

Belo, R., Cao, Z. (accepted). "Effects of Explicit Sponsorship Disclosure on User Engagement in Social Media Influencer Marketing." MIS Quarterly.

Frick, T., Belo, R., Telang, R. (March 2023). "Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment." Management Science.

Fynn Oldenburg, Qiwei Han, Maximilian Kaiser (February 2023). "Forecasting Budget-Dependent CPCs: Learn From Your Competitors." AAAI 2023 AI for Web Advertising Workshop, Washington DC.

Gambetti, A., Han, Q. (December 2023). "Dissecting AI-Generated Fake Reviews: Detection and Analysis of GPT-Based Restaurant Reviews on Social Media." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India.

Gambetti, A., Han, Q. (July 2023). "AI Crowdturfing on Yelp: Identifying Patterns in Machine-Generated Fake Reviews." The 9th International Conference for Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Copenhagen.

Han, Q., Lucas, C., Aguiar, E., Macedo, P., Wu, Z. Z. (2023). "Towards Privacy-Preserving Digital Marketing: An Integrated Framework for User Modeling using Deep Learning on a Data Monetization Platform." Electronic Commerce Research, 23(7), 1701–1730.

Laghaie, A., Otter, T. (2023). "Measuring evidence for mediation in the presence of measurement error." Journal Of Marketing Research.

Seifert, M., Ulu, C., & Guha, S. (2023). "Decision making under impending regime shifts." Management Science.

Sunniva Hermann, Qiwei Han (August 2023). "Estimating Global Bilateral Music Flows in the Streaming Age: The Role of Distance Measures." 2023 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AoM), Boston.

Wan, C., Zejnilović, L., Lavado, S. (2023). "How differential robustness creates disparate impact: A European case study." CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3442.

Wan, C., Belo, R., Zejnilović, L., Lavado, S. (Oct 2023). "The duet of representations and how explanations exacerbate it." Explainable Artificial Intelligence - 1st World Conference, xAI 2023, Proceedings. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Zejnilović, L., Oliveira P., Coelho da Silva, R. (2023). "Toolkits for safe mass AI-assisted innovation by citizens." 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS SERVITIZATION, Barcelona.


Belo, R., Li, T. (2022). Social Referral Programs for Freemium Platforms. Management Science. 

Coelho da Silva, R., Zejnilovic, L., Cunha., M. P., Oliveira, P., (2022). The improvisation-bricolage nexus: How ad hoc communities combine fast response and available resources to quickly develop projects in times of scarcity.

Coelho da Silva, R., Zejnilovic, L., Oliveira, P., (2022). Searching for user innovators and user innovations: A review of currently used methods and future opportunities.

Costa, B.F., Ηan, Q., Santos, C.D.(2022). Ρredictive counterfactual using machine learning: the case of Αirbnb and the CΟVΙD-19 pandemic, Εighteenth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Εlectronic Commerce Research (SCΕCR).

Duarte, R., Ηan, Q., Soares, C. (2022). Dissecting Μedical Referral Μechanisms in Ηealth Service using Graph Νeural Νetworks.

Frick, T., Crisostomo Pereira Belo, R., & Telang, R. (2022). Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. Management Science.

Gambetti, A., Han, Q., (June 2022). Camera Eats First: Exploring Food Aesthetics Portrayed on Social Media using Deep Learning, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Emerald Publishing.

Lavado, S., Zejnilovic, L., Mateus, M., (2022). “The Performance-Actionability Trade-Off in Retention Prediction at Middle School,” 21st IEEE International Conference of Machine Learning and Applications.

Lucas, C., Αguiar, E., Μacedo, P., Wu, Z.Z.,Ηan, Q. (2022). Ρrivacy-preserving user modeling for digital marketing campaigns: the case of a data monetization platform, Τhird International Conference on Αdvances in Digital Μarketing and eCommerce, Βarcelona, Μadrid, June 2022.

Oliveira, P., Cennamo, C., Zejnilovic L., (2022). “Unlocking Innovation in Healthcare: The Case of the Patient Innovation Platform,” California Management Review 6(4).

Ρeito, J., Ηan, Q. (2022). Ιncorporating Domain Κnowledge into Ηealth Recommender Systems using Ηyper-bolic Εmbeddings. Τhe 9th Ιnternational Conference on Complex Νetworks and their Αpplications.

Zejnilovic L., Campos P. (2022) "Project-based learning with a social impact: how data movements are making an impact on the society and the academic education”, in J. Ridgway (ed.). Statistics for Empowerment and Social Engagement – teaching Civic Statistics to develop informed citizens. Springer.


