15 Nov '23
Events | Wednesday Lunch For Thoughts with Sword Health

The "Lunch for Thoughts" event – hosted by Nova SBE Open & User Innovation Knowledge Center and featuring Sword Health – offered the Nova SBE Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MIEI) students incredible insights into the world of healthcare innovation.

From Sword Health's inspiring journey to becoming the first Portuguese Healthcare Unicorn to their impactful growth showcased in the portfolio presentation, the event deep dives into the Healthcare Innovation essence.

The Sword Health will have a live product demo and Q&A session providing MIEI students with thoughtful discussions about skills required to become an innovator in healthcare, patients’ data management and privacy concerns, business model design, and the future of Sword Health.

Lunch For Thoughts with Sword Health
  • From 15 November 2023
  • To 01 December 2023
  • Location Nova Sbe | D007