Anne-Laure Fayard
Anne-Laure Fayard
Management and Organizations
Research Track
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center

Anne-Laure Fayard is Chaired Professor in Social Innovation at NOVA School of Business and Economics. She coordinates the DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab @ NOVA SBE. She is also a Visiting Research Faculty at New York University. Prior to joining NOVA SBE, Anne-Laure spent 15 years at New York University, where she created the Design Lab @ NYU Maker Space. Prior NYU, Anne-Laure was faculty at INSEAD in Singapore and France. She has held visiting positions at the Center of Sociology of Innovation at Ecole des Mines in Paris, Imperial College Business School in London and at the London School of Economics.

Anne-Laure is an ethnographer of work, whose interests involve collaboration, technology, innovation and design. Her work has been published in several leading academic such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science and Harvard Business Review. She is also the author with Anca Metiu of The Power of Writing in Organizations and has co-edited with Raza Mir The Routledge Companion to Anthropology and Business.

She is passionate about human-centered design that she teaches, researches, and practices. Her research as well as social innovation projects has been frequently highlighted in major newspapers and magazines such as New York Times, Financial Times, The Economist, The Guardian and Le Monde. 

1998 Ph.D. in Cognitive Science. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 

1993 M.Phil. in Cognitive Science (M. Phil). CREA (Center for Applied Epistemology), Ecole Polytechnique

1992 M. Phil. in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Paris I-Sorbonne

1991 BA in Philosophy, University of Paris I-Sorbonne

Anne-Laure has been exploring the role of collaboration in the context of open innovation and cross-sector partnerships for social innovation. Another major stream of Anne-Laure's research is explores the future of work: from understanding the unintended consequences of new technologies such as AI and digital crowdsourcing platforms on work to investigating remote and hybrid work. Last, Anne-Laure is passionate about human-centered design and social innovation (which she researches, teaches and practices).

