova SBE Health Economics &amp; Management Knowledge Center is holding a special event to present all the projects carried out throughout the 2021/22 academic year. It will consist of...</p>
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium - <p>The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium is an annual academic conference to discuss research on entrepreneurship and innovation, and it will bring together academics from around the globe who...</p>
2022 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p>The Nova SBE Discovery Week is a unique experience that Nova SBE annually holds to welcome the bright minds who chose its Master&rsquo;s programs and prepares them for this new chapter of their lives....</p>
Estoril Conferences – 7th Edition - <p>Under the main theme &quot;The Purpose Generation: Becoming the Changemakers of Tomorrow,&quot; the Estoril Conferences will take place on September 1 and 2, 2022, at Nova SBE, and it will be...</p>
1st Search Fund & ETA Conference - <p>Discover why Entrepreneurship through Acquisition is becoming a hot topic among top business schools in the US and Europe. The 1st Search Fund &amp; ETA Conference will be an opportunity for active...</p>
Nova SBE Bachelor's Discovery Week - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Discovery Week is about to take place. The 2022/23 Bachelor&#39;s students will start their enrollment processes and get ready for a week-filled event, from September&nbsp;12 to...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Management (Spring Intake) - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this Master&#39;s Talks on Management and join&nbsp;Professors António Nogueira Leite and Luís Martinez, current students and&nbsp;members of the Nova SBE Admissions Team,...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>Nova SBE will&nbsp;hold once again the Nova SBE Career Fair, where over 50 companies will present themselves, how recruitment takes place, and their job opportunities. This is a unique opportunity for...</p>
Validate your Business Idea – 1st Workshop Makers in the Making - <p>Do you have a business idea and want to validate it? Join Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute&#39;s workshop with Fernando Jardim and a Founder from the institute&#39;s community to acquire the...</p>
Hungry4 – Learn to fail & Strive for Success! - <p>Hungry4 is a Lisbon-based startup that focuses on delivering experiences and events for two separate target groups. Learn more about them and the Mediterranean lifestyle, the story of a lifestyle...</p>
Public Defenses of September/October 2022 Master's Theses - <p>From September 23 to October 7, we will hold the public defenses of Master&#39;s theses. Check <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/School%20Events/Defesas_Setembro_Outubro_2022.pdf?ver=2022-09-16-105218-980">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
2022 Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a key moment in our students&#39; lives. It represents the transition to the next level &ndash; be it the continuation of the academic path or the beginning...</p>
Rapid prototyping: designing lean and learning fast – 2nd Makers in the Making Workshop - <p>Join the second workshop of Makers in the Making with professor Anne-Laure Fayard, in which you will learn how to make your ideas tangible so you can share them to gather feedback and get to better...</p>
World Mental Health Day at Nova SBE - <p>October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and especially since the pandemic, we know now how important it is to re-kindle our efforts to protect and improve mental health. Under the motto &quot;Make...</p>
WITH Talk – Can physical be digital? How to master digital transformation in the tourism industry - <p>The Hospitality industry is at the forefront of digital transformation, and the examples and test cases inspire and challenge the frontier of possibilities &ndash;&nbsp;innovation, customer...</p>
2022 Inclusive Talks - <p>Inclusive Talks, Inclusive Community Forum&#39;s (ICF) annual event, will take place on October 18 and will look back on the forum&#39;s first five years and the impact it created. Participants and...</p>
TIE 2022: Technology, Innovation, Education - <p>Take part in TIE 2022, a set of sessions to exchange and build around three fundamental pillars for a better and sustained economic development model from knowledge-transferring to cybersecurity,...</p>
SingularityU Portugal Summit: Supermassive - <p>This two-day event will focus&nbsp;on discussing and understanding the future of business, of work (and life), and the way technology has a fundamental role in getting companies and leaders to be...</p>
The Relevance of Hospitality in Healthcare - <p>Why are hospitality operations and a hospitality mindset among the most valued assets in the healthcare guest and patient customer experience? Hospitality has been a growing trend in the healthcare...</p>
WiTH Talk – Start Up a Marketplace - <p>An entrepreneurial mindset and problem-based thinking are crucial skills for successful projects. Meet the founder of SheerME and learn how to reshape sectors through technology and innovation and...</p>
Sonae Hackathon - <p>This hackathon is a ten-hour intensive ideation session in which Sonae executives and students will collaborate to answer&nbsp;a&nbsp;real business challenge of the organization. During the session,...</p>
Pitch Day - <p>This Pitch Day is a full day focused on entrepreneurship including an inspirational talk, a sales workshop, Wentoring Wessions, networking opportunities, and a pitch contest, where early-stage...</p>
WITH Talk – The power of customer service and reputation management - <p>How to thrive in the hospitality industry and bring your guest review index to the top. Explore career opportunities in Operations Management, Service Excellence, and Customer Success...</p>
V Paradox & Plurality Meeting – Paradox & Healthcare - <p>The&nbsp;Paradox &amp; Pluralism Meeting is an annual event. This edition will discuss organizational and societal problems around the Healthcare sector from a paradoxical perspective with...</p>
Nova SBE Well-being Workshops: The Power of Authenticity - <p>Being authentic can be challenging. As humans, we are social creatures and often grow up in environments where being true to ourselves may not always be the safest option. Knowing, accepting, and...</p>
PhD Economics and Finance Talk - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this PhD Talks on Economics and Finance and join&nbsp;Professor Irem Demirci and members of the Nova SBE PhD Team, to learn more about our PhD program. This will be a...</p>
PhD Management Talk - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this PhD Talks on Management and join Professor Irene Consiglio and members of the Nova SBE PhD Team, to learn more about our PhD program. This will be a unique...</p>
Cinema Sessions at Nova SBE – Melhores Amigas - <p>Nedjma, a teenager living with her mom and her sister, spends the Summer with her group of friends, but when she meets Zina, a girl from another gang, her life turns upside down. During daylight,...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Economics - <p>There&rsquo;s no better way to know all about our Master&rsquo;s in Economics than attending our online Master&rsquo;s Talk. Discover everything from the admission process to the hands-on program and...</p>
"Agregação" sessions - <p>Next December&nbsp;19 and 20 at 10 am you can watch Professor&nbsp;Irem Demirci &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p>Join us&nbsp;<a href="http://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWZhYzdhNWItZTk4ZS00OWRmLWE5OTgtYWRmYmUyODE5MzJh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d" target="_blank" title="online">online</a></p>
Nova SBE BOX Challenge - <p>The Nova SBE BOX Challenge is the fourth edition of the Business Open Experience&nbsp;series, where companies take risks and rethink their businesses. For five days, students will be divided into...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on CEMS Master's in Management - <p>There&rsquo;s no better way to know all about our&nbsp;CEMS Master&rsquo;s in International Management&nbsp;than attending our online Master&rsquo;s Talk. Discover everything from the admission...</p>
Nova SBE PhD Management Talk (Intake) - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this PhD Talks on Management and join Professor Irene Consiglio and members of the Nova SBE PhD Team to learn more about the PhD program. The deadline for the PhD program...</p>
PhD Economics and Finance Talk (Intake) - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this PhD Talks on Economics and Finance and join Professor Irem Demirci and members of the Nova SBE PhD Team, to learn more about our PhD program. This will be a unique...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talk on Master’s in Finance - <p>If you want to thrive in the financial area, attend our Master&rsquo;s Talk on the Master&rsquo;s in Finance and discover everything from the admission process to the hands-on program and...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Master's in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Join our Master&rsquo;s Talk and learn all about our Master&rsquo;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation and how it will impact your future. This is a unique opportunity for you to clarify all...</p>
The Welcome Day for the 2023 Spring Intake is about to take place - ...