Belo, R, Ferreira, P (2021). Free Riding in Products with Positive Network Externalities: Empirical Evidence from a Large Mobile Network. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. 

Ferreira, E., Han, Q., Silva, B. (2021). A Data-Driven Approach for Selecting Accounts in B2B Marketing. 22nd International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC), Virtual, June 2021. Best Paper Award Runner-up. 

Franco, Sofia F. & Santos, Carlos Daniel (2021). The impact of Airbnb on residential property values and rents: Evidence from Portugal, Regional Science and Urban Economics.

Gardete, P. M., & Guo, L. (2021). Prepurchase information acquisition and credible advertising. Management Science, 67(3), 1696-1717.

Han, Q., Abreu Novais, M., Zejnilovic, L. (2021). Toward travel pattern aware tourism region planning: a big data approach, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Emerald Publishing.

Wan, C., Belo, R., Zejnilovic, L., (November 2021). “Explainability's Gain is Optimality's Loss? - An Empirical Study”, CODE@MIT, Poster Session. 

Würfel, M., Han, Q., Kaiser, M. (2021). Online Advertising Revenue Forecasting: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Virtual, December 2021.

Zhang, X.; Ferreira, P. A.; De Matos, M. G.; Belo, R. (2021). Welfare properties of profit maximizing recommender systems: Theory and results from a randomized experiment. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 45 (1), 1-28. 

Ji, R., Han, Q. (2021). Stocks in Tweets Today: Exploring Heterogeneous Investor Sentiment on Social Media. ACM Collective Intelligence Conference (CI),  Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2021. 

S. Guha, P. Landgraf (2021). Sustainable data management. Chapter: Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice.

Zejnilovic, L., Silva, R.C:, Oliveira, P. (2021). How many needles in a haystack? The search for user innovations in manual and algorithmic-augmented system.

Zejnilovic L., Lavado, S., Soares C., Troya I. M. R., Bell A., Ghani R., (2021). “Explainable algorithms and human decision-making: a field-intervention in a public employment service” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Best Papers Proceeding. 


Brás-Geraldes, C., Papoila, A., & Xufre, P. (2020). Odds ratio function estimation using a generalized additive neural network. Neural Computing and Application 32, 3459–3474.

Zejnilovic, L., Lavado, S., Martinez, I., Sim, S., & Bell, A. L. (2020). Algorithmic long-term unemployment risk assessment in use: counselors’ perceptions and use and practices. Global Perspectives, 1(1), [12908].


Coelho da Silva, R., Zejnilovic, L. & Marinho, Z. (2019). Machine Learning as a Catalyst of a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare: A Case of News Article Listener for Continuous Identification of Patient Innovations. In 2019 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI).


Han, Q., Ji, M., de Troya, I. M. D. R., Gaur, M., & Zejnilovic, L. (2018). A Hybrid Recommender System for Patient-Doctor Matchmaking in Primary Care. In 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (pp. 481-490). IEEE.

Qiwei Han, Inigo Martinez de Rituerto, Mengxin Ji, Manas Gaur, Leid Zejnilovic, Matchmaking between patients and doctors towards a trusting relationship in primary care, The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2018), New York, 2018.

Troya, I. M. R, Chen, R., Moraes, L. O., Bajaj, P., Kupersmith, J., Ghani, R., Brás, N., Zejnilovic, L. "Predicting, explaining, and understanding the risk of long-term unemployment", NeurIPS, Montreal, Canada, 2018.


Alves, A., Han, Q. (2020). Profit-Driven Telemarketing Campaign in Wireless Industry using Uplift Modeling, Sixteenth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Espanha.

Gambetti, A., Han, Q. (2021). Can Customer Reviews and Food Photos Predict Restaurant Price Level?: Evidence from Yelp. Seventeenth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Virtual, June 2021. 

Kloc, A., Belo, R., Li, T. (2021) Gamification and learning: The impact of competitive structures on user engagement in the educational online platforms. 2021 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT) 

Han, Q., Zejnilovic, L., Pita Barros, P. (2018) Matching patients with doctors towards trusting relationship in primary care, Fourteenth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Países Baixos, 2018.

Wan, C., Belo, R., Zejlinovic, L. (2021) Explainability’s Gain is Optimality’s Loss? – An Empirical Study. 2021 Conference on Digital Experimentation @ MIT (CODE@MIT) 

Würfel, M., Han, Q., Kaiser, M. (2021). Online Advertising Revenue Forecasting: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Virtual, December 2021. 

