Alexander Coutts analyzed the racial bias around the world
Research | 08 July 2020 Alexander Coutts analyzed the racial bias around the world

The analysis of the Racial bias around the world, by Alexander Coutts, was quoted in Exame magazine. The professor used the Implicit Association Test data, which tries to measure how fast our association of negative/positive words with white/black faces is (take the test here). “We observe a prejudice against the black population in all countries”, said Alexander Coutts. According to the professor among the 3.75 million people who took the test worldwide, 21% have a strong pro-white bias and 26% a moderate pro-white bias. Furthermore, all races have this pro-white tendency, except for blacks who do not have any implicit prejudice. Portugal is in the top 30 of countries with the greatest prejudice, with 71% of the population showing a pro-white bias. “What can be damaging to society are those who do not consider themselves racist, but who have implicit prejudices. They are normal people and they are educating the next generation. What these results show is that these people, many without realizing it, may be holding back the progress of non-white groups”, says the professor.

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