The potential export markets for health, dental and medical services, generally referred to as health or medical tourism, have received growing attention in the academic, business and popular press. Many developing economies are looking at health tourism exports as a way to enhance their destination brand, stimulate job growth, and improve their balance of trade. While the theoretical potential might be clear, few destinations or providers have succeeded in developing sustainable streams of health tourists and successful economic enterprises. The perils in these often immature markets can be significant, including liability, ethical conflicts and, as the recent coronavirus outbreak makes clear, untoward epidemiological consequences.
This seminar, which is organized by the Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center will have Irving Stackpole, President of Stackpole & Associates, Inc., a strategy, marketing, and research firm founded in 1991, and co-author of the recently released Marketing Handbook in Health Tourism as its main speaker. The professor will help review the definitional features of the markets for health, wellness, dental, and medical services, and consider the overall scope of these markets. The demand and supply characteristics of the market segments will be reviewed. The strategic positioning of both destinations and providers, as well as the role of intermediators, will be presented. The cultural biases of the consumers and providers will also be considered.
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