Labs & Hubs

Nova SBE Behavioral Lab



Nova SBE Behavioral Lab members produce research on a wide range of topics in management, marketing, and economics, with a particular emphasis on individuals’ well-being (employees, managers, consumers, patients, citizens) and policy recommendations.

  • Faust, Natalie T., Chatterjee, Anjan, Christopoulos, George I. (2018). The effect of unrelated social exchanges on facial attractiveness judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 290-300.
  • Consiglio, Irene, Van Osselaer, Stijn M J (2019). The devil you know: self-esteem and switching responses to poor service. Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (3), 590-605.
  • Coutts, Alexander (2019). Good news and bad news are still news: experimental evidence on belief updating. Experimental Economics, 22 (2), 369-395.
  • Coutts, Alexander (2019). Testing models of belief bias: an experiment. Games And Economic Behavior, 113, 549-565.
  • Faust, Natalie T., Chatterjee, Anjan, Christopoulos, George I. (2019). Beauty in the eyes and the hand of the beholder: eye and hand movements' differential responses to facial attractiveness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85.
  • Sim, Samantha, Sguera, Francesco, Hafenbrack, Andrew (2019). A roadmap for state mindfulness research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1).
  • Masters-Waage, T. C., Nai, J., Reb, J., Sim, S., Narayanan, J., & Tan, N. (2021). Going far together by being here now: Mindfulness increases cooperation in negotiations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes167, 189-205.
  • Finding meaning in one’s work
    Principal investigators: Irene Consiglio & Sofia Kousi.
  • Reducing confirmation bias in managerial decision making
    Principal investigators: Irene Consiglio & Sofia Kousi.
  • Financial risk-taking
    Principal Investigator: Natalie Truong Faust
  • Gender role stereotypes in advertisements
    Principal Investigator: Natalie Truong Faust
  • Consumers’ vulnerability to persuasion
    Principal Investigator: Irene Consiglio
  • Creativity and motivation for social change
    Principal Investigator: Irene Consiglio
  • Political brands and brand controversy
    Principal Investigator: Irene Consiglio
  • Consumers’ (unattainable) desires and happiness
    Principal Investigator: Sofia Kousi
  • Creatives Brand Attitudes Change their Performance Forecasting Ability
    Principal Investigator: Catia Alves
  • Spreading Roots: How Making Things Yourself Increases Groundedness and Decreases Anxiety
    Principal Investigator: Arnaud Monnier
  • Leader humor
    Principais Investigatores: Samantha Sim, Pedro Neves
  • Prescriptive agency, communality, and gender: An interactive model of effective leadership in the homelessness crisis
    Principal Investigator: Kayla Stajkovic.
  • The Role of Language in Gender Stereotyping
    Principal Investigator:  Priya Krishnan

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