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Management - <p>If you want to head the future, make sure you don&rsquo;t miss our Master&rsquo;s Talk on Management and learn directly from the Academic Directors, current students, and other teams that can help you...</p>
Pingo Doce Hackathon 1st Edition - <p>In an intensive ideation session, Pingo Doce executives and students will collaborate to respond to a real business challenge the organization faces. Teams will use a series of human-centered...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Master's in International Development & Public Policy - <p>Do you want to know how to impact the society that we all live in? Then our Master&rsquo;s Talk on the Master&rsquo;s in International Development &amp; Public Policy is the perfect opportunity for...</p>
WiTH Talk – Always in Evolution! - <p>After opening Mama Shelter Lisboa in 2022, Henrique felt that 2023 was the time for Evolution, so he decided to join the newest lifestyle hotel in the Cascais area. Having lived in 7 countries since...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on International Master’s in Finance - <p>Prepare yourself to command the future and join our Master&rsquo;s Talk on International Master&rsquo;s in Finance, where you will have the chance to meet the Academic Director, hear our students, and...</p>
Semapa Hackathon Second Edition: Held in Portuguese - <p>This hackathon is the second edition of a ten-hour intensive ideation session in which Semapa executives and students will collaborate to respond to a real business challenge faced by the...</p>
2023 Nova SBE Well-Being Week - <p>In 2023, the Nova SBE Well-being Week will focus on the exact different dimensions that, last year, reminded us that well-being is a broad experience &ndash; personal, professional, mental, and...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talk on International Master’s in Management - <p><span><span class="ui-provider xk b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak" dir="ltr"><span><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, system-ui, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Web&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre-wrap;"><p style="margin: 0px;">[Wednesday 13:39] Maria Cardoso</p> <span><p style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"><strong>Nova SBE Master’s Talk on International Master’s in Management &nbsp;</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;">Get ready to trailblaze the future and join our Master’s Talk on the International Master’s in...</p></p></span></span></span></span></span>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>The Nova SBE Career Fair is back! The Carcavelos Campus will, once again, welcome over 70 companies and organizations that will present themselves, their graduate programs, and their part or full-time...</p>
IHG Journey To Tomorrow! - <p>Sustainability, people, and technology, how the &ldquo;big three&rdquo; are changing the future. The future vision focuses on sustainability, people, and technology. How can we work together to make...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS Master’s in International Management - <p>Get ready to expand the future and join the Master&rsquo;s Talk on the CEMS Master&rsquo;s in International Management. Learn everything about the hands-on program, meet the team behind it, and hear...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Double Degrees - <p>A Double Degree is the perfect opportunity for you to broaden your international experience. Discover all about the Nova SBE network of Double Degrees with top schools around the world and get ready...</p>
Low Code: The rise of Citizen Developers - <p>The Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab invited Hugo Menino Aguiar, Head of Nova SBE Low Code Lab, to discuss the opportunities and implications of citizen developers and the use of low code/no code tools...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on International Master's in Finance (IMF) - <p>Is your future all about an international career in Finance? Get ready to perform higher than most with the 11th-best International Master&#39;s in Finance in the world, recognized by the <em>Financial...</em></p>
We Can Do Better - <p>Do you believe we can do better in our careers? Ponto Zero and the Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center are hosting a one-of-a-kind event. You will get to hear and learn from +20 remarkable...</p>
High Tech, High Touch – Finding the right balance in service excellence - <p>Service Excellence is at the core of many businesses, among different sectors but with different approaches. Sander Allegro will challenge students from all backgrounds to think about how it is...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on the Master's in Business Analytics - <p>Become a data expert with the Nova SBE Master&#39;s in Business Analytics. Attend the online Master&#39;s Talk and discover all about the program that will allow you to step forward into a world where...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talk on International Master's in Management (IMM) - <p>Are you still in the dark, wondering what your future looks like? This is your chance to know all about the 15th-best International Master&#39;s in Management in the world, ranked by the <em>Financial...</em></p>
Tech Talks x Close Encounters | How is Artificial Intelligence created? - <p>In this talk, the Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab will invite Patrícia Xufre, Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods at Nova SBE, to help understand what kind of intelligence is needed to create...</p>
Semapa Hackathon 3rd Edition - <p>The Semapa Hackathon is back for the third edition. In this te-hour ideation session, students collaborate with Semapa executives to respond to real business challenges. Teams use human-centered...</p>
Talk | When AI meets business: real cases of AI implementation - <p>LTPlabs is a boutique company that provides advanced analytical methods and business flair to help its clients make better complex decisions, build more productive systems, and solve challenging...</p>
Revolutionizing Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT - <p>Nova SBE will be exploring the exciting potential of ChatGPT and its implementation. This cutting-edge technology is taking the world by storm, and the school wants to be at the forefront of its...</p>
Designing the Future in Healthcare #2 – Primary Health Care - <p>In the second event of the series &ldquo;Designing the Future in Healthcare&rdquo;, the Nova SBE Health Economics &amp; Management Knowledge center will discuss Primary Health Care. Join an afternoon...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Are you looking for a unique learning experience combining rigorous analysis of social and economic problems with a hands-on approach? Then, we will welcome you to the third-best Master&rsquo;s in...</p>
Marketing Wave - The Rise of Untouchable Marketing - <p>Marketing Wave is a 2-day annual event dedicated to Marketing, organized by students of NOVA&nbsp;SBE. The 4th edition will focus on digital innovation which has been changing the Marketing world, in...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on the Master's in International Development & Public Policy - <p>Building the future requires a combination of personal development, transversal knowledge, and analytical skills. This is just a glimpse of what you can expect from the Nova SBE Master&#39;s in...</p>
Well-Being Workshops: The Power of Positive Thinking - <p>Our thoughts can be either our best friend or our greatest enemy. How we think, and our beliefs influence every area of our lives. Embracing a more adaptive, growth-oriented, and empowering mindset...</p>
