Roberto Ragozzino
Roberto Ragozzino
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Research Track
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center


Roberto Ragozzino is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Nova SBE. He holds a doctorate degree in Business Policy and Strategy from Ohio State University.

Roberto´s research is in the broad areas of corporate strategy, entrepreneurship and international management. He usually studies business phenomena in these areas using an economic lens, drawing mostly from such theoretical frameworks as information economics, agency theory and transaction cost economics. His work has been published in several journals, such as Academy of Management Review, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and several others. Roberto has also written articles for professional audiences in such outlets as Financial Times, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance and Forbes India. Roberto is on the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal and Global Strategy Journal and he is a member of the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society.

Roberto has taught strategy, entrepreneurship and international business from the undergraduate to the doctoral levels. He is engaged in executive education programs in North America and Europe and he has worked with several companies from multinationals to entrepreneurial ventures. 

2004 - PhD in Business Policy and Strategy - Fisher School of Business, Ohio State University

2002 - Master in Business Policy and Strategy Fisher School of Business, Ohio State University

1998 - Master in Finance - Robinson School of Business, Georgia State University

1997 - Bachelor in Finance - Robinson School of Business, Georgia State University

Competitive strategy, corporate strategy, M&A, strategic alliances, joint ventures, IPOs, venture capital (VC), entrepreneurship, international management.

  • Pollock, Timothy G., Ragozzino, Roberto, P. Blevins, Dane (2024). Not like the rest of us? How CEO celebrity affects quarterly earnings call language. Journal of Management, 50 (4), 1198 - 1229.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2024). Implications of mergers and acquisitions for information disclosures in earnings calls. Long Range Planning, 57 (1).
  • Blevins, Dane P., Ragozzino, Roberto, Eckardt, Rory (2022). “Corporate governance” and performance in nonprofit organizations. Strategic Organization, 20 (2), 293-317.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Blevins, Dane P. (2021). An investigation of the attention effects of venture capitalist backing on entrepreneurial firms. Long Range Planning, 54 (3).
  • Blevins, Dane P., Ragozzino, Roberto (2020). On firm reputation and managerial discretion: Clarifying the link between outcome-based and behavior-based reputations. Academy of Management Review, 45 (2), 472-474.
  • Blevins, Dane P., Ragozzino, Roberto (2019). On social media and the formation of organizational reputation: How social media are increasing cohesion between organizational reputation and traditional media for stakeholders. Academy of Management Review, 44 (1), 219-222.
  • Blevins, Dane P., Ragozzino, Roberto (2018). An examination of the effects of venture capitalists on the alliance formation activity of entrepreneurial firms. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (7), 2075-2091.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Shafi, Kourosh, Blevins, Dane P. (2018). The effects of pre-IPO corporate activity on newly-public firms' growth. Long Range Planning, 51 (2), 219-233.
  • Blevins, Dane P., Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2017). How the jobs act is reshaping ipos: Implications for entrepreneurial firms. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31 (2), 109-123.
  • Blevins, Dane P., Moschieri, Caterina, Pinkham, Brian C., Ragozzino, Roberto (2016). Institutional changes within the European Union: How global cities and regional integration affect MNE entry decisions. Journal of World Business, 51 (2), 319-330.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J., Trigeorgis, Lenos (2016). Real options in strategy and finance: Current gaps and future linkages. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30 (4), 428-440.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Blevins, Dane P. (2016). Venture-backed firms: How does venture capital involvement affect their likelihood of going public or being acquired?. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 40 (5), 991-1016.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto (2016). Who gets first dibs? A buy-side investigation of the dual tracking phenomenon in M&A. Long Range Planning, 49 (2), 207-220.
  • Moschieri, Caterina, Ragozzino, Roberto, Campa, Jose Manuel (2014). Does regional integration change the effects of country-level institutional barriers on M&A? The case of the European Union. Management International Review, 54 (6), 853-877.
  • Reuer, Jeffrey J., Ragozzino, Roberto (2014). Signals and international alliance formation: The roles of affiliations and international activities. Journal Of International Business Studies, 45 (3), 321-327.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Moschieri, Caterina (2014). When theory doesn't meet practice: Do firms really stage their investments?. Academy of Management Perspectives, 28 (1), 22-37.
  • Reuer, Jeffrey J., Ragozzino, Roberto (2012). The choice between joint ventures and acquisitions: Insights from signaling theory. Organization Science, 23 (4), 1175-1190.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2011). Geographic distance and corporate acquisitions: Signals from IPO firms. Strategic Management Journal, 32 (8), 876-894.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2010). The opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial acquisitions. European Management Review, 7 (2), 80-90.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2009). Contingent earnouts in acquisitions of privately held targets. Journal of Management, 35 (4), 857-879.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto (2009). The effects of geographic distance on the foreign acquisition activity of U.S. firms. Management International Review, 49 (4), 509-535.
  • Ariño, Africa, Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2008). Alliance dynamics for entrepreneurial firms. Journal of Management Studies, 45 (1), 147-168.
  • Reuer, Jeffrey J., Ragozzino, Roberto (2008). Adverse selection and M&A design: The roles of alliances and IPOs. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 66 (2), 195-212.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2007). Initial public offerings and the acquisition of entrepreneurial firms. Strategic Organization, 5 (2), 155-176.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto (2006). Firm valuation effects of high-tech M&A: A comparison of new ventures and established firms. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 17 (1), 85-96.
  • Reuer, Jeffrey J., Ragozzino, Roberto (2006). Agency hazards and alliance portfolios. Strategic Management Journal, 27 (1), 27-43.
  • Reuer, Jeffrey J., Shenkar, Oded, Ragozzino, Roberto (2004). Mitigating risk in international mergers and acquisitions: The role of contingent payouts. Journal Of International Business Studies, 35 (1), 19-32.
  • Mesquita, Luiz F., Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2017). Collaborative strategy: Critical issues for alliances and networks. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Wu, Cheng Wei, Reuer, Jeffrey J., Ragozzino, Roberto (2013). Insights of signaling theory for acquisitions research. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. Cooper, Cary, Finkelstein, Sydney (Eds.), 173-191.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Chintakananda, Asda, Reuer, Jeff Rey J. (2012). The use of quantitative methodologies in competitive strategy research. Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy. Edward Elgar Publishing, 379-396.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto, Reuer, Jeffrey J. (2011). How initial public offerings affect M&A markets: The Dual Tracking Phenomenon. The Art of Capital Restructuring. : Creating Shareholder Value through Mergers and Acquisitions. John Wiley and Sons, 495-510.
  • Ragozzino, Roberto (2007). The role of geographic distance in FDI. A New Generation in International Strategic Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, 295-307.