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Partilhar conhecimento, debater ideias


O Nova SBE Finance Knowledge Center mantém uma política de apoio e diálogo pró-ativo reunindo estudantes, professores e parceiros de negócios / empresas em temas relacionados com finanças que influenciam mercados, indústria, consumidores e sociedade. ​​

Assim, várias conferências e seminários são organizados todos os anos, tendo como convidados académicos internacionais de topo em áreas como Asset Management, Household Debt, Challenges for Monetary Policy, Financing Long-Term Investment, entre outros. 

Seminário com Laurent Fresard - <p>Laurent Fresard (University of Maryland) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Corporate Strategy and the Stock Market</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com André F.Silva - <p>André F. Silva (Cass Business School) apresentará o seu estudo<em>Strategic Liquidity Mismatch and Financial Sector Stability</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Antonino Emanuele Rizzo - <p>Antonino Emanuele Rizzo (Tilburg University) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Afraid to Take a Chance? The Threat of Lawsuits and its Impact on Shareholder Wealth</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Lorenzo Bretscher - <p>Lorenzo Bretscher (London School of Economics) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>From Local to Global: Offshoring and Asset Prices</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Markus Ibert - <p>Markus Ibert (Stockholm School of Economics) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>What Do Mutual Fund Managers&#39; Private Portfolios Tell Us About Their Skills?</em> Participe.</p>
Seminário Julio Galvez - <p>Julio Galvez (CEMFI) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>What Do Mutual Fund Managers&#39; Private Portfolios Tell Us About Their Skills?Household portfolio choices and nonlinear income risk</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Roberto Pinto - <p>Roberto Pinto (Vienna University of Economics and Business) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Levered Employees</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Dmitry Khametshin - <p>Dmitry Khametshin (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Central Bank Liquidity Provision and Segmentation of Collateral Markets</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Argyro Panaretou - <p>Argyro Panaretou (Lancaster University) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Are debt valuation adjustments reflecting changes in credit spreads?</em> Participe.</p>
Seminário com François Cocquemas - <p>François Cocquemas (Vanderbilt University) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>The Term Structure of Securities Lending Fees</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Denis Gromb - <p>Denis Gromb (HEC Paris) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Financial Restructuring and Resolution of Banks</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Bige Kahraman - <p>Bige Kahraman (Saïd Business School) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Show Us Your Shorts!</em>&nbsp;Participe.</p>
Seminário com Jules Van Binsbergen - <p>Jules Van Binsbergen (The Wharton School) apresentará o seu estudo<em>&nbsp;Regulation of Charlatans in High-Skill Professions</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Antoinette Schoa - <p>Antoinette Schoar (MIT Sloan School of Management) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Trading and Arbitrage in Crypto-Currency Markets</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Shimon Kogan - <p>Shimon Kogan (Arison School of Business) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Fake News in Financial Markets</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Gustavo Manso - <p>Gustavo Manso (Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Innovation</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Eduardo Schwartz - <p>Eduardo Schwartz (UCLA) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/KnowledgeCenters/Finance/documents/Research_Seminar_Finance_Schwartz_2_articles_p48.pdf?ver=2019-04-16-154519-430"><em>The Carbon Abatement Game</em></a>. Participe.</p>
Seminário com Ervin Black - <p>Ervin Black (University of Oklahoma) apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Non-GAAP accounting research</em>. Participe.</p>
Seminário de Investigação com Oguzhan Ozbas - <p>O professor Oguzhan Ozbas, da University of South California, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><a href="https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2881408" target="_blank" title="Can Shareholder Proposals Hurt Shareholders? Evidence from SEC No‐Action Letter Decisions">Can Shareholder Proposals Hurt Shareholders? Evidence from SEC No‐Action Letter Decisions</a></em>.&nbsp;Participe...</p>
