Pedro Neves is Full Professor at Nova SBE. He received his PhD from ISCTE-IUL and completed his Post-Doctoral research at the University of Delaware. His research has been published in journals such as the British Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management. He also published/edited six books, including the Handbook of Methods in Leadership Research (with Birgit Schyns and Rosalie Hall; Edward Elgar, 2017). He currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and is a member of the Editorial Board of several journals, such as The Leadership Quarterly. At Nova he taught Organizational Behavior, Persuasion and Negotiation, and Entrepreneurship, and collaborates in several open and customized executive education programs.
His main research interests include leadership processes and interpersonal relationships, particularly its potential dark side; organizational change management, with an emphasis on anticipating resistance to change; occupational health, namely how individuals perceive stressors; and entrepreneurial behavior.