Collision Talks: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – The end of greenwashing? - <p>Join the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem to understand how CSRD might build confidence in the green investment market and how different stakeholders tackle the new regulation, creating greater...</p>
Concerto Solidário pela Turquia e Síria [Solidarity Concert for Turkey and Syria] - <p>On March 30 at 9:30 PM, Nova SBE will promote a solidarity concert with performances by Salvador Sobral, Luísa Sobral, Janeiro, and Milhanas. This concert is a &#39;Re-Humanize the World&#39;...</p>
Finance Seminar with Professor Peter Koudijs - <p>Abstract:<br /> Mortgage amortization schedules are among the largest savings plans in the world (ex. U.S. households contribute hundreds of billions of dollars annually to these &ldquo;mortgage piggy...</br></p>
CEMS Marenostrum Forum 2023 - <p>Marenostrum (&quot;Our Sea&quot; in Latin) was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is amongst the most important regional Business Forums organised by CEMS students from four top...</p>
Nova SBE's Master’s Day - <p>Join us on April 5 for the Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s Day. This open day in our Carcavelos Campus will allow you to attend classes and find out all about our Master&rsquo;s programs. A unique experience...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks in Master's in Finance - <p>Thrive in the world of finance with the #24 best business school in Europe, ranked by the<em> Financial Times</em>. Nova SBE Master&#39;s in Finance offers you state-of-the-art teaching methodologies and a...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks in Master's in Management - <p>If you want to head the future, make sure you don&rsquo;t miss our Master&rsquo;s Talk on Management and learn directly from the Academic Directors, current students, and other teams that can help you...</p>
NOVINHAS The biggest party of the year - <p>Novinhas annually attracts around 2,000 participants, ranging from students from Nova SBE to students from various faculties of the University of Lisbon.</p> <p>It is known as the largest annual event of...</p>
Becoming Blue - <p>The Nova SBE Leadership For Impact Student Club and the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem are inviting you to talk about their approach to tackling innovation in the Blue Economy sector, as well as some...</p>
Business Design for Social Innovators with Isaac Jumba - <p>This is an interactive workshop for Nova SBE students to learn about business design for social innovation. Business Design combines human-centered design methodologies and mindsets with business...</p>
1st Anniversary Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute - <p><strong>A constellation of stars has been growing, and we want to celebrate it.</strong></p> <p>Nova School of Business &amp; Economics and Fundação Haddad would like to invite you to the 1st Anniversary of the NovaSBE...</p>
Economia Viva - <p>The leading cycle of conferences about Economics organized by students in Portugal is back. Economia Viva will bring together students, managers, economists, and national and international researchers...</p>
Talk | 3D Printing & Fast Prototyping with 3DWays and Glooma - <p>In this session, the Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab will discuss how 3D Printing is allowing companies to have a faster time to market and develop their ideas through the testimonial of Glooma and...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Master's in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Whether you want to create your own business or impact an existing organization, the Master&#39;s in Impact Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation is for you! This program combines experiential and...</p>
Feira das Tuas Opções - <p>The Feira das Tuas Opções - Semana de Orientação, Ensino e Formação Profissional is an event to divulge the offers of vocational education and training and higher education in Cascais.</p> <p><font face="opensans--bold">Organized...</font></p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on the Master's in Business Analytics - <p>Is data and technology your secret code to predict trends and influence major decisions? Find out all about the Nova SBE Master&#39;s in Business Analytics by attending the online Master&#39;s Talk....</p>
Nova SBE Pitch Day - <p>If you have a project that you just started or already have a story to tell, then make sure you don&#39;t lose this opportunity to pitch or see others pitch their projects to a pool of investors,...</p>
Innov8rs - <p>Learn how to be more effective and have a bigger impact, even when resources are scarce.</p> <p>There&#39;s no escaping the prospect of an economic downturn, as most companies brace for strong headwinds....</p>
Nova SBE Workshops: The Power of Clarity - <p>Life can be uncertain at times and full of confusion. Finding a sense of inner direction and meaning can be challenging. Connecting to a clear vision and directing our energies accordingly can,...</p>
Executive Master's Talk: Executive Master’s in Finance & Financial Markets - <p>Understand or deepen the main financial concepts, techniques, and tools with a perspective that combines solid theoretical training with an applied approach based on the best international practices....</p>
Executive Master's Talk: Executive Master’s in Leadership - <p>Human capital is strategic and can be the key factor for business sustainability. Learn how to contribute to organizational development by developing and managing talent. Meet Professors Filipa...</p>
Sustainable Value Creation Summit - <p>The Sustainable Value Creation Summit is an event that bridges the gap between academia and industry, taking place from the 23rd to the 26th of May on the campus of the Nova School of Business and...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2022-23 Master's Thesis - <p>From May 29 to June 9, we will hold the public defenses of the 2022-23 Master&#39;s thesis. Check <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/2023/Defesas_Spring_2223_June_GC.pdf" target="_blank" title="this page">this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
DEL Talk | Beyond the tech: 5G led innovation and business opportunities - <p>What kind of new businesses will arise from 5G? Considering that 5G proposes to &quot;connect everything, everywhere&quot;, what kind of new services and products can we start building? These are...</p>
Collision Talks: Should we really stop AI? - <p>Should we really &ldquo;stop&rdquo; AI development? What would be the way to keep deploying AI responsibly? Join the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem to explore such questions in the next Collision Talk....</p>
Designing the Future in Healthcare #3 | Mental health and work: from diagnosis to action - <p><strong>&ldquo;Mental health and work: from diagnosis to action&rdquo; </strong>is the topic of the third workshop in a series promoted by the Nova Health Economics and Management Knowledge Center of <strong>NovaSBE</strong>, in...</p>
KAIZEN™ Award Portugal - <p>The KAIZEN&trade; Award Portugal highlights organizations that are benchmark examples of good practices in continuous improvement. In this twelfth edition, they will distinguish a series of...</p>
Join the celebration of the 10 years of the beNova Scholarship program! - <p>Join the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the beNOVA Scholarship program. Since 2012, the beNOVA scholarships have helped 147 students by promoting educational excellence thanks to the joint...</p>
DRUID - <p>DRUID has become one of the world&#39;s premier academic conferences on innovation and the dynamics of structural, institutional, and geographical change. DRUID is proud to invite senior and junior...</p>
