Pedro Brinca
Pedro Brinca
Assistant Researcher
Research Track
Economics for Policy Knowledge Center

Pedro Brinca currently holds a position as Assistant Researcher at NovaSBE. He´s also affiliated as a researcher at the Center for Economics and Finance (CEF.UP) at the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, under a research grant for post-doctoral studies from the Foundation for Science and Technology. He co-organizes the monthly Lisbon Macro Workshop, joint with Luis Costa(ISEG) and Catarina Reis(UC Lisbon) and he´s an associate editor of “Notas Económicas“,the peer-reviewed economics journal from his alma mater, U Coimbra. He also created and maintain, together with João B. Duarte, the MacroNovagroup.

He has been involved in executive education programs at Nova SBE, for both the GeneralManagement Program (CGG), AppliedManagement Program (PGA) and customized programs offered on-site. He has been involved in consulting projects at Economics for Policy and NovaFinance Center, knowledge centers at Nova SBE, in the topics of financial literacy and banking and finance and also for Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

2018 - Agregação, Nova School of Businesse and Economics

2013 - PhD in Economics - Stockholm University

2006 - Master in Economics - Stockholm University

2005 - Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration -  Stockholm University

Macroeconomics, business cycle fluctuations and economic policy. Quantitative methods and applications, both in economics and biostatistics.

  • Brinca, Pedro, Costa Filho, João Ricardo (2024). Accounting for Mexican business cycles. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 28 (3), 546-568.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Costa Filho, João Ricardo, Loria, Francesca (2024). Business cycle accounting: What have we learned so far?. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38 (4), 1276-1316.
  • Kotrba, Vojtěch, Strnadová, Mirka, Martinez, Luis f., Brinca, Pedro (2024). The most likeable soccer players and the least likeable hockey players are in greater demand. The Journal of Economic Inequality.
  • Malafry, Laurence, Brinca, Pedro (2022). Climate policy in an unequal world: Assessing the cost of risk on vulnerable households. Ecological Economics, 194.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Ferreira, Miguel H., Franco, Francesco, Holter, Hans A., Malafry, Laurence (2021). Fiscal consolidation programs and income inequality. International Economic Review, 62 (1), 405-460.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Duarte, Joao B., Faria-e-Castro, Miguel (2021). Measuring labor supply and demand shocks during COVID-19. European Economic Review, 139.
  • Brinca, Pedro (2020). Modern macroeconomics and heterogeneity. Notas económicas, (51), 7-20.
  • Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Brinca, Pedro, Gujónsson, Haukur Viar, Soares, Maria Joana (2017). Business cycle synchronization across U.S. states. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 17 (1), 1-15.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Holter, Hans A., Krusell, Per, Malafry, Laurence (2016). Fiscal multipliers in the 21st century. Journal of Monetary Economics, 77, 53-69.
  • Brinca, Pedro (2014). Distortions in the neoclassical growth model: a cross country analysis. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 47, 1-19.
  • Brinca, Pedro (2013). Monetary business cycle accounting for Sweden. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 13 (1), 1085-1119.
  • Dées, Stèphane, Brinca, Pedro (2013). Consumer Confidence as a Predictor of Consumption Spending: Evidence for the United States and Euro Area. International Economics, 134, 1-14.
  • Viveiros, Filipa , Mota, M., Brinca, Pedro, Carvalho, Aurora M., Duarte, Raquel (2013). Tuberculosis screening and treatment compliance in HIV patients. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, 19 (3), 134-138.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Castro, Francisca Osório de, Duarte, João B., Moura, Afonso Souto de, Núncio, Paulo , Pimentel, Miguel Cortez (2024). O impacto do IRC na economia portuguesa. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Duarte, João B. (2022). The importance of housing in Portugal: A macroeconomic perspective. The real estate market in Portugal. : Prices, rents, tourism and accessibility. Rodrigues, Paulo M. M. (Eds.), Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 9-26.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Chari, V.V., Kehoe, P.J., McGrattan, E. (2016). Accounting for Business Cycles. 2016 ed. Handbook of Macroeconomics. Taylor, John B., Uhlig, Harald (Eds.), North-Holland, Vol. 2, 1013-1063.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Ferreira, Miguel H., Franco, Francesco, Holter, Hans A., Malafry, Laurence(2020), Fiscal consolidation programs and income inequality.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Freitas, Bruno, Mano, Margarida(2020), (CeBER WP, n. 2020-04), Labor share heterogeneity and fiscal consolidation programs.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Duarte, João B., Holter, Hans A., Oliveira, João (Feb 2019), (MPRA Paper, n. 91960), Investment-specific technological change, taxation and inequality in the U.S..
  • Brinca, Pedro, Iskrev, Nikolay, Loria, Francesca(2018), (MPRA Munich Personal RePEc Archive, n. 90250), On identification issues in business cycle accounting models.
  • Brinca, Pedro, Ferreira, Miguel H., Franco, Francesco, Holter, Hans Aasnes, Malafry, Laurence(2017), (Stockholm University, Department of Economics), Fiscal consolidation programs and income inequality.