Seminário de investigação com Johan Hombert - <p>O professor <u>J</u>ohan Hombert, de HEC Paris, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><u>The Long-Term Consequences of the Tech Bubble on Skilled Workers&#39; Earnings</u></em>. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação with Dirk Jentert - <p>O professor Dirk Jentert, da University London School of Economics, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Does Board Size Matters?&nbsp;&nbsp;</em>Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de Investigação com Clemens Otto - <p>O Professor Clemens Otto, da Singapore Management University, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><a href="https://www.clsbe.lisboa.ucp.pt/pt-pt/clemens-otto-the-downstream-impact-of-upstream-tariffs-evidence-from-investment-decisions-in-supply-chains" title="The Downstream Impact of Upstream Tariffs: Evidence from Investment Decisions in Supply Chains">The Downstream Impact of Upstream Tariffs: Evidence from Investment Decisions in Supply Chains</a></em>. Participe...</p>
Seminário de investigação com Stefan Zeume - <p>O professor Stefan Zeume, da&nbsp;University of Michigan&rsquo;s Ross School of Business, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><a href="https://www.clsbe.lisboa.ucp.pt/stefan-zeume-organized-crime-and-firms-evidence-from-italy" title="Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy">Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy</a></em>. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Research Seminar with José-Luis Peydró Alcalde - <p>Professor José-Luis Peydró Alcalde, from the&nbsp;Universitat Pompeu Fabra,&nbsp;will present his paper <a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/Portals/0/KnowledgeCenters/Finance/documents/FINANCE_From_Finance_to_Fascism.pdf?ver=2019-04-01-103015-117"><em>From Finance to Fascism: The Real Effects of Germany&#39;s 1931 Banking Crises</em></a>.&nbsp;Join in.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Rui Silva - <p>O professor <a href="https://www.london.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty/profiles/s/silva-r">Rui Silva</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.london.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty/profiles/s/silva-r">London Business School</a>, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>Teams and Bankruptcy</em>.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Research Seminar with Peter Brok - <p>O professor <a href="https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/webwijs/show/p.j.s.brok.htm">Peter Brok</a>, da Tilburg University, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em>As Uncertain as Taxes</em>.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Andreas Uthemann - <p>O professor <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/authemann/home">Andreas Uthemann</a>, da <a href="http://www.lse.ac.uk/">London School of Economics</a>, apresentará o seu estudo<em>&nbsp;High-order Uncertainty in Financial Markets: Evidence From a Consensus Pricing Service</em>. Participe neste...</p>
Seminário de investigação com Petra Andrlikova - <p>A professora&nbsp;<a href="https://business.sydney.edu.au/hdr/petra.andrlikova">Petra Andrlikova</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://business.sydney.edu.au/hdr/petra.andrlikova">University of Sidney</a>,&nbsp;apresentará &nbsp;<em><a href="http://andrlikova.com/file/Andrlikova_JMP.pdf">Heterogeneous Cash- flow Risk, Preference Shocks and Asymmetric Return Dependence</a>.</em>&nbsp;Participe neste...</p>
Research Seminar with Rasmus Lönn - <p>O professor <a href="https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/s.lonn">Rasmus Lönn</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/">Maastricht University</a>, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><a href="https://sites.google.com/view/rasmuslonn/research">High-dimensional Portfolios: Common Risk and Sparse Hedging</a>. </em>Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Rex Wang Renjie - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://www.erim.eur.nl/people/renjie-wang/">Rex Wang Renjie</a>,&nbsp;da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.erim.eur.nl/">Erasmus School of Economics</a>, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<em><a href="https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3190088">Noise from Other Industries: Overgeneralization and Analyst Beliefs</a>. </em>Participe neste...</p>
Seminário de investigação com Mariassunta Giannetti - <p>A professora&nbsp;<a href="https://www.hhs.se/en/person/?personid=6491033">Mariassunta Giannetti</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.hhs.se/">Stockholm School of Economics</a>, apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de Investigação com Allaudeen Hameed - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="http://bizfaculty.nus.edu/faculty-profiles/1-allaudeen">Allaudeen Hameed</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://bschool.nus.edu.sg/">National University of Singapore, NUS</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Paolo Pasquariello - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://michiganross.umich.edu/faculty-research/faculty/paolo-pasquariello">Paolo Pasquariello</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://michiganross.umich.edu/">University of Michigan</a>, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<a href="https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2847321"><em>Speculation with Information Discosure</em></a>. