Alison Holm
Alison Holm
Assistant Professor
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Research Track
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center

Alison E. Holm is Assistant Professor in the Strategy sub-area, Nova SBE, and a research associate at the Nova Center for Business, Human Rights and the Environment at Nova School of Law. Her research focuses on corporate responsibility in the global setting. She has developed expertise on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises through her doctoral research and her previous experience as a policy analyst at the OECD. Alison received her PhD from Copenhagen Business School, Department of Strategy and Innovation, and was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. In 2019, she received the Elite Research Travel Prize from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science among 20 PhD students across all scientific fields (EUR 27 000). 

2022 - PhD in Responsible Management - Copenhagen Business School

2016 - CEMS Master in International Management - Copenhagen Business School and London School of Economics

2015 - Master in Business, Language and Culture - Copenhagen Business School

2012 - Bachelor in Business Administration - IESEG School of Management

Corporate responsibility Corporate misconduct Stakeholder management Business-civil society interactions Social enterprises Human rights

  • Holm, Alison E., Decreton, Benoit, Nell, Phillip C., Klopf, Patricia (2017). The dynamic response process to conflicting institutional demands in MNC subsidiaries: An inductive study in the sub-Saharan African e-commerce sector. Global Strategy Journal, 7 (1), 104-124.