Han, Q., Zejnilovic, L. (2017). Recommender Systems in Physical Retailing: Practices, Prospects and Policy Perspectives, The 3rd International Conference on Data for Policy, Londres, Setembro 2017.

Zejnilovic, L., Flament, I., Malik M., Lozano, C. (2017). "Visualizing tourist flows in Tuscany", Cimeira do Turismo em Lisboa, Novembro, 2017. 

Zejnilovic L., Silva R., Oliveira P. (2021). “How many needles in a haystack? The search for user innovations in manual and algorithmic-augmented systems”, Open and User Innovation Society Meeting

Abazi, L. (2021), The Impact of COVID-19 on Airbnb: A NLP-based Approach of Analyzing Shifting Risk Perceptions among Tourists during the Pandemic (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Alves, A. (2019). Uplift Modelling – Telemarketing Campaigns Cost Optimization for Vodafone (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han). 

Araújo, R. (2021). INCM & Nova SBE PBL Project - Retirement Law Query System: Performance Analysis & Evaluation of BERT for Extractive Question-Answering of Portuguese Retirement Law (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Baltazar, D. (2022). Automated AI trading system (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Bandeira, M. (2019). Data-driven decision making in social impact sector in Portugal: state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for improvements (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Bellon, D. (2022) Identifying key features for ESG score improvement in the EU market: a machine learning approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Bentes, F. (2024) A Quantitative Inquiry into Market Trends, Costs, and Regional Dynamics: Shedding Light on the Voluntary Carbon Market Through Rigorous Data Analysis and Comparative Exploration (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Berndt, L. (2022) Optimization of retail operations at Jeronimo Martins: Demand planning for ultra-fresh products (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Bezerra, M. (2021), A Recommender System for Pingo Doce & Go Nova (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Bianchi, A. (2020). Forecasting the automotive market using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Python (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Bilro, A.R. (2022) Creating a product to segment donors and predict donor churn - AI ethics in NGOs: implications of biased or unfair machine learning in the non-profit sector (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. QiWei Han).

Bohrer, A. (2022). An evaluation of predictive customer segmentation for a German grocery retailer (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Cardoso, D. (2021). INCM & Nova SBE PBL Project - Retirement Law Query System: Using Top Ranking to Improve User Experience in a Semantic Search System (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Castanheira, B. (2024) Monetization of Taikai Garden (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Chen, B. (2021). Creating a Product to Segment Donors and Predict Donor Churn- Requirements Engineering and Data Visualization (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. QiWei Han).

Coelho da Silva, R. (2019). Machine Learning as a Catalyst of a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare: A Case of News Article Listener for continuous identification of Patient Innovations (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Colaço, J. (2021). Developing a dynamic recommender system for the aftermarket car industry: Dimensionality reduction techniques for recommendation system - The Tips4y use case (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Croce, M., Márquez, M. Z., & Serdaroğlu, U. (2024) Tokenomics Models for a Multi-Company Loyalty Program: A Monte Carlo Method Approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Cruz, B. (2022). Skills-based recommender system: a conceptual diagram and empirical validation (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic. Nova IMS; Adviser: Leonardo Vanneschi).

Cunha, M. (2021). Creating a Product to Segment Donors and Predict Donor Churn for the Non-Profit Sector - Data-Driven Decision Making in NGO-s : Improving data collection to refine donor segmentation (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. QiWei Han).

Dias, T. (2019). Can Machine Learning algorithms predict Football players’ Market Values? A data-driven approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos). 

Oser, L. (2021). User-interface development for Brisa's newly developed traffic forecast models (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Enzberg. N. v. (2021),  E-Commerce Sales Forecasting using Web-scale Data (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Falconnier, A. (2024) Unlockit Field lab on incentivizing real estate participants - how blockchain is reshaping data sharing (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Ferreira, E. (2021), Selecting Accounts in a B2B Context: A Data-Driven Approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiewi Han).

Fieseler, R. (2023) Assessing the potential for introducing utility tokens in the rental market from a stakeholder perspective (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Figueiral, A. (2021). INCM & NovaSBE PBL Project - Retirement Law Query SystemINCM & NovaSBE PBL Project - Retirement Law Query System: Improving the Performance of a BERT Model Applied to Portuguese Law by Training the Model-s Reader with Domain-specific Questions and Answers (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Fleer, J. (2022) VOIDS: development of a data science application using agile methodology (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Freches, R. (2022) Toward the expansion to the upcoming cities: a clustering approach for Luggit (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Fugardo, K. (2022) Understanding ESG communication for sustainability reports: a topic modeling approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Gambetti, A. (2021), Cheap Eats or Fine Diner? Discovering Social Media Signals for Restaurant Price Level Prediction (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Gomes, B. (2024) Assessment of customers engagement in a multi-company loyalty program: a multiple regression analysis to identify key customers’ segment and comparative analysis of program features (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Grünzinger, T. (2021). Critical success factors driving customer adoption of cloud gaming platforms (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic). 