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Michael Weber - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/directory/w/michael-weber">Michael Weber</a>, da<a href="https://www.chicagobooth.edu/"> University of Chicago</a>, apresentará o seu estudo&nbsp;<a href="https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2017/12/24/the-information-content-of-dividends-safer-profits-not-higher-profits/"><em>The Information Content of Dividends: Safer Profits, Not Higher Profits</em></a>. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Luke Taylor - <p>O professor <a href="https://fnce.wharton.upenn.edu/profile/luket/">Luke Taylor</a>,&nbsp;da&nbsp;<a href="https://fnce.wharton.upenn.edu/profile/luket/">Wharton School &ndash; University of Pennsylvania</a>, cujas&nbsp;áreas de interesse&nbsp;são <em>corporate finance</em>, <em>corporate governance,</em> empreendedorismo, fragilidade...</p>
Seminário de invetigação com Morellec Erwan - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://www.epfl.ch/schools/cdm/college-of-management-of-technology/swiss-finance-institute/faculty-members/erwan-morellec/">Morellec Erwan</a>, da <a href="https://www.epfl.ch/en/home/">École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Kai Li - <p>A professora&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/Faculty/People/Faculty_Members/Li_Kai">Kai Li</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/">UBC Sauder School of Business</a>, apresentará o seu estudo <i>Rent extraction by super-priority lenders</i>.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Francesco Franzoni - <p>O professor<a href="https://search.usi.ch/en/people/8b97889f5bbd1addee95931b552413af/franzoni-francesco"> Francesco Franzoni</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.usi.ch/en">Università della Svlzzra Itallana</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de Investigação com Amit Goyal - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="http://www.hec.unil.ch/agoyal/">Amit Goyal</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.unil.ch/hec/fr/home.html">HEC Lausanne</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Jan Bena - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/Faculty/People/Faculty_Members/Bena_Jan">Jan Bena</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/">UBC Sauder School of Business</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Dong Lou - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="http://www.lse.ac.uk/Finance/People/Faculty/Lou">Dong Lou</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="http://www.lse.ac.uk/">London School of Economics</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Ron Kaniel - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="http://www.simon.rochester.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty-directory/faculty-profile/index.aspx?Username=ron.kaniel">Ron Kaniel</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="http://www.simon.rochester.edu/index.aspx">University of Rochester</a>, apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Clemens Sialm - <p>O professor&nbsp;<a href="https://faculty.mccombs.utexas.edu/clemens.sialm/">Clemens Sialm</a>, da&nbsp;<a href="https://www.utexas.edu/">University of Texas</a>, em Austin&nbsp;(Texas), apresentará o seu estudo.&nbsp;Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Andrada Bilan - <p>A&nbsp;professora Andrada Bilan apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Nathan Foley-Fisher - <p>O professor Nathan Foley-Fisher apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Huseyin Gulen - <p>O professor Huseyin Gulen apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Tobias Berg - <p>O professor Tobias Berg apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Stefano Rossi - <p>O professor Stefano Rossi apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
2019 JFI-Nova SBE Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance - <p>O objetivo principal desta conferência é apresentar e discutir os últimos desenvolvimentos de investigação académica sobre finanças empresariais.</p> <p><strong>Consulte a <a href="https://www2.novasbe.unl.pt/en/faculty-research/knowledge-centers/finance/events/2019-jfi-nova-sbe-conference">página do evento</a> para mais informação.</strong></p>
Seminário de investigação com Peter Feldhütter - <p>O professor Peter Feldhütter apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Tyler Muir - <p>O professor Tyler Muir apresentará o seu estudo. Participe neste seminário.</p>
Seminário de investigação com Laurent Fresard - <p>Due to the growing concerns around <b>COVID-19</b> we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Laurent Fresard. New date will be disclosed later.&nbsp;</p>
Refinitiv Session & Challenge for Nova SBE Students - ...