TechShare - <p>As part of its initiatives dedicated to the Tech sector, Euronext launched the TechShare programme, a pre-IPO educational programme designed to help Tech entrepreneurs of non-listed innovative...</p>
VI Paradox & Plurality Annual Meeting - <p>Fundação Amélia de Mello&rsquo;s 6<sup>th</sup> Paradox and Pluralism Annual Meeting - Paradox(a): Paradox, the arts and management</p> <p>The aim of this meeting is to explore how do the arts, artists and artistic...</p>
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Symposium 2023 - <p>The&nbsp;Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation Symposium 2023 is an academic conference that will bring more than 14 experts from around Europe, the USA, and Canada to discuss 7 papers on the latest...</p>
Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem Summer Cocktail - <p>The Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem is gathering its community of members, friends, and Nova SBE family to celebrate the summer with a cocktail. Joins them for a toast with a twist of great...</p>
2023 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p>The Nova SBE Discovery Week is a unique experience that welcomes those who wish to create a meaningful impact by choosing a Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s program and ensuring it prepares them for this new...</p>
Estoril Conferences - <p><strong>A NEW CYCLE. NEW GOALS. THE SAME COMMITMENT.</strong></p> <p><strong>From 2023 The </strong><a href="http://www.estorilconferences.org/"><strong>Estoril Conferences</strong></a><strong> will be held annually</strong> keeping its objective to open, inclusive, elevated, and participatory discourse on pertinent...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>Don&#39;t miss the Nova SBE Career Fair, where renowned companies will present themselves, explain how recruitment takes place, and introduce their job opportunities. Make sure you&nbsp;<a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="1" data-ogsc="" href="https://lt.mydplr.com/4fd3e515783b3b26e26520aa22bf27a3-eafc508e5df4cd7db32e94eaa23ab00c">check the...</a></p>
Public Defenses of September/October 2023 Master's Thesis - <p>From September 22 to October 6, we will hold the public Defenses of Master&#39;s Thesis. Check the <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/2023/Defesas_Summer_23_GC.pdf" target="_blank" title="full calendar">full calendar</a>.</p>
2023 Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a key moment in our students&#39; lives. It represents the transition to the next level &ndash; be it the continuation of their academic journey or the...</p>
Nova SBE Well-being Workshops: The Power of Self-Leadership - <p>Life can be uncertain at times and full of confusion. Connecting to a clear vision and then directing our energies accordingly can, however, give us the necessary power to succeed and allow us to lead...</p>
World Mental Health Day at Nova SBE - <p>October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and this year&rsquo;s motto is &ldquo;Mental Health Is a Universal Human Right&rdquo;. Nova SBE has joined WHO&#39;s worldwide effort to raise awareness of...</p>
Carcavelos Campus 5th Anniversary - <p>Where once laid bricks and concrete is now a campus that strives every day to be the home to a community that dares to look forward and impact the whole world.&nbsp;On October 12, Nova SBE is...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2022-23 Executive Master's Thesis - <p>From October 23&nbsp;to November 30, we will hold the public defenses of the 2022-23 Executive&nbsp;Master&#39;s thesis. Check&nbsp;<a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2023/defenses_ME_22_23_2211.pdf" target="_blank" title="this page">this page</a>&nbsp;to see the full calendar.</p>
WiTH Talk by Graham Miller "Beyond Sustainability, Towards Regenerative Tourism" - <p>Join the Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality for an enlightening talk by Professor Graham Miller, its new and esteemed Academic Director, exploring the importance of embracing a...</p>
Well-being Workshop: The Power of Habits - <p>As humans, we are creatures of habit. Habits shape our daily routines, influence our decisions, and determine long-term outcomes. In this interactive group workshop, we will delve into the science...</p>
WITH Talk | Hospitality for Sports - <p>The Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality is delighted to invite you to a special session of &quot;WITH Talks&quot;, featuring Rui Passo, Sport Lisboa e Benfica&#39;s Vice President...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on International Master’s in Finance (IMF) – Q&A Session - <p>Are you ready to rule the future? Prepare yourself to take on the world with the 11th-best International Master&#39;s in Finance worldwide, recognized by the <em>Financial Times</em>. Watch the step-by-step...</p>
Makers in the Making – Pitch Session - <p>Get ready to ignite your startup journey! The Nova Startup Club and the Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Pitch Day, set to take place on Tuesday,...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on Double Degrees – Q&A Session - <p>A Double Degree is the perfect opportunity to double your value and broaden your international experience! Have a look at the step-by-step Master&#39;s guide video, discover all about Nova SBE&rsquo;s...</p>
Well-being Workshops: The Power of Thinking - <p>Our thoughts can be either our best friends or our greatest enemies. How we think and our beliefs influence every area of our lives. Embracing a more adaptive, growth-oriented, and empowering mindset...</p>
Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem 2nd Anniversary | Reimagining Open Innovation - <p>On December 12, the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem will gather everyone to celebrate 2 years of reimagining open innovation. Anniversaries are great opportunities to reflect and evaluate the things we...</p>
Nova SBE Alumni Party'23 - <p><span class=font-line-height-xl><span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode",sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:#333333;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB; mso-fareast-language:EN-GB;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'>Let's toast to the remarkable journey we've all experienced together at Nova SBE. We invite all staff members to join the <b>Nova </b>SBE <b>Alumni Party 2023 </b>taking place on <b>December 21</b>. Join a night filled...</span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Lucida></span></p>
Public Defenses of the 2023-24 Master's Thesis - <p>From January 08 to February 02, we will hold the public defenses of the 2023-24 Master&#39;s thesis. <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/Events/2024/defenses_student_FALL24_GC.pdf?ver=2024-01-05-111532-573" target="_blank" title="Check the full calendar">Check the full calendar</a>.</p>
PhD Talk in Economics and Finance - <p>Professors Irem Demirci and Alex Armand and PhD Program Manager Patricia Carvalho will present the program and some key intake points. Don&rsquo;t miss the opportunity to learn more about the program...</p>