  • Fayard, Anne-Laure (2024). Making time for social innovation: How to interweave clock time and event time in open social innovation to nurture idea generation and social impact. Organization Science, 35 (3), 769-1202.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Majekodunmi, Jess, Mendola, Martina, Kenny, Rachel (2024). Nurturing innovation. Harvard business review, 102 (2).
  • Gerchow, Lauren, Lanier, Yzette, Fayard, Anne-Laure, Squires, Allison (2024). A comprehensive view of adolescent sexual health and family planning from the perspective of black and hispanic adolescent mothers in New York City. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 6.
  • Gerchow, Lauren, Lanier, Yzette, Fayard, Anne-Laure, Squires, Allison (2024). Cocreating First Steps, a toolkit to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health services: Qualitative human-centered design study with Hispanic and Black adolescent mothers in New York city. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 7.
  • Anthony, Callen , Bechky, Beth A., Fayard, Anne-Laure (2023). “Collaborating” with AI: Taking a system view to explore the future of work. Organization Science, 34 (5), 1672-1694.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Weeks, John, Khan, Mahwesh (2021). Designing the hybrid office. Harvard business review, 2021 (March-April), 1-11.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure (2021). Notes on the meaning of work: Labor, work, and action in the 21st Century. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30 (2), 207-220.
  • Babic, Boris, Chen, Daniel L., Evgeniou, Theodoros, Fayard, Anne-Laure (2020). The better way to onboard AI: Understand it as a tool to assist, rather than replace people. Harvard business review, 98 (4), 56-65.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure (2018). Why design thinking matters. The Capco Institute : journal of financial transformation, 48 (1), 42-47.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Stigliani, Ileana, Bechky, Beth A. (2017). How nascent occupations construct a mandate: The case of service designers’ ethos. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62 (2), 270-303.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure (2017). Language games: a conceptual lens for studying the co-production of materiality, practice, and discourse. Communication Research and Practice, 3 (3), 265-281.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Gkeredakis, Emmanouil, Levina, Natalia (2016). Framing innovation opportunities while staying committed to an organizational epistemic stance. Information Systems Research, 27 (2), 302-323.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Van Maanen, John (2015). Making culture visible: Reflections on corporate ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 4 (1), 4-27.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Weeks, John (2014). Affordances for practice. Information and Organization, 24 (4), 236-249.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Metiu, Anca (2014). The role of writing in Distributed collaboration. Organization Science, 25 (5), 1391-1413.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Metiu, Anca (2013). Collaboration through writing: A modality perspective on distributed work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1), 11377.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). Language games and the study of organizational culture. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1), 17205.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Mazmanian, Melissa, Orlikowski, Wanda J. (2012). Theoretical elements of a sociomaterial perspective in organization studies. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1), 14933.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Weeks, John (2011). Who moved my cube?. Harvard business review, 89 (7-8), 15.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Wilson, Aileen (2010). Building_space_with_words: An interactive multimedia installation exploring the relationship between physical and virtual space. Leonardo, 43 (3), 257-262.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, DeSanctis, Gerardine (2010). Enacting language games: The development of a sense of 'we-ness' in online forums. Information Systems Journal, 20 (4), 383-416.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Desanctis, Gerardine (2008). Kiosks, clubs and neighborhoods: The language games of online forums. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9 (10), 677-705.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Weeks, John (2007). Photocopiers and water-coolers: The affordances of informal interaction. Organization Studies, 28 (5), 605-632.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure (2006). Interacting on a video-mediated stage: The collaborative construction of an interactional video setting. Information Technology and People, 19 (2), 152-169.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, DeSanctis, Gerardine (2005). Evolution of an online forum for knowledge management professionals: A language game analysis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10 (4).
  • Desanctis, Gerardine, Fayard, Anne Laure, Roach, Michael, Jiang, Lu (2003). Learning in online forums. European Management Journal, 21 (5), 565-577.
  • Mir, Raza, Fayard, Anne-Laure (2020). The Routledge companion to anthropology and business. Routledge.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, Metiu, Anca (2012). The power of writing in organizations: From letters to online interactions. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pache, Anne-Claire, Fayard, Anne-Laure, Galo, Marco (2022). How can cross-sector collaborations foster social innovations: A review. Social Innovation and Social Enterprises. : Toward a Holistic Perspective. Springer, Cham.
  • Levina, Natalia, Fayard, Anne Laure (2018). Tapping into diversity through open innovation platforms: The emergence of boundary-spanning practices. Creating and Capturing Value through Crowdsourcing. Oxford University Press, 204-235.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure (2017). Bricolage in the field: Experimenting in ethnography. The Routledge companion to qualitative research in organization studies. Routhledge.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure, van Maanen, John, Weeks, John (2016). Contract ethnography in corporate settings: Innovation from entanglement. Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research. : Innovative Pathways and Methods. Taylor & Francis, 45-53.
  • Metiu, Anca, Fayard, Anne Laure (2016). Between text and context: Innovative approaches to the qualitative analysis of online data. Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research. : Innovative Pathways and Methods. Taylor & Francis, 381-390.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure (2012). Space Matters, But How?. Materiality and Organizing. : Social Interaction in a Technological World. Oxford University Press.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure (2011). Innovation spaces: How to foster the delivery of innovation. Innopreneur. : 101 chronicles on how circumstance, preparation and brilliance advance innovation. Langeler, Ton (Eds.), Channel V Books, 69-71.
  • Wilson, Aileen, Fayard, Anne-Laure (2010). Promenade(s) Urban imaginaries, reinventing our cities and [searching for] a sense of home. Taking, leaving, moving. Revolver, 21-36.
  • Fayard, Anne-Laure, Metiu, Anca (2009). Expressing emotions and building relationships over distance: Fixedness and Fictionalization in correspondence. Qualitative organizational research: Best papers from the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research. Elsbach, K. D., Bechky, B. A. (Eds.), IAP Information Age Publishing, Vol. 2, 149-180.
  • Fayard, Anne Laure (2005). One school/two campuses: A socio-technical approach for building the distributed classroom. Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams. IGI Global, 194-220.
  • DeSanctis, Gerardine, Roach, Michael, Fayard, Anne-Laure (2004). Structure and interactions in online discussion forums. Gouverner les Organisations. Dumez, H. (Eds.), L'Harmattan, 101-129.