Finance Talks: "Real estate market in Portugal Is Lisbon experiencing a real estate bubble?" with Professor Melissa Prado - <p>Finance Talks are informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty and invited corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance.<br /> These topics have been identified as major...</br></p>
Research Finance Seminar com Renée Adams "Is Gender in the Eye of the Beholder? Identifying Cultural Attitudes with Art Auction Prices" - <p>A Professora Renée Adams da&nbsp;Saïd Business School na&nbsp;University of&nbsp;Oxford apresentará o seu estudo <em>&quot;Is Gender in the Eye of the Beholder?&nbsp;Identifying Cultural Attitudes with...</em></p>
Research Finance Seminar com Huseyin Gulen - <p>Professor&nbsp;Huseyin Gulen from&nbsp;Krannert School of Management will present his&nbsp;paper <em>&quot;The Use of Asset Growth in Empirical Asset Pricing Models&quot;.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Entrada livre. 6 Março...</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Todd Gormley - <p>Due to the growing concerns around <b>COVID-19</b> we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Todd A. Gormley from&nbsp;Olin Business School &amp; Washington University. New date will be...</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Amit Goyal - <p>Due to the growing concerns around <b>COVID-19</b> we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Amit Goyal. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Pedro Bordalo - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Pedro Bordalo. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Daniel Metzger - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Daniel Metzger. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Jean-Noel Barrot - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Jean-Noel Barrot. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Camelia M. Kuhnen - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Camelia M. Kuhnen. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Laurent Fresard - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;&nbsp;Laurent Fresard. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Merih Sevilir - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Merih Sevilir. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Jennie Bai - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Jennie Bai. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Kenneth Ahern - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Kenneth Ahern. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Research Finance Seminar com Oliver Spalt - <p>Due to the growing concerns around&nbsp;<b>COVID-19</b>&nbsp;we will postpone the Finance Seminar with&nbsp;Professor&nbsp;Oliver Spalt. New date will be disclosed later.</p>
Finance Forum - PhD Mentoring Day 2020 - <p>(in English)</p> <p><strong>28th Finance Forum will be held on 1 and 2 July, 2021.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The&nbsp;<strong>PhD Mentoring Day </strong>will be held on<strong> June 30,&nbsp;2021</strong>.</p> <p>More information will be available soon.</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Jean-Noel Barrot da HEC-Paris - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Jean-Noel Barrot vai apresentar o seu paper&nbsp;&quot;Costs and benefits of closing businesses in a pandemic&quot;.</p> <p><em>Abstract (in English only):</em></p> <p>Typical government responses to...</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Mireia Gine do IESE - <p>A Professora Mireia Gine vai apresentar o seu&nbsp;<em>paper </em>&quot;Beyond the Target: M&amp;A Decisions and Rival Ownership&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract (in english only):</p> <p>Diversified acquirer shareholders can...</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Daniel Metzger da Rotterdam School of Management - <p>Professor&nbsp;Daniel Metzger vai apresentar o Paper &quot;The Sustainability Wage Gap&quot;.</p> <p>Abstract: (English only)</p> <p>A large literature documents a positive correlation between a firm&rsquo;s...</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Tarun Ramadorai do Imperial College London - <p>O Professor Tarun Ramadorai vai apresentar&nbsp;&nbsp;&ldquo;Gravity, Counterparties, and Foreign Investment&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (English only):</p> <p>We propose a new explanation for the granular origins of...</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham da Yale School of Management - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham vai apresentar&nbsp;&quot;The Gender Gap in Housing Returns&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (English only):</p> <p>Using detailed data on housing transactions across the United...</p>
Conferência FinTech (Online) - <p>A Conferência conta com apresentação de 5 <em>papers</em> sobre temas relevantes na área de FinTech como <em>bitcoin</em>, oferta inicial de moedas, <em>crowdfunding</em> e o impacto das novas tecnologias no sistema bancário....</p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Mathias Kronlund da Tulane University - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Mathias Kronlund vai apresentar:&nbsp;&ldquo;Do Firms Save Too Much Cash? Evidence from a Tax on Corporate Savings&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract (English only):</p> <p>We study whether corporate cash...</p>
Finance Talk "Investing for beginners. How to get started?" com Luís Alvarenga - <p>In English only:<br /> Finance Talks are&nbsp;informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty and invited corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance.<br /> The Finance...</br></br></p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Todd Gormley da Olin Business School - <p>&nbsp;Professor Todd Gormley vai apresentar: &quot;The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (in English only):<br /> ​In 2017, &ldquo;The Big...</br></p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Maria Guadalupe da Insead - <p>Professora Maria Guadalupe vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Learning, Clarity and Credibility in Teams: Evidence from an Agile Organization&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract (In English only):Abstract:<br /> This paper...</br></p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Cem Demiroglu da Koç University - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Cem Demiroglu vai presentar o <em>paper </em>&quot;Do Market Prices Improve the Accuracy of Court Valuations in Chapter 11?&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (English only):<br /> The average misvaluation of newly...</br></p>