PhD Talk in Management - <p>Professor Irene Consiglio and PhD Program Manager Patrícia Carvalho will present the program and some key points of the intake. Don&rsquo;t miss the opportunity to learn more about the program and to...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talk on the Master's in International Development & Public Policy - <p>Start building your future and have a glimpse of how you can impact the society that we all live in by joining this Master&#39;s Talk. This will be a perfect opportunity for you to discover everything...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Economics - <p>Do you want to understand the dynamics of world economies while developing your technical and analytical skills? Then make sure you attend our Master&#39;s Talk on the Master&#39;s in Economics. You...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on International Master's in Finance – Q&A Session - <p>If you want to rule the future and perform higher than most, don&rsquo;t miss our Master&rsquo;s Talk Q&amp;A session on the 11th-best International Master&#39;s in Finance in the world, recognized by...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on the Master's in Management - <p>Do you want to influence the world through impactful decision-making? Then, make sure you attend our Master&#39;s Talk and learn all about the program that combines management concepts and practical...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on CEMS Master’s in International Management - <p>There&rsquo;s no better way to learn all about the CEMS Master&rsquo;s in International Management than by joining our Master&rsquo;s Talk. Discover everything from the admission process to the...</p>
2024 Nova SBE Well-Being Week - <p>The Nova SBE Well-being Week is back with its different dimensions to remind us of how well-being is essential to who we are and what we do. Make sure you attend all the talks and workshops the 2024...</p>
WiTH Talks: Tech & Innovation Impact on Revenue - <p>This is a special session of the &quot;WITH Talks&quot; featuring Pedro Colaço, the CEO at GuestCentric and Great Hotels of the World. Join the Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talks on International Master’s in Management (IMM) – Q&A Session - <p>If you ambition an international career in a multinational organization, join our Q&amp;A session about the 15th-best International Master&#39;s in Management in the world, recognized by the Financial...</p>
WiTH Talk "Excellence in Real Estate Luxury Projects" - ...
Nova SBE Master's Day - <p>Prepare to illuminate your path and embark on a complete experience at our Master&rsquo;s Open Day. Attend classes in the morning and have a glimpse of what it is like to be a Master&rsquo;s student....</p>
Well-being Workshops: The Power of Emotions - <p>Emotions play a vital role in our everyday lives. They can both inform and distort our daily decisions and affect our mental and physical well-being in profound ways. Understanding and managing our...</p>
2024 Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>The Nova SBE Career Fair is back! The Carcavelos Campus will, once again, welcome several renowned companies and organizations that will showcase their services and products and also their part of...</p>
The Practice of Regenerative Leadership – Research Seminar - <p>In every sector of business and society, we see that our social and ecological systems need sustainability, regeneration, or healing. We recognize that business has a key role in this transition. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.pt/e/bilhetes-the-practice-of-regenerative-leadership-research-seminar-838502241777">So...</a></p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on Master's in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - <p>Start transforming your future and see how you can contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and peaceful world by attending our Master&rsquo;s Talk. This will be an amazing opportunity to discover...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talk on Master’s in Economics - <p>Get ready to think about the future and join our Master&rsquo;s Talk on the Master&rsquo;s in Economics, where you will learn everything about the third-best Master&rsquo;s in Europe, according to...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks on the Master's in Management - <p>Get ready to grow the future and join the Master&rsquo;s Talk on the Master&rsquo;s in Management. Learn everything about the program that will allow you to achieve sustainable impact through and in...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Talk on the Master's in International Development & Public Policy - <p>Are you keen on being a part of the decision-making process that impacts the performance of organizations? Then, make sure you join our online Master&rsquo;s Talk and hear directly from the Academic...</p>
WiTH Talk "Relevance of Hospitality & CX in Healthcare" - <p>Ever wondered why hospitality operations and a hospitality mindset are crucial in the healthcare guest and patient customer experience? Discover the answers and explore the growing trend of...</p>
Mind the (Gender) Gap - <p>Prominent speakers from various fields will share their expertise and shed light on women&#39;s challenges. This in-person gathering aims to foster open discussions, share experiences, and explore...</p>
Nova SBE Master's Talks in Master's in Finance - <p>Leveraging the future requires solid knowledge, analytical and problem-solving skills. And this is just a glimpse of what you can expect from the Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s in Finance. But you can learn...</p>
Nova SBE Well-Being Workshops: The Power of Relationships - <p>Creating strong and positive relationships is central to our health and happiness. Good relationships boost well-being and help us deal with life&#39;s challenges. But what does the current research...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2022-23 Executive Master's Thesis - <p>From March 18&nbsp;to March 29, we will hold public defenses of the 2023-24 Master&#39;s thesis. <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2024/defenses_ME_22_23_20240201.pdf" target="_blank" title="Check the calendar">Check the calendar</a>.</p>
Master's Talks on Business Analytics - <p>Start designing the future and learn how you will design and manage data-driven organizations while transforming hard data into storytelling by attending our online Master&rsquo;s Talk. This will be a...</p>
2024 Inclusive Talks - <p>The Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) is a Nova SBE initiative dedicated to the lives of people with disabilities, which aims to promote a more inclusive community. Discover the work developed by the...</p>
Well-being Workshops: The Power of Character - <p>Have you ever felt unsure of who you are and what you truly want? Join this dynamic group workshop on April 16 at 2.30 p.m. at the Westmont Hospitality Hall to delve into the notions of identity,...</p>
Cascais Insight: Exploring Tomorrow's Tourism - <p>Join Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality&#39;s TOP 5 student projects. How can the Cascais Tourism Board make Cascais a more sustainable destination in the future while retaining...</p>
Earth Day | Circular Entrepreneurs Roundtable - <p>The Nova SBE Sustainability Team is celebrating Earth Day and the closing of Cascais Smart Pole, Nova SBE&#39;s own living lab. In the afternoon, you can join them for a roundtable conversation with...</p>
Collision Talk: Can we count on innovation to increase political engagement? - <p>How can innovation contribute to a more informed and participatory society? What are the best examples of &quot;new&quot; political participation? Join the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem to explore...</p>
Workshop | Shaping the Cities and Communities of Tomorrow - <p>Join the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem in Shaping Tomorrow&rsquo;s Cities and Communities. Immerse yourself in an interactive afternoon where collective intelligence becomes our compass. Together, you...</p>
2023 Portugal, Balanço Social Report Launch - <p>The Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center invites you to the <em>2023 Portugal, Social Balance Report </em>launch. This annual report aims to provide an economic and social portrait of the country and...</p>
