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Exciting news from the MozambES project
News | 12 April 2024 Exciting news from the MozambES project

The mangrove restoration work has started in Nhangau, supported by the PES-like scheme from the MozambES project. We are working with 10 savings groups from the Nhangau area, and each group is composed of 20-30 people.











Participants from the selected groups have already initiated the reforestation activities in the selected areas: they have beencollecting seeds, working on direct replanting and created a small nursery for future replanting.


MozambES receives funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) under grant agreement contract FCT-AGAKHAN/541744715/2019

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