Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence

Este programa não será oferecido para o ano letivo de 2025/26.

O programa Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence visa promover competências de liderança e incentivar os estudantes a aplicar as aptidões adquiridas para ter um impacto positivo na sociedade. Por outras palavras, inspira os estudantes a deixar a sua marca no mundo. Vê as realizações individuais como a base do progresso social, ou seja, acredita que os alunos se tornarão a próxima geração de líderes das empresas e da sociedade.

Este programa identifica estudantes com um desempenho significativo no desporto, na cultura e no envolvimento social, com distinção académica demonstrada.   

O programa inclui atividades que se centram em 3 áreas específicas:   

  • Desenvolvimento de competências de liderança  
  • Sensibilização para temas de sustentabilidade e impacto  
  • Desenvolvimento e fortalecimento da comunidade da Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence 

As atividades envolvem um programa de liderança com oradores de referência, experiências de impacto social e networking com a comunidade da Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence e da Nova SBE.

O programa Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence está perfeitamente alinhado com o desígnio da nossa escola, que é educar e estimular os nossos alunos para que estes desenvolvam todo o seu potencial.

Afonso Almeida e Costa, Diretor Académico do programa Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence

A Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence é uma via de dois sentidos. Queremos celebrar, recompensar e investir em grandes talentos e, esperamos que esses mesmos talentos excepcionais queiram, mais tarde, retribuir à escola e à sociedade.

Raúl Galamba, Fundador do programa Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence

Fellows 22/23


A Fellowship for Excellence premeia a excelência e a dedicação dos alunos de mestrado da escola e prepara-os para alcançarem o seu potencial máximo enquanto alunos e cidadãos do mundo.

One of my proudest accomplishments was being chosen for the Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence. Besides being an outstanding program, it also acknowledges all of my hard work and enlightens me that I am on the right track as a citizen and proactive member of society.

Beatriz Pedrosa,
Master's in Management

I can say that being at Nova Business School of Business & Economics is a great achievement for me, but I like to think that there are no boundaries to my achievements. So, my biggest achievement could always be the next one!

Bernardo Leal,
Master's in Management

With this program, my professional but also personal development will be taken to another level, and I feel honored to be one of the few students to get the opportunity to do so. I know that after this year, I will be a better version of myself, able to realize everything I have ever dreamed of.

Elisabeth Seidl,
Master's in Finance

My biggest achievement is being a Nova SBE Fellow of one of the leading business schools in Europe.

Hrant Aghajanyan,
Master's in Finance

I am beyond grateful to the entire Nova SBE Community for giving me this chance to realize my full potential, which made me believe that through hard work, commitment, and passion, you can achieve great things, no matter your background or origin.

Kim Wiedmann,
Master's in Management

It is an honor to be a part of this inspiring community because it serves as a reward for my previous achievements and hard work: be it in university, sports, or the community. Still, I believe this is only the start of our journey of continuous development, and I am excited to embark on this challenge with my Fellows.

Konrad Winterhager,
Master's in Finance – CEMS MIM

It is an honor to be selected, and I look forward to the opportunities to further develop my skill set and outlook this program provides. I am positive that the Nova SBE Fellowship will help me shape my future and reach closer to my goals and dreams.

Micha Claasen,
Master's in Finance

The fact that I was admitted and awarded the Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence makes me very proud. I appreciate working with many ambitious and intelligent people and learning from experienced professors. 

Paulina Arnst,
International Master's in Management – CEMS MIM”

I am very proud to have been accepted into one of the best Master's in Finance in the world, being part of this amazing Nova SBE Fellowship for Excellence program!

Rita Aires,
Master's in Finance

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