Distinctively International
This Ph.D. follows the best international practices and emphasizes publishing in international outlets. Our faculty is well connected with leading research institutions across the world and will help you place your work into an international context.
Training experience
Our goal is to prepare you as an independent researcher. With this in mind, the first year of the program includes, along with core courses, elective courses from which you can choose your particular field of interest.
Research excellence
A series of research workshops get students acquainted with the research agenda of the faculty in the first year. Plus, they will have a supervisor to guide them through the program from day one. From then on, students can present their work and get feedback from faculty members who work in several of our knowledge centers.
International networking
We expect our students to spend the equivalent of a semester abroad in a prestigious international institution, allowing them to interact with other Ph.D. academics in their specific field and other areas of specialization.
Effective placement
Our faculty is actively involved in the placement of Ph.D. students. Our recent graduates got positions in prestigious international institutions, as well as Portuguese higher-education and public organizations.