Nova SBE CEMS MIM Students will participate in the Graduation Ceremony
Promoted by Nova | 06 December 2023 Nova SBE CEMS MIM Students will participate in the Graduation Ceremony

The London School of Economics welcomes graduates from 33 leading business schools worldwide next Saturday, December 9, to mark the CEMS Alliance Annual Events, including the Graduation Ceremony and its respective celebrations.  

The 2023 Annual Events include the adoption of the updated CEMS Alliance Vision. Inspired by humanity's fundamental challenges in the 21st century, the CEMS Global Alliance, which celebrates its 35th anniversary this year, emphasizes its commitment to developing responsible leaders who seek sustainable business solutions that benefit humanity and the planet.

CEMS is an alliance of 33 universities, including some of the best business schools in the world, 70 multinational companies, and 8 NGOs, which together deliver the CEMS Master's in International Management. Upon graduation, students must speak three languages (one of which is English), have studied at two member business schools, and have completed a business project with one of the business partners.  

The Graduation Ceremony features 62 of Nova SBE's 89 CEMS MIM students, who will be part of a group of more than 860 students out of a class of 1285 participating in the event. 

"CEMS has always valued the strength in difference. We cultivate leaders who are curious and capable of discernment, have the mental and emotional strength to confront challenges with humility and integrity and resolve to learn and deeply understand the complexities of our time.  Our 35th anniversary is the ideal time to reaffirm our commitment to the idea that the leaders who will be best prepared for the future will be free and unafraid in an uncertain world, will be humane citizens who can engage fully and think independently, and will contribute to a more open, sustainable, and inclusive world", says Professor Lars Strannegård, CEMS Chair and President of the Stockholm School of Economics.  


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