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NHEM invaded Spain
News | 14 June 2019 NHEM invaded Spain

Between the 12th and 14th of June, 8 members of the NHEM team had the chance to present their work in AES Jornadas, which took place in Albacete, under the slogan "Transparency in health".  

All members participated in oral presentations whose titles follow bellow:

Pedro Pita Barros - Speakers corner on the influence of European Union legislation on health system policies across EU members.

Luís Filipe - A bed constraint? Hospital occupancy rates and readmissions.

Maria Ana Matias - Non-adherence to psychotropic medication in primary care: the role of socio-economics determinants.

Joana Alves - The emergence of socioeconomic inequalities in smoking over the life-course.

Pedro Pita Barros - Shared decision making in the Portuguese NHS: choosing wisely?

Joana Alves - Intergenerational transmission of parental smoking: does offspring's age matters?

Judite Gonçalves - Soda Taxes: price and quantity effects on soda and other drinks.

Iryna Sabat - Hospital financial performance and quality of care: evidence from Portugal.

Joana Pestana - Doing more with less. Measuring efficiency in the primary care management of chronic diseases, maternal and child health care.

The conference hosted several famous economists in the field of health economics, who had the chance to give their own views about transparency. Among those economists there were names such as Pedro Pita Barros, Andrew Street, Lise Rochaix and Carol Propper.

All in all, it was a great opportunity for the NHEM members to share their work and learn more about this amazing field.

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