20 May '20
Seminars & Conferences | Wednesday #roletoplay Webinar “A Case Study on Reskilling into Tech”

Keynote Speakers: Shannon Graybill invites Gilmar Lima

Is it really possible to reskill professionals into technical roles? Gilmar Lima, a former Telecomm Service Manager turned Developer at the age of 36, will share his story.

Join our webinar series where a team of experts will address the challenges and opportunities that arise in our personal and professional lives to help us to stop and think about how we can act proactively and face the current context.

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/7515892838417/WN_ju7zsmZySvuyhkP0VQ5zXQ

#roletoplay Webinar “A Case Study on Reskilling into Tech”
  • From 20 May 2020 6:00 PM
  • To 20 May 2020 7:00 PM
  • Location Zoom