Online Research Finance Seminar com Pedro Bordalo da Said Business School - <p>Professor&nbsp;Pedro Bordalo vai presentar o&nbsp;<em>paper </em>&quot;Expectations of Fundamentals and Stock Market Puzzles&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (English only):<br /> We revisit several leading aggregate stock market...</br></p>
Finance Talk - Investment banking and real estate - <p>Finance Talks are informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty, and invited corporate partners to discuss relevant Finance related topics.<br /> Professor Emmanuel Verhoosel is...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com Professor Amit Goyal - University of Lausanne - <p>Professor&nbsp;Amit Goyal vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Picking Partners: Choice in Private Equity&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract (In English only):<br /> We study the selection of private equity managers (GPs)...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com Professor Laurent Fresard - University of Lugano - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Laurent Fresard vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Does Alternative Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Abstract (In English only):<br /> We analyze the effect...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Talk - How is the use of SPACs reshaping the M&A world? - <p>(English only)<br /> Finance Talks are informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty and invited corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance, jointly organized by Nova...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Bo Becker - Stockholm School of Economics - <p>Professor Bo Becker vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;The Resilience of the U.S. Corporate Bond Market During Financial Crises&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Abstract (In English only):<br /> Corporate bond markets proved remarkably...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Talk: ESG investing: How it is transforming portfolios? - <p><em>(In English only)</em><br /> Finance Talks are informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty and invited corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance, jointly organized by Nova...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Camelia Kuhnen - Kenan Flager, UNC - <p>A&nbsp;Professora Camelia Kuhnen da Kenan Flager, UNC, vai apresentar o paper &quot;Wealth and Insurance Choices: Evidence from US Households&quot;</p> <p>Abstract (in english only):<br /> Most individuals...</br></p>
Sustainable Finance Course - <p>As finanças sustentáveis são uma das tendências mais fortes nos mercados de capitais - abrangem aproximadamente metade do <em>assets under management</em> (AUM) a nível global. O programa oferece uma visão...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Haoxiang Zhu - MIT - <p>Finance Seminar com o Professor Haoxiang ZhuI.<br /> Informação&nbsp;sobre o paper disponível&nbsp;em breve.</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Jennie Bai - Georgetown University - <p>Professora Jennie Bai vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Is Hard and Soft Information Substitutable? Evidence from Lockdown&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract (In English only):<br /> We study the degree of information...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Merih Sevilir - Indiana University - <p>A Professora Merih Sevilir vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Private Equity in the Hospital Industry&rdquo;.<br /> ​<br /> Abstract (In English only):&nbsp;<br /> This paper studies the growing presence of private...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Kenneth Ahern - Marshall School of Business - <p>Professor Kenneth Ahern&nbsp;vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;The Conglomerate Network&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract (In English only):​<br /> This paper proposes a network model of the economy in which conglomerate...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Oliver Spalt - University of Manheim - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Oliver Spalt vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &ldquo;Attracting the Sharks: Corporate Innovation and Securities Class Action Lawsuits&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Abstract (In English only):<br /> This paper...</br></br></br></p>
28th Finance Forum & PhD Mentoring Day 2021 - <p>In English only:</p> <p>Nova School of Business &amp; Economics is proud to organize the 28th Finance Forum, the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association (AEFIN)</p> <p>The&nbsp;<strong>28th Finance Forum </strong>will...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Guillaume Vuillemey (HEC – Paris) - <p>O Professor Guillaume Vuillemey vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;Evading Corporate Responsibilities: Evidence from the Shipping Industry&rdquo;.<br /> Abstract:&nbsp;I show that the maritime shipping industry...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Ashwini Agrawal - <p>O Professor&nbsp;Ashwini Agrawal&nbsp;vai apresentar o paper&nbsp;&ldquo;Municipal Bond Insurance and the U.S. Drinking Water Crisis&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> The alarming rise in drinking water pollution...</br></br></br></p>
