11 Dec '20
Finance Seminars | Friday Online Research Finance Seminar with Pedro Bordalo from Said Business School

Professor Pedro Bordalo will present the paper "Expectations of Fundamentals and Stock Market Puzzles"

We revisit several leading aggregate stock market puzzles by incorporating into a standard dividend discount model survey expectations of earnings of S&P 500 firms. Using survey expectations, while keeping discount rates constant, explains a significant part of “excess” stock price volatility, fluctuations in price earnings and price dividend ratios, and return predictability. Expectations about long term earnings growth emerge as a key driver of these pricing anomalies.
The evidence is consistent with a mechanism in which good news about fundamentals leads to excessively optimistic long term earnings forecasts, inflating stock prices and leading to subsequent low returns. Relaxing rational expectations of fundamentals in a standard asset pricing model, guided by empirical measures of expectations and in line with accumulating evidence on overreaction, yields a parsimonious account of stock market puzzles.

Online Research Finance Seminar with Pedro Bordalo from Said Business School
  • From 11 December 2020 11:00 AM
  • To 11 December 2020 12:30 PM
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