
Leia as nossas últimas notícias

UNL Rectory organized the second edition of NOVA Science Day on September 18 - <p>This year&#39;s edition was dedicated to the talent of NOVA, in particular to researchers who have already been awarded grants from the European Research Council (ERC), as was the case of <b>Miguel...</b></p>
Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education (LESE) - <p>Nova SBE researchers attended&nbsp; the Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education (LESE), the 5th&nbsp;<a href="">Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics of Education</a>, on Jan 24-25...</p>
Newcomer CEOs: Performing in times of crisis - <p><strong>José Tavares, João Amador </strong>and<strong> Sharmin Sazedj</strong> (PhD candidate in Economics|Finance) published the article &ldquo;<a href="">Newcomer CEOs: Performing in times of crisis</a>&rdquo;, in VOX (, the CEPR (Centre...</p>
Several top papers have been published in this last month - <p><strong>João A. Cabral dos Santos </strong>published in <a href="">The Review of Financial Studies</a>; <strong>José Mata</strong> and <strong>Cláudia Alves</strong> (former PhD candidate) published in the <a href="">Strategic Management Journal</a>;<strong> Miguel Ferreira</strong> published two...</p>
Destaques . 05 dezembro 2022 Nova SBE Integra TOP 25 das Melhores Escolas de Gestão da Europa e Mantém Liderança em Portugal

A Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) integra o TOP das 25 melhores escolas de gestão da Europa, subindo três posições e ocupando o 24.º lugar...

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