Conferência BPI-Nova SBE 2021: Corporate Bankruptcy and Restructuring - <p>In cooperation with BPI, Nova Finance Knowledge Center organized&nbsp;an academic conference on corporate bankruptcy and restructuring. The main objective of the conference was&nbsp;to present and...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Pierre Collin Dufresne - <p>O Professor Pierre Collin Dufresne vai apresentar o&nbsp;paper &#39;&#39;Is the bond market competitive?<br /> Evidence from the ECB&#39;s asset purchase programme&#39;&#39;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Fabiano Schivardi - <p>Informação sobre o paper disponível em breve.</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Fabiano Schivardi - <p>O Professor Fabiano Schivardi&nbsp; vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Death Events&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> Using exhaustive administrative data on Italian social...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Nicolas Serrano-Velarde - <p>Informação sobre o paper disponível em breve.</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Giulia Redigolo - <p>Informação sobre o paper disponível em breve.</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Giulia Redigolo - <p>A Professora Giulia Redigolo&nbsp;apresenta o paper &ldquo;Social Media Disclosure and Reputational Damage: Evidence from the LIBOR scandal&rdquo;.<br /> ​<br /> Abstract:<br /> We provide new evidence on the effects...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Anna Pavlova - <p>A Professora Anna Pavlova apresentará o paper &ldquo;Benchmarking Intensity&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> Benchmarking incentivizes fund managers to invest a fraction of their funds&rsquo; assets in their...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Kim Peijnemburg - <p>A Professora Kim Peijnenburg apresentará o paper BREAKING BAD: HOW HEALTH SHOCKS PROMPT CRIME<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> We explore the impact of health shocks on criminal behavior. Exploiting variations in the...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Olivier Darmouni - <p>Informação&nbsp;sobre o paper disponível&nbsp;em breve.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Valentin Haddad - <p>O Prof. Valentin Haddad vai apresentar o paper&nbsp;&ldquo;How Competitive is the Stock Market? Theory, Evidence from Portfolios, and Implications for the Rise of Passive Investing&#39;&#39;.</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor John Van Reenan - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o paper &#39;&#39;Opening up military innovation: causal effects of &#39;bottomup&#39; reforms to U.S. defense research&#39;&#39;</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;<br /> Organizations investing...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Nicola Pavanini - <p>Professor Nicola Pavanini vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;The Welfare Effects of Law Enforcement in the Illegal Money Lending Market&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We estimate a structural model of borrowing and...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Paige Ouimet - <p>​Informação&nbsp;sobre o paper disponível&nbsp;em breve.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Ralph Koijen - <p>Informação&nbsp;sobre o paper disponível&nbsp;em breve.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Sydney Ludvigson - <p>Monetary-Based Asset Pricing: A Mixed-Frequency Structural Approach</p> <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>We integrate a high-frequency monetary event study into a mixed-frequency macro-finance model and structural estimation....</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Margarita Tsoutsoura - <p>​</p> <p>Abstract</p> <p>We examine the sources and evolution of the gender pay gap in finance, using administrative micro data from the U.K. for 1997-2019. We show a persistently larger gender pay gap in...</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Sujiao Zhao - <p><b>Abstract</b>: This paper exploits target and blanket emergency credit relief programs during the COVID-19 pandemic to study policy externalities. We ask whether policies destined for supporting credit...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Andrei Shleifer - <p>Prof. Andrei Shleifer will present &nbsp;&ldquo;Imagining the Future: Memory, Simulation and Beliefs about Covid&rdquo;.</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Ramana Nanda - <p><strong><u>Title:</u></strong> The Amplification of a Fiscal Stimulus through Banks&rsquo; Branch Networks, (Jim Goldman, Raj Iyer and Ramana Nanda)</p> <p><strong><u>Abstract:</u></strong>&nbsp; We study the role of the banking system in amplifying the...</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Karin Thorburn - <p>Professor Karin Thorburn will present the paper &#39;Covenant removal in corporate bonds&#39;</p> <p>Abstract:&nbsp;Corporate bonds include action-limiting covenants that may prevent the firm from...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Florencio Lopez de Silanes Molina - <p>Professor Florencio Lopez de Silanes Molina apresenta o&nbsp;paper &#39;Private Equity Debt Funds: Who Wins, Who Loses?&#39;<br /> <br /> Abstract:&nbsp;We exploit a unique data set to provide the first analysis...</br></br></p>
