Steffen Hoernig
Steffen Hoernig
Research Track
Economics for Policy Knowledge Center

Steffen Hoernig is Professor of Economics at Nova School of Business & Economics, Lisbon, Portugal. He obtained a degree in Management at the Universität Bielefeld in Germany; a Master in Applied Mathematical Sciences at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA; and a PhD degree in Economics at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. His research and publication area is Industrial Organization, with particular emphasis on competition in and regulation of electronic communications markets and the digital economy. He has published in the RAND Journal of Economics, Economic Theory, Journal of Industrial Economics and the International Journal of Industrial Organization. He is co-editor of the Portuguese Economic Journal, and associate editor of Information Economics & Policy and Review of Economics, and collaborates with think tanks, courts, regulators, companies, and the European Commission.

2000 - PhD in Economics - European University Institute in Florence, Italy

2007 - Agregação in Economics - Nova SBE, Portugal 

1995 - Diplomkaufmann (Management degree) - Universität Bielefeld, Germany

1993 - Master in Applied Mathematical Sciences - University of Georgia, Athens, USA

Industrial Organization; Digital Markets; Regulation; Competition; Game Theory 

  • Abrardi, Laura, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2024). “I don't care about cookies!” data disclosure and time-inconsistent users. Information Economics and Policy, 69.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen, Vogelsang, Ingo (2021). Co-investment, uncertainty, and opportunism: ex-Ante and ex-Post remedies. Information Economics and Policy, 56.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen, Vogelsang, Ingo (2020). Fiber investment and access under uncertainty: long-term contracts, risk premia, and access options. Journal Of Regulatory Economics, 57 (2), 105-117.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Monteiro, Francisco (2020). Zero-rating and network effects. Economics Letters, 186.
  • Barros, Pedro P., Hoernig, Steffen (2018). Sectoral regulators and the Competition Authority: which relationship is best?. Review of Industrial Organization, 52 (3), 451-472.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2018). Cooperative investment, access, and uncertainty. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 56, 78-106.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2018). On the minimum correlation between symmetrically distributed random variables. Operations Research Letters, 46 (4), 469-471.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2016). Going beyond duopoly: Connectivity breakdowns under receiving party pays. Information Economics and Policy, 36, 1-9.
  • Barros, Pedro P., Hoernig, Steffen, Nilssen, Tore (2015). Transversal agency and crowding out. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 171 (4), 589-608.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2015). Geographic access markets and investments. Information Economics and Policy, 31, 13-21.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2015). Price distortion under fixed-mobile substitution. Economia e Politica Industriale, 42 (4), 441-454.
  • Harbord, David, Hoernig, Steffen (2015). Welfare analysis of regulating mobile termination rates in the U.K.. Journal of Industrial Economics, 63 (4), 673-703.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo (2015). Fixed-mobile substitution and termination rates. Telecommunications Policy, 39 (1), 65-76.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Inderst, Roman, Valletti, Tommaso (2014). Calling circles: network competition with nonuniform calling patterns. Rand Journal Of Economics, 45 (1), 155-175.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2014). Competition between multiple asymmetric networks: theory and applications. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 32 (1), 57-69.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo (2014). Fixed-mobile integration. Journal Of Regulatory Economics, 45 (1), 57-74.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2014). The strength of the waterbed effect depends on tariff type. Economics Letters, 125 (2), 291-294.
  • Harbord, David, Hoernig, Steffen (2013). Efectos de la reducción de tarifas de terminación móvil enel bienestar en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones de México. Trimestre Economico, 80 (319), 651-686.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Jay, Stephan, Neu, Werner , Neumann, Karl Heinz, Plueckebaum, Thomas , Vogelsang, Ingo (2013). Wholesale pricing, NGA take-up and competition. Communications & Strategies, 86 (2nd Quarter), 153-174.
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2012). Ex ante regulation and co-investment in the transition to next generation access. Telecommunications Policy, 36 (5), 399-406.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2012). Strategic delegation under price competition and network effects. Economics Letters, 117 (2), 487-489.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Jay, Stephan, Neumann, Karl Heinz, Peitz, Martin, Plückebaum, Thomas, Vogelsang, Ingo (2012). The impact of different fibre access network technologies on cost, competition and welfare. Telecommunications Policy, 36 (2), 96-112.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Valletti, Tommaso (2011). When two-part tariffs are not enough: mixing with nonlinear pricing. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 11 (1).
  • Bourreau, Marc, Cambini, Carlo, Hoernig, Steffen (2010). National FTTH plans in France, Italy and Portugal. Communications & Strategies, 78 (2), 107-126.
  • Vareda, João, Hoernig, Steffen (2010). Racing for investment under mandatory access. B E Journal Of Economic Analysis & Policy, 10 (1).
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2007). Bertrand games and sharing rules. Economic Theory, 31 (3), 573-585.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Valletti, Tommaso M. (2007). Mixing goods with two-part tariffs. European Economic Review, 51 (7), 1733-1750.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2007). On-net and off-net pricing on asymmetric telecommunications networks. Information Economics and Policy, 19 (2), 171-188.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2006). Should uniform pricing constraints be imposed on entrants?. Journal Of Regulatory Economics, 30 (2), 199-216.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2003). Asymmetry, stability and growth in a step-by-step R and D-race. European Economic Review, 47 (2), 245-257.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2003). Existence of equilibrium and comparative statics in differentiated goods Cournot oligopolies. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21 (7), 989-1019.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2002). Mixed Bertrand equilibria under decreasing returns to scale: An embarrassment of riches. Economics Letters, 74 (3), 359-362.
  • Valletti, Tommaso M., Hoernig, Steffen, Barros, Pedro P. (2002). Universal service and entry: The role of uniform pricing and coverage constraints. Journal Of Regulatory Economics, 21 (2), 169-190.
  • Hoernig, Steffen, Vogelsang, Ingo (2013). The ambivalence of two-part tariffs for bottleneck access. Wettbewerb und Regulierung in Medien, Politik und Märkten. Dewenter, Ralf, Haucap, Justus, Kehder, Christiane (Eds.), Nomos Verlag, 63-80.
  • Hoernig, Steffen (2012). Mobile telephony. Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy. Oxford University Press, 210-230.