Luís Campos e Cunha
Luís Campos e Cunha
Retired Professor

Ph.D. at Columbia University (NYC); Academic career mostly at Nova SBE; Vice-Governor of Banco de Portugal (1996-2002); Finance and State Minister for a brief period in 2005; Chairman of Conselho Fiscal at Banco Santander Totta (2010-2015); Non-Executive Board Member and Chairman of the Auditing Committee at Banco Santander Totta, since 2015. President of SEDES(2010-16); Vice President of Fundação Serralves (2006-2015); Vice Chairman of Fundação CCB (2012-14); Chairman and founder of AiR 351- art residence (anon-profit association for the arts).

Regular key-note speaker at conferences and business meetings, both in Portugal and abroad. Columnist for Jornal Público between 2007-12; Regularly interviewed by leading newspapers and TV stations. Hobbies: Painting and photography; Modern and contemporary Art.

1992 - "Agregação", Universidade Nova de Lisboa

1985 - Ph.D. in Economics, Columbia University

1983 - M.Phil. in Economics, Columbia University

1981 - M.A. in Economics, Columbia University

1977 - BSc. in Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Real appreciation and BoP policies; International Trade. 

  • Campos Cunha, Luís (2013). A Reforma. Relações Internacionais, 37 (Março), 35-42.
  • Campos Cunha, Luís, Santos, Vasco (1996). Sleeping quotas, pre-emptive quota bidding and monopoly power. Journal Of International Economics, 40 (1-2), 127-148.
  • Campos Cunha, Luís, Santos, Vasco (1995). Secondary markets in auctions with endogenous valuations. Economics Letters, 48 (3-4), 307-311.
  • Campos Cunha, Luís (1988). Transport costs, trade and comparative advantage. Economia, XII (2), 143-159.
  • Campos Cunha, Luís (2012). Portugal: an island comes ashore. The Portuguese Republic at One Hundred. Pinto, A. C., Herr, R. (Eds.), Berkeley - University of Califórnia, 121-30.
  • Barosa, José Pedro, Campos Cunha, Luís (1989). Short-run Dynamics of Inflation: The Portuguese Case. 1ª ed. NOVA ECONOMIA EM PORTUGAL. : Estudos em Homenagem a António Manuel Pinto Barbosa. Sousa, Alfredo de, Moura, Francisco Pereira de, Reis, Jaime, Macedo, Jorge Braga de, Ribeiro, José Joaquim Teixeira, Beleza, Luis Miguel, Nunes, M. Jacinto, Constâncio, Victor (Eds.), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 575-592.