PhD Economics and Finance Talk - <p>Make sure you don&#39;t miss this PhD Talks on Economics and Finance and join&nbsp;Professor Irem Demirci and members of the Nova SBE PhD Team, to learn more about our PhD program. This will be a...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Francesco D’Acunto - <p>O Professor Francesco D&rsquo;Acunto vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;How Costly Are Cultural Biases? Evidence from FinTech&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> ​Abstract:<br /> We propose a revealed-preferences approach to assess the...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Ralph De Haas - <p>Professor Ralph De Haas&nbsp;vai apresentar o paper &ldquo;Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Green Transition&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> ​Using data on 10,769 firms across 22 emerging markets, we show...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Clara Martinez-Toledano - <p>A Professora Clara Martinez-Toledano apresenta o paper &ldquo;House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract:</p> <p>This paper studies the determinants of wealth...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Andreas Fuster - <p>O Professor Andreas Fuster vai apresentar o paper &#39;&#39;Improving Market-Based Systemic Risk Measures&#39;&#39;</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We identify a bias in existing systemic risk measures based on the market...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Murillo Campello - <p>O Professor Murillo Campello apresenta o paper &ldquo;Delayed Creative Destruction: How Uncertainty Shapes Corporate Assets&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We show how uncertainty shapes the asset allocation,...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Vesa Pursiainen - <p>O Professor Vesa Pursiainen apresenta o paper &ldquo;Retail Customer Reactions to Private Equity Acquisitions&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Abstract<br /> Acquisition announcements by private equity funds are associated with...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Barbara Biasi - <p>A Professora Barbara Biasi apresenta o paper &ldquo;Effectiveness and Efficiency of School Capital Investments Across the US&rdquo;.</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Patrick Augustin - <p>O Professor Patrick Augustin apresenta o paper &ldquo;Reaching for Yield in Decentralized Financial Markets&rdquo;.</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> Among the ecosystem of decentralized financial services, yield farming is...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Francesco Franzoni - <p>O Professor Franceso Franzoni apresenta o paper &#39;&#39;Avoiding Idiosyncratic Volatility: Flow Sensitivity toIndividual Stock Returns&#39;&#39;<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> Despite positive and significant earnings...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Michael Weber - <p>O Professor Michael Weber apresenta o&nbsp;paper &#39;&#39;Beliefs and Portfolios: Causal Evidence&#39;&#39;<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> We causally test alternative theories of expectation formation and asset...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Elena Simintzi - <p>A Professora vai apresentar o paper &#39;&#39;Pay Transparency and Mental Health&#39;&#39;<br /> (com&nbsp;M. Bennedsen, D. Scur,&nbsp; M. Tsoutsoura and D. Wolfenzon)<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> This paper explores the...</br></br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Mariassunta Giannetti - <p>A Professora apresenta o paper:<br /> <strong>Intermediary Balance Sheet Constraints, Bond Mutual Funds&rsquo; Strategies, and Bond Returns </strong></p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We show that following the introduction of regulatory...</br></p></br>
Nova SBE-Cambridge Workshop 2023 - <p>O Finance Faculty&nbsp;recebe docentes de Cambridge para discussão de 10 papers ao longo de um workshop de 2 dias.</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Roni Michaely - <h3>Abstract</h3> <p>We examine why institutional investors vote the way they vote on director elections, using a novel dataset on voting rationales provided by institutional investors. We find that the most...</p>
Finance Lecture: Desafios da Realidade Macroeconómica Atual, Professor Pedro Brinca - <p>(um evento do Finance KC exclusivamente para clientes e colaboradores do Banco Invest)</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Steffen Meyer - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o Paper: Ambiguity and private investors&#39; bahavior after forced fund liquidations<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> We investigate individual investors&#39; decisions under time-varying...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Andrei Shleifer - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o paper:&nbsp;Cognitive Economics</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> Human choices are often unstable, dependent on normatively irrelevant features of the problem, and variable across people in...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Rawley Heimer - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o paper &quot;The Motives for Bequests: Empirical Facts and Life-cycle Implications&quot;</p> <p><strong>Abstract:&nbsp;</strong>Bequest motives are essential to models of inter-temporal economic...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Alessandro Previtero - <p>Professor Alessandro Previtero apresenta o&nbsp;paper&nbsp;<strong>The Value of Non-Alpha Services </strong><em>(with J. van Bisbergen and R. Xing)</em></p> <p>Abstract<br /> Households heavily rely on financial advisors. Nonetheless,...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Vicente Cuñat - <p>Paper: Which workers suffer (or benefit) from firm-level uncertainty shocks?</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We propose novel evidence on the heterogeneous effects of uncertainty shocks on employment decisions. Using...</br></p>