2024 EFMD Doctoral Programmes Conference: Cultivating Human-Centered Doctoral Research in the Digital Age - <p>Nova SBE will host the 2024 EFMD Doctoral Programmes Conference: Cultivating Human-Centered Doctoral Research in the Digital Age. The event will encompass all the different facets of doctoral...</p>
Let's Debate 50 Years Of Democracy – "European Elections | The Past and the Future" - <p>Join the exciting &quot;On the Road EC 2024 Debate&quot;, focused on the upcoming European elections. Moderated by Paulo Portas and Susana Peralta, and with the Portuguese candidates for the European...</p>
Public Defenses of the 2023-24 Master's Thesis - <p>From May 31 to June 14, we will hold the public defenses of the 2023-24 Master&#39;s thesis. <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/2024/defenses_student_SPRING24_GC.pdf" target="_blank" title="Check this page">Check this page</a> to see the full calendar.</p>
Professor Alex Armand 's "Agregação" sessions - <p>Next June&nbsp;3 at 12pm&nbsp;and 4 at 10:30 am you can watch Professor&nbsp;Alex Armand &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions. Join us&nbsp;<a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGQ0OTY4OWUtOWExYy00M2NjLTkxMTAtODM4Njg2YjkzYTk0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d" target="_blank" title="online">online</a></p>
6th Value Creation Wheel Conference - <p>The Value Creation Wheel Conferences serve as a catalyst for meaningful collaboration and collective action. They bring together leaders, managers, public policymakers, and academics to foster...</p>
2024 NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development - <p>This international event brings prominent academics and policymakers together over two days to discuss relevant topics in development economics. Featuring parallel sessions, keynote speeches, and a...</p>
2024 Master’s Graduation Ceremony - <p>The Master&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a magical moment for our graduates and their families, faculty, and staff. It is also a unique opportunity to bring together all those who contributed to the...</p>
Future Cities, Future Communities Innovation Accelerator Program | Sharing Day - <p>On this Sharing Day, the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem will share stories in dedicated panels from the different tracks of the program &mdash; students, researchers, startups, SMEs, and civil society....</p>
Professor Irene Consiglio 's "Agregação" sessions - <p>Next July&nbsp;9&nbsp;and&nbsp;10&nbsp;at&nbsp;9am&nbsp;am you can watch Professor&nbsp;Irene Consiglio&nbsp;&#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.&nbsp;Join us <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJlNGFiODYtZGJjYi00MjQyLWJjNmUtZTA5MDNjOWYzNGVm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">online</a></p>
2024 Nova SBE Discovery Week - <p>The Nova SBE Discovery Week is a once-in-a-lifetime event where we welcome those who wish to lead the future by choosing a Nova SBE Master&rsquo;s program and ensuring it prepares them for a new...</p>
2024 Nova SBE Bachelor's Discovery Week - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Discovery Week is about to take place. From September 4 to September 6, Nova SBE will welcome the 2024/25 Bachelor&#39;s students who will start their enrollment processes and get...</p>
Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>The Carcavelos Campus will, once again, hold the Nova SBE Career Fair on September 17 and welcome several renowned companies and organizations to showcase their services, products, and job...</p>
Nova SBE Public Policy Institute Official Launch - <p>Nova SBE is pleased to invite you to the launch event of the Nova SBE Public Policy Institute. This initiative will bring together academics, politicians, civil society representatives, and other...</p>
Public Defenses of September-October 2024 Master's Thesis - <p>From September 23 to October 8 , we will hold the public defenses of the September-October 2024 Master&#39;s thesis.</p> <p><a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2024/defenses_student_SUMMER24_GC.pdf" target="_blank" title="Check this page to see the full calendar.">Check the full calendar.</a></p>
WiTH Talk "Managing Your Charter: A CEO’s Journey" - <p>Luís Rodrigues, CEO of TAP Air Portugal, will share his career path and insights that led him to lead a top airline. Discover how he navigates today&#39;s market forces and fosters a motivated team....</p>
2024 Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony - <p>The Bachelor&#39;s Graduation Ceremony is a key moment in our students&#39; lives as it stands as the continuation of the academic path or the beginning of a professional career. The ceremony is also...</p>
How Hospitality combined with Technology can be a differentiating factor! - <p>On October 10, at 11.00 am, learn how Indie Campers integrates AI to streamline processes, enhance customer support, and optimize algorithms aiming to offer a personalized and innovative travel...</p>
World Mental Health Day at Nova SBE - <p>Let&rsquo;s celebrate World Mental Health Day at Nova SBE with the theme: &quot;It&rsquo;s time to prioritize mental health in the workplace.&quot; This event, hosted in collaboration with various...</p>
NOVA Sustainability Days - <p style="margin-left:0in;text-align:justify;"><span style="color:#333333;">The NOVA Sustainability Days will take place across NOVA University Lisbon&rsquo;s various campuses from October 15 to 18. They will feature sessions dedicated to the NOVA Route Zero project and each...</span></p>
"Concertos Fora da Caixa" [Concerts Outside the Box] - <p>We have the pleasure of inviting you to the first &quot;Concertos Fora da Caixa&quot; [Concerts Outside the Box] at Nova SBE. This is an initiative of the Vila Galé Group in partnership with the...</p>
Public Defenses of Executive Master's Thesis 2023-24 - <p>From October 20 to November 30&nbsp;, we will hold the public defenses of the 2023/24&nbsp;Executive Master&#39;s thesis.</p> <p><a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Events-images/Events%202024/Defesas_ME_23_24_1810.pdf" target="_blank" title="Check this page to see the full calendar.">Check the full calendar.</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Prof. Adam Tatarynowicz's aggregation exams - <p>Next October&nbsp;22 at 10.30am and 2.30pm you can watch Professor&nbsp;Adam Tatarynowicz &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YmQ4MTI5YzItMzk0YS00NjIyLWEzZTEtZDgzYmQzMGZmODJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">Join us&nbsp;online</a></strong></p>
Well-being Workshops: The Power of Self-leadership - <p>Life can be uncertain at times and full of confusion, and finding a sense of inner direction and meaning can be tough. Connecting to a clear vision and then directing our energies accordingly can,...</p>
2024 Estoril Conferences - <p>&quot;Time to ReThink&quot; is the motto of the ninth edition of the Estoril Conferences, proposing dialogue towards collective action to overcome the most pressing global challenges based on Peace,...</p>
Unicon Team Development Conference 2024: Generate the Future of Executive Education in a Hallucinate World - <p>Get ready to embark on a transformative journey that is designed to generate innovative solutions, strategies, and perspectives to navigate the complexities of today&#39;s business landscape. This is...</p>
Well-Being Workshops: The Power of Habits - <p>Have you ever struggled with changing your old ways? As humans, we are creatures of habit. Habits shape our daily routines, influence our decisions, and determine long-term outcomes. In this...</p>
