Leid Zejnilovic
Leid Zejnilovic
Assistant Professor
Operations, Technology and Innovation Management
Research Track
Data Science Knowledge Center

Leid Zejnilovic is an Assistant Professor at Nova SBE with a double Ph.D. in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship from Carnegie Mellon University and Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics. He is also an Engineer of Telecommunications with a Master´s Degree in Information Technology and a Master´s Degree in Engineering and Public Policy. He co-founded several high-tech firms and online platforms and has over 20 years of international consulting and technology management experience. As an academic entrepreneur, he co-founded two knowledge centers at Nova SBE, the Data Science Knowledge Center and the Open and User Innovation Knowledge Center, where he serves as the Academic Director and Scientific Deputy Director, respectively. He also helped launch Patient Innovation, the platform for patients and caregivers to share self-made innovative solutions to cope with their health disorders. Leid is a co-founding Chairman of Data Science for Social Good Foundation and an associate editor for Data & Policy Journal. In the past years, Leid taught or led academic programs at NovaSBE, Imperial College Business School, and Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, among other places. He has given over 100 talks in industry and academia. 

2014 - PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Technological Change - Carnegie Mellon University / Catholic University of Portugal

2012 - Master in Engineering and Public Policy - Carnegie Mellon University

2007 - Master in Information Technology - Dzemal Bijedic University

2002 - Bachelor in Telecommunications - University of Sarajevo

Technology and Innovation Management, Human-Computer Interaction

  • Abreu Novais, Margarida, Del Papa, Bruno, Han, Qiwei, Mohan, Kaushik, Vásárhelyi, Orsolya, Wang, Yanbing, Zejnilovic, Leid (2025). Investigating patterns of tourist movement using multiple data sources. (Accepted/In press) Journal of Vacation Marketing.
  • Lavado, Susana, Costa, Eduardo, Sturm, Niclas F, Tafferner, Johannes S, Rodrigues, Octávio, Pita Barros, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid (2025). Low-cost and scalable machine learning model for identifying children and adolescents with poor oral health using survey data: An empirical study in Portugal. PLoS ONE, 20 (1), e0312075.
  • Zejnilović, Leid, Lavado, Susana, Grilo, Catarina, Sá, Rita, Faias, Sérgio (2024). The effects of COVID-19 restrictions on portuguese marine small-scale fisheries: A regional analysis. Marine Policy, 165.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Cennamo, Carmelo, Zejnilovic, Leid (2022). Unlocking innovation in healthcare: The case of the patient innovation platform. California Management Review, 64 (4), 47-77.
  • Han, Qiwei, Abreu Novais, Margarida, Zejnilovic, Leid (2021). Toward travel pattern aware tourism region planning: a big data approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (6), 2157-2175.
  • Genzlinger, Felix, Zejnilovic, Leid, Bustinza, Oscar F. (2020). Servitization in the automotive industry: how car manufacturers become mobility service providers. Strategic Change, 29 (2), 215-226.
  • Zejnilovic, Leid, Lavado, Susana Margarida Silva Ferreira, Troya, Inigo Martinez De Rituerto De, Sim, Samantha, Bell, Andrew (2020). Algorithmic long-term unemployment risk assessment in use: counselors’ perceptions and use and practices . Global Perspectives, 1 (1).
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Azevedo, Salomé, Rodrigues, Ana Maria, Canhão, Helena (2019). Peer Adoption and Development of Health Innovations by Patients: National Representative Study of 6204 Citizens. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (3), e11726.
  • Canhao, Helena, Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid (2017). Patient innovation: empowering patients, sharing solutions, improving lives. NEJM Catalyst , 3 (5).
  • Canhao, Helena, Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro (2017). Revolutionising healthcare by empowering patients to innovate. European Medical Journal - Innovations, 1 (1), 31-34.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhão, Helena, Von Hippel, Eric (2015). Innovation by patients with rare diseases and chronic needs. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 10 (1).
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhão, Helena, Von Hippel, Eric (2014). Patient innovation under rare diseases and chronic needs. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 9 (1), 1.
  • da Silva, Ricardo Coelho, Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro (2023). Improvisation and bricolage: Similarities and differences between two approaches to resource scarcity. The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations. Taylor & Francis, 29-49.
  • Zejnilovic, Leid, Campos, Pedro (2023). Project-based learning with a social impact: Connecting data science movements, civic statistics, and service-learning. Statistics for empowerment and social engagement. : Teaching civic statistics to develop informed citizens. Springer, 537–562.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhao, Helena (2017). Challenges and opportunities in developing and sharing solutions by patients and caregivers: the story of a knowledge commons for the patient innovation project. 1st ed. Governing Medical Knowledge Commons. Strandburg, Katherine J., Frischmann, Brett M., Madison, Michael J. (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 301-325.
  • Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro, Canhao, Helena (2016). Innovations by and for patients, and their place in the future health care system. Boundaryless Hospital. : Rethink and Redefine Health Care Management. Albach, Horst, Meffert, Heribert, Pinkwart, Andreas, Reichwald, Ralf, von Eiff, Wilfried (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 341-357.