Finance Seminar with Professor Paul Smeets - <p>Paper: Why do Investors Pay Higher Fees for Sustainable Investments? An Experiment in Five European Countries<br /> <br /> Abstract: We study why investors are willing to pay higher fees for sustainable...</br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Nicola Limodio - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o paper: Mobile Money, Interoperability, and Financial Inclusion<br /> <br /> Abstract:&nbsp;<br /> This paper investigates the tradeoff between competition and financial inclusion resulting...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Marco Grotteria - <p>O Professor vai apresentar o paper &#39;&#39;The effects of environmental health risks on housing values and minorities&#39;&#39;<br /> <br /> Abstract: Focusing on a narrow window around the time in whicha plant...</br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Farzad Saidi - <p>Army of Mortgagors: Long-run Evidence on Credit Externalities and the Housing Market<br /> <br /> Houses are the most important asset on American households&#39; balance sheets, rendering&nbsp;the U.S. economy...</br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Florian Nagler - <p>Fiscal Constraints, Disaster Vulnerability, and Corporate Investment Decisions</p> <p>Abstract<br /> This paper empirically studies the role of fiscal constraints for disaster vulnerability and investment...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Alberto Rossi - <p><strong>Fighting Climate Change with FinTech</strong></p> <p>We study the environmental sustainability of individuals&rsquo; consumption choices using unique data from a FinTech App that tracks users&rsquo; spending and...</p>
Finance Talk com Pedro Duarte Neves (Banco de Portugal) - <p>𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨-𝐏𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲<br /> <br /> We are honoured to host Pedro Duarte Neves, an Advisor of the Board at the Bank of...</br></br></p>
Novobanco Symposium on Sustainability and Green Transition - <p>This event will feature a panel discussion and four academic paper presentations, fostering a dialogue on the intersection of sustainable finance, green transition, and corporate sustainability.</p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Yueran Ma - <p>Paper: Superstar Firms through the Generations</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We study the landscape of the largets American companies over time. Among the top manufacturing companies today, in the 1950s, and inthe...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Juanita González-Uribe - <p>A Professora vai apresentar o paper: <strong>Venture debt as bridge financing</strong><br /> <br /> We show that venture debt often acts as bridge financing to an equity round or acquisition. We argue that venture lenders have...</br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com a Professora Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi - <p>Paper: The Importance of Signaling for Women&#39;s Careers<br /> <br /> Abstract:&nbsp;<br /> We show that signals of leadership qualification are more important for women&#39;s career advancement than for men&acute;s....</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Michael Ewens - <p>Paper: Irreplaceable Venture Capitalists</p> <p>Abstract: We provide casual evidence on how individual venture capitalista (VCs) add value to startups, using exogenous deaths of VC directors on startup...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Alberto Manconi - <p><strong>The Value of Financial Intermediation: Evidence from Online Debt Crowdfunding</strong></p> <p>Most online marketplaces are peer-to-peer. Credit ones, however, are not; and they have resurrected many features of...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Alejandro Lopez-Lira - <p>Why Does Complexity Make Factor Models Fail in Equilibrium?</p> <p>We examine the impact of complexity on asset models and pricing errors in equilibrium when rational, risk-averse agents have imperfect...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Stefan Obernberger - <p>The Professor will present the paper:&nbsp;Innovation and motherhood<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> ​We examine how motherhood affects the careers of women in innovation---a field dominated by men. Only 40% of female...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Michael Halling - <p>Paper:<br /> Firm-specific Climate Risk Estimated from Public News<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> ​We estimate firm-specific exposures to climate risk from public news covering a period of 25 years by applying a novel topic...</br></br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Magnus Dahlquist - <p>Institutions&#39; Return Expectations across Assets and Time</p> <p>Abstract:<br /> We study the equity, Treasury bond, and corporate bond risk premium expectations of asset managers, investment consultants,...</br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Savitar Sundaresan - <p>Title: The Origins of Random Choice</p> <p>Abstract: Using lab data on both choices and eye-movements we exam the relationship between randomness in choice and attention. Using repeated choices across 180...</p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Sebastian Doerr - <p>Bank geographic diversification and funding stability<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> The recent banking turmoil has renewed focus on banks&#39; branch networks and deposit taking activity. This paper provides novel...</br></br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Nicola Borri - <p>Paper to be presented:<br /> <strong>One Factor to Bind the Cross-Section of Returns</strong></p> <p>Abstract:<br /> ​We propose a new non-linear single-factor asset pricing model. Despite its parsimony, this model represents exactly...</br></p></br>
Finance seminar com o Professor Laurent Barras - <p>Value Creation in the Hedge Fund Industry<br /> <br /> We develop a novel approach to study the value-added in the hedge fund industry. This approach captures the large fund heterogeneity and controls for hedge...</br></br></p>
Finance Seminar com o Professor Marco Pagano - <p>The Professor will present the paper:<br /> CAREERS AND WAGES IN FAMILY FIRMS: EVIDENCE FROM MATCHED EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE DATA<br /> <br /> Abstract:<br /> We investigate compensation policies in family and non-family firms...</br></br></br></br></p>
Seminários Finanças
07 mar '25
Seminários Finanças | sexta-feira Finance Seminar com o Professor Marco Pagano

The Professor will present the paper:

We investigate compensation policies in family and non-family firms...

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Março 2025