Guerreiro, M. (2021). Medical cannabis industry in Portugal: opportunity or opportunism (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Guo, Z (2021),  Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Digital Receipts of the Customers: Application of UTAUT2 Model (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Gussoni, A. (2021), Visualizing interactions between company fundamentals, traditional news and social media through features engineering (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Guerreiro, M. (2021). Medical cannabis industry in Portugal: opportunity or opportunism (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic). 

Hohn, E. (2024) Evaluating and Shaping an Initiative for Field Experimentation at Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Kocks, L. (2019). Range-base price advisor for online used car market using predictive modelling (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Kolb, L. (2024) Navigating the Voluntary Carbon Credit Market: A Strategic Analysis of Market and Competitive Dynamics (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Konzok, I., Riedlberger, K. & Vysna, N. (2019). Improving Trust in Online Voting through the Use of Blockchain Technologies (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Andrew Bell). 

Kruse, T. (2022) A ML-based customer reference recommendation system to optimize the sales process at a B2B software company (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Lind, J. (2022) Optimization of retail operations at Jeronimo Martins: a semi-supervised approach for anomaly detection in lot ovens (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Link, S. (2022) Optimization of retail operations at Jeronimo Martins: a cluster-based approach to market basket analysis (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Lucas, C. (2022) Hyperml and deep interest network to build a recommender system: measuring the effectiveness of targeting users with new offers (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Macedo, P. (2022) Hyperml and deep interest network bo build a recommender system: targeting customers for campaign offers in a two-sided market (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Machado, P. (2021). Portuguese Automotive Aftermarket Forecast Through Time-Series Analysis And Modelling (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Magalhães, M. (2021). Hyperparameter Fine Tuning for a Time Series Forecasting Model (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Manarte, B. (2024) Challenges and opportunities in the voluntary carbon market: How can emerging regulatory frameworks and blockchain technology enhance transparency and credibility in the market (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Manotheepan, J. (2021). Urban logistic - the effects of pandemics on the last mile delivery (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic. Maastricht University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration). 

Masalovich, P. (2021). Developing a dynamic recommender system for the aftermarket car industry. Developing and Designing of Dashboard for Visualizing Data in a Traceable Way - The Tips4y use case (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Matera, M. (2021), The music industry in the streaming age: predicting the success of a song on Spotify (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiewi Han).

Merzenich, J. (2021), Quantifying Covid-19 impact on Airbnb hosting: Lisbon as a case study (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Monteiro, J. (2020). Forecasting the Portuguese Car Fleet and Automotive Aftermarket for the
(Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Nolden, J. (2022). Algorithmic trading with cryptocurrencies - what is the optimal modelling design for bitcoin price and trend prediction (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Novak, R. L. (2021), Digitization of an Airline's Misconnection Process: A Qualitative Approach to Sofware Package Selection and Evaluation (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Oliveira, H. (2024) Unlockit Field Lab on Incentivizing real estate participants - Strategies and Business models for collaboration among stakeholders. (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Paleckyte, I., Esteves, F.A.C., Labarca, I.M.M. (2022).  Medical referral networks in the U.S (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Pagel, F. (2021). Clustering of transactional traffic data to analyse mobility patterns (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Peito, J. (2019). Incorporating complex domain knowledge into health machine learning applications (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han). 

Pereira, I. (2019). How Much Data Is Enough To Track Tourists? The Tradeoff Between Data Granularity And Storage Costs (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic) 

Pires, J. (2021). Forecast and Analysis of the Portuguese Car Fleet and Automotive Aftermarket Using Time-Series Modelling (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Raimundo, J. (2022) Optimization of retail operations from the entry to the exit: a Pingo Doce & Go Nova customer journey analysis (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Rettmann, F. (2019). AI in the European manufacturing industry – a management guide (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Lénia Mestrinho). 

Ribeiro, J. (2022). Planning and prototyping aggregation and storage of job vacancies over time (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Rocha, S. (2019). Sales as a Science: Predictive Model for Upselling Opportunities in the PaaS Industry (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han). 