WiTH Talk "Patient and Customer Experience in Healthcare" - <p>Join the Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality for an insightful talk on creating patient-centric environments, leveraging technology for better service, and implementing best...</p>
Common Ground – Nova SBE Filmmaking Cycle 2024/2025: Exploring Pressing Global Themes through Film - <p>Directed by Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell, <em>Common Ground</em> is a thought-provoking documentary that delves deeply into the intersections of environmental management, community resilience, and...</p>
Public Presentation of SAPIEN – Pedagogical Innovation & Excellence Network - <p>Bringing together the will and efforts of nine Higher Education institutions, the SAPIEN Centre of Excellence, created and funded by the NextGeneration EU program through the Digital Transition...</p>
Public Defenses of Executive Master's Thesis 2023-24 - <p>From November 20 to November 30&nbsp;, we will hold the public defenses of the 2023/24&nbsp;Executive Master&#39;s thesis.</p> <p><a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2024/Defesas_ME_23_24_2711.pdf?ver=2024-11-27-101419-410" target="_blank" title="Check this page to see the full calendar.">Check the full calendar.</a></p>
The Innovation Circle Summit | Visioneurship: Better Change Faster - <p>Join the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem at The Innovation Circle Summit, the checkpoint for the innovation zeitgeist, the meeting point for visionary innovators, the crossroads for knowledge and...</p>
WiTH Talk: "Establishing Standards for Portugal's Real Estate Markets" - <p>Jonas Schuermann will debate luxury, asset management, and customer experience as key elements that elevate the quality and consistency of the real estate market. Join the Nova SBE Westmont Institute...</p>
Nova SBE: Q&A Session on the International Master's in Management - <p>Discover how the International Master&#39;s in Management, ranked 8th worldwide by the Financial Times, can help you launch a global career. Join our online Q&amp;A session to explore the program and...</p>
Forge Your Path in the Space Economy: Space for Business Webinar - <p>Discover how this program can help you shape a successful career in the rapidly expanding space sector. Whether you want to accelerate your professional journey or elevate your organization, this...</p>
InNova Talks - <p>Don&#39;t miss the opportunity to attend this event, which will celebrate the first season of InNova Talks, a videocast that brought together academics and businesspeople to delve deeper into some of...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A Session on the Master's in Management - <p>Discover how the Nova SBE Master&#39;s in Management can help you achieve your career goals. Join the online Q&amp;A session to explore the program and get answers to your questions. Press play on...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A Session on the International Master's in Finance - <p>Are you ready to press play on your future with our International Master&#39;s in Finance? Ranked 7th worldwide by the <em>Financial Times</em>, this program prepares you for a successful global career. Join...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A Session on the CEMS Master's in International Management - <p>The CEMS MiM is a prestigious program that opens doors to incredible global opportunities. Attend our Q&amp;A session to discover how it can shape your future. Meet the experts, ask questions, and...</p>
Webinar Dual Degree NYU & Nova SBE - <p>Learn all about the Nova SBE &amp; NYU Tandon Dual Degree Program. This unique opportunity lets you earn two Master&rsquo;s degrees in management and technology while experiencing life in Lisbon and...</p>
The Flight of Diversity - <p>This exhibition celebrates the talent and artistic expression of people with disabilities. Through various ceramic and painting works, the artists explore themes such as freedom, accessibility, and...</p>
Public Defenses of January 2025 Master's Thesis - <p>From January 6 to January 31, we will hold the public defenses of the January 2025 Master&#39;s thesis.</p> <p>Check this page to <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2025/teses/defenses_student_FALL25_GC.pdf?ver=2025-01-06-155600-453" title="see the full calendar">see the full calendar</a>.</p>
Candidate Teresa Mannebach 's PhD session - <p>Next January&nbsp;14 at 10.30am you can watch candidate&nbsp;Teresa Mannebach &#39;s PhD session.</p> <p><a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjNmYjE1YTgtMTg4ZC00NTVhLTk0MGQtZjQ1ZDE5ZjEwMDZl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d" target="_blank" title="Join us online">Join us&nbsp;online</a></p>
PhD in Management Online Talk - <p>Hosted online by the school&#39;s Academic Director and the PhD team, the webinar will discuss crucial details about the program, including funding, and provide an overview of the application process....</p>
Professor Michael Kummer 's "Agregação" sessions - <p>Next January&nbsp;16 at 10.30am and 2.30pm you can watch Professor&nbsp;Michael Kummer &#39;s &quot;Agregação&quot; sessions. <a href="http://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWE1NGZlYjAtYjY0Ni00MDcwLTg0OWUtOTU2OTJkZjhmOTIy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d" target="_blank">Join us&nbsp;online</a> or in the Room D-115.</p>
Nova SBE Q&A Session on the Master's in Economics - <p>Discover why our Master&#39;s in Economics is ranked 2nd in Europe by Eduniversal. Press play on your future and join our online Q&amp;A session to explore the program and get your questions answered....</p>
Nova SBE Q&A: Double Degrees - <p>Are you ready to take your academic journey to the next level? Join our online Q&amp;A session to learn more about the incredible opportunities offered by our Double Degree programs. Discover how a...</p>
Space for Business 3rd Webinar: Forge your path in the Space Economy - <p>Discover how the Space For Business Program can help you shape a successful career in the rapidly expanding space sector. A deep dive into the 4th edition of the program and a chance to learn about...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A: Master's in Finance - <p>Learn about the Master&#39;s in Finance and how it prepares you for success in the financial industry. Join our upcoming online Q&amp;A session to get detailed insights into the program and how it can...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A: Master's in Business Analytics - <p>Learn how the Master&#39;s in Business Analytics can shape your future. Join our Q&amp;A session to get key insights into the program and its career opportunities. Sign up <a href="https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xRfkfTzLQyS-OthSkWXbYg#/registration">here</a>.</p>
Nova SBE Q&A: Master's in International Development & Public Policy - <p>Join our online Q&amp;A session to learn more about our Master&#39;s in International Development &amp; Public Policy and how it can prepare you for a career in global development. Register <a href="https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Rg6A0QwqTqSXiNyfgEnFig#/registration">here</a>.</p>
2025 Nova SBE Welcome Day 2024/25 - <p>On&nbsp;January 31,&nbsp;make sure you don&#39;t miss the&nbsp;on-campus&nbsp;academic and social sessions, specially prepared for new students from <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2025/wecome_day/WelcomeDay_2025-editavel-Int-BACH.pdf">Bachelor&rsquo;s</a>, <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2025/wecome_day/WelcomeDay_2025-editavel-masters.pdf">Master&rsquo;s</a>, and <a href="https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/Files/2025/wecome_day/WelcomeDay_2025-editavel-INCOMING.pdf">Exchange</a>...</p>
Nova SBE Q&A: Master's in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation - ...
