
Ph.D. in Management

Research at Nova SBE

Start your academic career with us

Nova SBE is committed to doctoral researchers’ effective placement. Our doctoral researchers are well suited for positions in competitive international institutions, as well as to fill top positions in business companies, financial institutions, and governmental organizations.


Ph.D. Placement 


  • Franziska Hittmair: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Business School (USA)
  • Yueling Zhou: Assistant Professor, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)


  • Duc Hoang : Google Search Language Specialist, Google (Vietnam)
  • Liliana Dinis: Lecturer, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
  •  (Portugal)
  • Tomé Salgueiro: Assistant Professor, University of Delaware (USA)
  • Vera Fearns: Postdoctoral Researcher, Interactive Technologies Institute (Portugal)


  • Cátia Alves: Assistant Professor, University of Vienna (Austria)

  • Filipa Rodrigues: Assistant Professor, Universidade Europeia (Portugal)
  • Florence Basto: Assistant Professor Adjunct, Lisbon School of Economics and Management – ISEG (Portugal)
  • Muriel Da Silva: Head of Quality and Innovation, Vieira de Almeida & Associados (Portugal)
Isabel Albuquerque

Dissertation "Performance of Healthcare Organizations: contributing variables to efficiency and quality"
Advisor Prof. Rita Campos e Cunha
Placement Nova University Lisbon

Aníbal Lopez

Dissertation "From the bitterness of lemons to the sweet taste of lemonade. Three Essays in Entrepreneurship"
Advisor Prof. Pedro Neves
Placement Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing

Filipa Fonseca

Dissertation "Hospital Management and Patient Safety"
Advisor Prof. Pedro Pita Barros
Placement Nova SBE

Joana Dias 

Dissertation "How emotions are shaped within services organizations: Empirical studies among Portuguese nurses and physicians", November 2017
Advisor Prof. Miguel Pina e Cunha
Placement Universidade Lusíada Norte

Sónia Oliveira

Dissertation "Dualities in international management: Exploring the role of managers as organizers of standardization/adaptation", November 2017
Advisor Prof. Miguel Pina e Cunha and Prof. Joana Story
Placement Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE)

Maria João Velez 

Dissertation "Leadership as a Process: The Interplay Between Leaders, Followers and Context", July 2016
Advisor Prof. Pedro Neves
Placement ISCSP

Sandra Cristina Pereira Costa

Dissertation "Psychologycal Contract Breach: Underlying Mechanisms and Defining Boundary Conditions", November 2016
Advisor Prof. Pedro Neves
Placement Universidade de Liverpool

Sara Jahanmir 

Dissertation "Three Essays on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The role of late adopters", December 2016
Advisor Prof. Luis Lages
Placement NEOMA Business School

Bernardo Pimentel  

Dissertation "The Role of Individual Ability and Structural Embeddedness on Entrepreneurial Success", May 2015
Advisor Prof. José Mata
Placement ISEG

Pedro Pires 

Dissertation "Does Ownership Structure Matter?", September 2015
Advisor Prof. Miguel Ferreira
Placement Post-Doc at Nova SBE (ERC Project)

Nina Bauer

Dissertation "The role of objects in creative collaborations"
Advisor Prof. Miguel Pina e Cunha and Stewart Clegg
Placement Hermann Bauer GMBH

Vera Colaço

Dissertation "Ethical Consumption (In)Decisions”
Advisor Prof. Rita Coelho do Vale
Placement Consulting for the Textiles & Apparel Industry

Cláudia Costa

Dissertation "Three essays on innovation: The moderating roles of reputation for innovation, CSR Principles and Managerial Perceptions of Environmental Turbulence"
Advisor Prof. Luis Lages
Awarded "Best Doctoral Thesis 2014" - António Simões Lopes Award by Ordem dos Economistas and pwc


I believe this program is truly international and aims to the highest research standards. Additionally, the possibility of submitting the thesis as a compilation of three studies helps future researchers to build a solid background and present publishable work when the time for the job market arrives. 

Filipa Lancastre, PhD Alumni in Management (Social Enterprise)