Roo, M. (2022). The use of blockchain in higher education & its implementation in Nova Sbe (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Rolim, P. (2021). INCM & Nova SBE PBL Project - Retirement Law Query System: Evaluating the impact of scaling the system to other Law Statutes (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Patrícia Xufre).

Salama, R. (2021), Data-driven Modeling of Smart Building Energy Management (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Schmitz, S. (2022) Applying machine learning techniques to identify companies at higher risk of ESG controversy (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Schnülle, T. (2022). Algorithmic trading with cryptocurrencies - does twitter sentiment impact short-term price fluctuations in bitcoin (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Semmelhaack, J. (2022) VOIDS: impact of demand forecasting accuracy improvement on shareholder value creation (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Sidique, G. (2019). CRM and its importance in an online company - Uniplaces (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos). 

Simões, A. (2022) Creating a product to segment donors and predict donor churn for the non-profit sector: the impact of paid social media advertising on financial revenues for non-profits (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Sousa, C. (2019). Advanced Analytics as a driver of business value (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos). 

Southerington, E. (2019). How Consumers acquire Financial Literacy? An information acquisition model of human capital (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Carlos Santos).

Steinbach, C. (2024) Opportunity Quantification: Building the Financial Model for a Carbon Credit Marketplace (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Sturm, N. (2022). Quantifying implicit political intentions in parliamentary discourse - an integrated approach using semi-supervised learning and vector space information retrieval (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).

Veiga, J.M.C. (2022). Understanding the referral mechanism between general practitioners and specialists in private healthcare using network science (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Veiga, J. (2019). Understand Doctoral Referral Networks (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han) 

Von Haugwitz, F., Petry, H., Tumbragel, T.S. (2022). A systematic design and implementation for symptom checker for medical referral (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Wandersleb, T. (2022) VOIDS: demand forecasting for consumer electronic goods - a transformer-based deep learning approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Wawers, A. (2022) An analysis of the impact of ESG on corporate financial performance in Europe (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Wegener, W. (2022) The influence of ESG in the job market: a qualitative analysis on the impact of ESG factors on perceived employer attractiveness (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Werdich, L. (2021). Predicting the Development of Diabetic Nephropathy to Simulate Treatments Using Deep Learning Approaches (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Wu, Z. (2022) Hyperml and deep interest network bo build a recommender system: data privacy with GAN (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han). 

Würfel, M. (2021), Online Advertising Revenue Forecasting: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach (Nova SBE; Adviser: Prof. Qiwei Han).

Zipfel, S. (2024) Analyzing Corporate Engagement in the Carbon Credit Market: Exploring Pain Points purchasing Carbon Credits (Adviser: Prof. Leid Zejnilovic).


APPSHO and Nova SBE Data, Operations & Technology Knowledge Center (2023). Improving the capacity of Oral Health Assessment using AI. Lisbon.

Nova SBE (2023). African Tourism Data Ecosystem: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth. Nova School of Business & Economics.

Pandit D, Caetano A,RiboldiB, Mestrinho L (2023). Annual African Tourism Outlook-AATO 2023, Nova School of Business& Economics, Carcavelos


ATB e Nova SBE Data, Operations & Technology Knowledge Center (2022). Improving School Failure Risk Assessment. Lisboa.

El-Abass, F., Oldenburg, F. B., Rocha, M., Han, Q., Caetano, A., Mestrinho, L., Collier, B. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on Tourism and Hospitality: Evidence from Airbnb in Portugal and Spain.


ANP|WWF, Docapesca e Nova SBE Data, Operations & Technology Knowledge Center (2021). Fuga à lota: procurando soluções informadas pela Ciência de Dados. Lisboa.

Han, Q., Mestrinho, L., Caetano, A., Merzenich, J., Fleer, J., Matera, M. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on Tourism and Hospitality in Portugal: Evidence From Airbnb. Nova School of Business & Economics.

Nova SBE e NOS (2021). Indicadores de mobilidade intra-municipais no combate à Covid-19. Nova School of Business & Economics.

Nova SBE (2021). Questionário “Impacto do COVID-19 e do Estado de Emergência nas Organizações Sociais de Portugal”. 1.ª Edição, Nova School of Business & Economics.

Nova SBE (2021). “Impacto da COVID-19 nas Organizações Sociais de Portugal” (2.a Edição)". 2.ª Edição, Nova School of Business & Economics.


Zejnilovic, L., Mestrinho, L., Cassibry, K., Bandeira, M. (2020). Data-driven Decision-making in the Portuguese Social Sector. Nova School of Business & Economics (Social Equitive Initiative)