WiTH Talk "Beyond the Game: How Technology is Redefining Hospitality in Sports" - <p>If you are passionate about innovation and customer experience, join the Nova SBE&nbsp; Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality on February 6, at 11.00 am, at the Westmont Hospitality Hall for...</p>
2025 Nova SBE Well-Being Week - <p>The Nova SBE Well-being Week is returning to tackle, once again, important topics and help us reflect on important dimensions of well-being and how essential it is to who we are and what we do. From...</p>
Candidate Filipe Costa's PhD session - <p>Next February 14, at 2.00 pm, you can watch candidate Filipe Costa&#39;s PhD session. <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWNhMmQ5NWUtMjYwZi00ZmIyLWI4MmEtNzM3ZDZiM2M1Mjgz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">Join in online</a>.</p>
Candidate Pedro Sena Dias' PhD session - <p>On February 17, at 3.00 pm, you can watch candidate Pedro Sena Dias&#39; PhD session. <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGZkNjQwMGMtOWY4MC00ODY2LWJiMTgtZTZhYWQ4MzQ4OGMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">Join online</a> or in the D-115 room.</p>
Master's Day - <p>Do you have questions about our Master&#39;s programs? <strong>February 18</strong>, visit our campus, learn more about our offer and everything you need to know before applying, network with our Nova SBE students,...</p>
2025 Nova SBE Career Fair - <p>Another year, another brand new edition. The Nova SBE Career Fair is back welcoming several renowned companies and organizations that will showcase their services and also job opportunities. Seize...</p>
Candidate Pedro Sena Dias' PhD session - <p>On February 19, at 10.00 am, you can watch candidate Constança Roquette&#39;s PhD session. <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTA4Zjc5NjQtMzU4MS00YzY2LWIzYzAtOTcxMGRiMzhmZDk3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">Join us online</a> or in room D-115.</p>
WiTH Talk "Rock In Rio: ALL Experience!" - <p>Rock in Rio delivers iconic experiences that inspire millions. It fosters a culture where everyone is responsible for the experience and every stakeholder contributes to a festival that&rsquo;s more...</p>
Debate: 3 Years of Full-Scale War Against Ukraine | Unseen Civilians a Global Call for Justice - <p>The debate will explore crucial topics, such as the lack of legal mechanisms to ensure the release of Ukrainian civilians and the need for stronger international pressure on Russia. It will be...</p>
Grand opening of Café Joyeux at Nova SBE - <p>Café Joyeux and Nova SBE are joining forces and will have a solidarity-driven café-restaurant at the Carcavelos Campus. So don&rsquo;t miss the grand opening of this new inclusive space. Please...</p>
"Five Decades of Democracy, what has changed?" Exhibition - <p>Nova SBE will hold the &quot;Five Decades of Democracy: What has changed?&quot; infographic exhibition, developed by Pordata, which will also tour around the country. 22 infographics will be displayed...</p>
Nova SBE Master’s Admissions Q&A - <p>Discover everything you need to know about the admissions process at Nova SBE. Join this online Q&amp;A session and get your questions answered. Press play on your future and <a href="https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HuvGKfCRQwOxEKA9Sdjlxg#/">register now</a>.</p>
Imobiliário 3.0: Habitação e Inovação [Real Estate 3.0: Housing and Innovation] - <p>Join the Imobiliário 3.0: Habitação e Inovação event, an initiative of Nova SBE Data, Operations &amp; Technology Knowledge Center, in partnership with Unlockit that will analyze the current state of...</p>
WiTH Talk "Powerful Lifestyle platforms creating meaningful content and lifestyle experiences!" - <p>Join the Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism &amp; Hospitality for an insider&rsquo;s look at how Lisbon&rsquo;s hottest media brand curates top experiences, blending tech, storytelling, and hidden...</p>
F*ck Up Night - <p>Failure is part of every success story. At F*ck Up Night, entrepreneurs share their biggest mistakes, toughest lessons, and how they turned setbacks into growth. Join the Nova SBE Haddad...</p>
Innovation for impact – Shaping the World by Innonexus - <p>The Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute will host the concluding event of Shaping the World by Innonexus, bringing together innovators, educators, and changemakers to discuss the future of...</p>
Professor João Duarte's "Agregação" sessions - <p>Next March 24, at 2.45 pm, and March 25, at 1.30 pm, you can watch Professor João Duarte&#39;s agregação sessions. <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGQ2MTVhMWMtNTRiZS00ZDQ4LWJlMzktODAyMDRjZTlhM2M2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c42931e3-6733-41e6-8d42-c48ba334bba4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22385b2bcf-97e0-4bdc-a884-281629c4a558%22%7d">Join us online</a> or in room D-115.</p>
Exclusive Opportunity: 2nd Search Funds & ETA Conference - <p>Are you a student curious about search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition? Join this exclusive event featuring industry experts and searchers, gain valuable insights, and explore career...</p>
Seminars & Conferences
03 Apr '25
Seminars & Conferences | Thursday Exclusive Opportunity: 2nd Search Funds & ETA Conference

Are you a student curious about search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition? Join this exclusive event featuring industry experts and searchers, gain valuable insights, and explore career...

Learn More
March 2025