António Pedro de Sá Leal
António Pedro de Sá Leal

António Pedro de Sá Leal graduated in Philosophy at Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCSH, having later taken two postgraduate degrees in European Studies and Marketing Management at ISEG, and recently graduated in Advanced Management of Economy of the Sea by AESE Business School. From 1996 onward decided to dedicate his life to surfing. In 2001 founded the company Alfarroba that contributed in a decisive way to the affirmation of Surfing in Portugal. He created Free Surf Magazine, the first and only free surf magazine in Portugal, he is co-author of the book Portugal Surf Guide, the first complete guide to Portuguese waves (UZINA BOOKS -2012-2017). He is the author of the book Surfing- The Next Step (LEYA- CASA DAS LETRAS – 2018), and in 2020 he released his first novel – SALVADORES (LEYA-CASA DAS LETRAS – 2020). He currently divides his time in several projects, among which the role of Lifedreamer in Associação Surf Social Wave, a non-profit social association that uses surfing as a way of training young people and adults towards employability, of chair at Surfrider Foundation Europe in Lisbon, and as an invited assistant professor at the Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior.